Oz - you are definitely entitled to your opinion. Remember that you are stating opinions here, not facts. To say it can only be viewed is your perception. My perception is that 2000 threads necesitates a change in alignment.
I agree that in the 'early days' of this forum the slant was quite strong towards K&C. Perhaps a bit too strong. We have been pleased to see the Forum branch into many new areas. If this were purely a K&C forum, we wouldn't see the Lt's Zulus, Fubar's huge layouts, Fish and KV's work (including the marvelous Pete figure...), Pat's ecletic mix of figures, and the list could go on.
Is there a problem with having K&C listed first so people who are working on one of the 2000 threads can find it easier? I don't see it.
I think we've beat this horse to death (good thing the donkey was spared).
Oz! Just let the water flow under the bridge and don,t shake the boat. Laugh of all the stupid antics and if any one wants to worship K&C let them pray to the all mighty ANDY!!!
I know this forum has a very pro K&C member base but as pete has stated it has goten better over the last couple of years and is slowly starting to attract members with other interests besides K&C.
When I first joined here the forum was home off the K&C SS death squad and I remeber almost getting tar and feathered for suggesting that K&C make its figures in plastic as well as metal.
I was mostly a plastic collector at the time but I also liked K&C as I still do and at the time I was one of the very few plastic collectors here but I weathered the storm and held out and tried to make a place here for other plastic collectors and tried to get other plastic collectors and plastic convertors to also join the forum.
If other collectors would just join and make a home for themselfs here others with similar interests would follow. I felt unwelcome here a few times also when I joined but I stuck it out, Both the fish and his head stuck around.
Its like the united states begings when you think about it? At first you just had british here, then other peoples started to arrive over the years and some were unwelcome at first like the irish and chinnese ect. but they kept coming and made a home for themselfs here even though they had to put up with all kinds of prejudice. I suggest that you just learn not to read posts that offend you or just get a good laugh from them. I try to avoid these type of fued threads but I think some of you guys need to lighten up a bit and just be greatful for such a great forum to share our hobby. I have had posts pulled myself a few times but I,m not going to get all upset over it! I think over all Shannon,Pete,Brad and Dave do a great job policeing the forum and keeping it free of spam and keeping us in line. You can,t swear to high hell and expect to get away with it! Most forums would have banned a member for good for such outbursts. I don,t always agree with whats banned from the forum but I wouldn,t want the job of being the one of doing it either and I think Brad has done a great job as moderator but I also think he might know most of the hymes in the K&C holy song book!
Just kidding Brad don,t delete my post!
So lighten up guys and just enjoy the forum and let some water flow under the bridge!!!