Leaving the forum. (2 Viewers)

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Louis,thanks so much mate.I'm afraid i just lost it today.My wife is very strong, she beat it once and if it has come back she'll just kick its A*** again.Thanks


Please accept my best wishes for you wife as well. I know I'm an ocean away, but I consider all of you gentlemen on this forum my friends, and wish only the best for you.

That is SUCH a nice post, but then I woudn't expect anything else from a gentleman like you. Here's hoping that Rob receives GOOD NEWS soon.....
Best Regards To All
Harry Anderson
Rob and I exchanged several PMs this morning and, happily, our long frienship is intact. He is a true gentleman.

Rob and I exchanged several PMs this morning and, happily, our long frienship is intact. He is a true gentleman.


Thank you Pierre your kind words today have helped me a lot:).This forum is really filled with kind generous and supportive people.Its a shame you can't all be in London tommorow,i'd buy you all a drink....wow that would cost a fair few quid!!:eek:;)

At Rob's request, I've removed a whole bunch of posts, which means other posts that quoted or referred to the topic.
So can we get back to the donkey.

As a supplement to Pete what just said, I don't think there would be a forum but for the interest in King and Country. As the interest in this Forum has grown, Shannon and Pete have added numerous categories to satisfy the interests of the growing number of varied collectors (many of whom are not interested in King and Country or only very little). If that's not a lack of bias, I don't know what is. It's a big tent and this Forum tries to appeal to the entire toy soldier collector and manufacturer community.

If there are areas in which members think this Forum is not serving the community, we would like to know.

On the contrary, this forum would be much LARGER if there wasn't so much bias towards King & Country. Surely you and Peter must recall the number of forum fights about this issue in the past and the number of members that are no longer active because of the bias (perceived or real). Heck, people have even started other forums because of it.

And if it is actually only perceived as you and Peter say, then I suggest you place King & Country in it's correct alphabetical position on the manufacturers list. Believe me, most people still know the alphabet. Imo the placement of that manufacturer above ALL the others on the list of manufacturers can only be viewed as an official endorsement of that company.
On the contrary, this forum would be much LARGER if there wasn't so much bias towards King & Country. Surely you and Peter must recall the number of forum fights about this issue in the past and the number of members that are no longer active because of the bias (perceived or real). Heck, people have even started other forums because of it.

And if it is actually only perceived as you and Peter say, then I suggest you place King & Country in it's correct alphabetical position on the manufacturers list. Believe me, most people still know the alphabet. Imo the placement of that manufacturer above ALL the others on the list of manufacturers can only be viewed as an official endorsement of that company.

Oz - you are definitely entitled to your opinion. Remember that you are stating opinions here, not facts. To say it can only be viewed is your perception. My perception is that 2000 threads necesitates a change in alignment.

I agree that in the 'early days' of this forum the slant was quite strong towards K&C. Perhaps a bit too strong. We have been pleased to see the Forum branch into many new areas. If this were purely a K&C forum, we wouldn't see the Lt's Zulus, Fubar's huge layouts, Fish and KV's work (including the marvelous Pete figure...), Pat's ecletic mix of figures, and the list could go on.

Is there a problem with having K&C listed first so people who are working on one of the 2000 threads can find it easier? I don't see it.

I think we've beat this horse to death (good thing the donkey was spared).

I think you are 100% right - there is a bias towards King & Country on this forum, and I am sure that I share that bias, as it is my favorite company, and I am close friends with Andy. That, as you correctly point out, does not give members the right to push their bias on other members who do not share in having high regards for K&C, or be rude to other with whom there are disagreements.

I really do consider the members of this forum friends with whom I probably have more in common and certainly spend as much if not more time conversing with then with my friends at work and in my face to face social life, so it bothers me when we get on each other in an unfriendly or nasty way. I hope that my comments were not part of the reason that Simpson left our little band, and if they were, I sincerely appologize.

I hope we are all open minded enough to realize our opinions are not the only opinions, we are not (except for the teenaged members-just ask their parents) always right, and that no matter which company is our favorite, there are other companies who make other products which are sometimes just as good or better than our favorite's. Heck that's what makes collecting great right now, there are so many great companies making so many great products . . . not to mention so many great people to discuss them with. So Oz, if you are in touch with Simpson, let him know that I for one, will miss him, and hope he keeps in touch. And yes, K&C Warbirds are overpriced, but I love them anyway.
Rob and I exchanged several PMs this morning and, happily, our long frienship is intact. He is a true gentleman.


Thank you Pierre your kind words today have helped me a lot.This forum is really filled with kind generous and supportive people.Its a shame you can't all be in London tommorow,i'd buy you all a drink....wow that would cost a fair few quid!!


Good to see that we are all friends together again.
Best Regards
Oz - you are definitely entitled to your opinion. Remember that you are stating opinions here, not facts. To say it can only be viewed is your perception. My perception is that 2000 threads necesitates a change in alignment.

I agree that in the 'early days' of this forum the slant was quite strong towards K&C. Perhaps a bit too strong. We have been pleased to see the Forum branch into many new areas. If this were purely a K&C forum, we wouldn't see the Lt's Zulus, Fubar's huge layouts, Fish and KV's work (including the marvelous Pete figure...), Pat's ecletic mix of figures, and the list could go on.

Is there a problem with having K&C listed first so people who are working on one of the 2000 threads can find it easier? I don't see it.

I think we've beat this horse to death (good thing the donkey was spared).

Oz! Just let the water flow under the bridge and don,t shake the boat. Laugh of all the stupid antics and if any one wants to worship K&C let them pray to the all mighty ANDY!!!:p
I know this forum has a very pro K&C member base but as pete has stated it has goten better over the last couple of years and is slowly starting to attract members with other interests besides K&C.
When I first joined here the forum was home off the K&C SS death squad and I remeber almost getting tar and feathered for suggesting that K&C make its figures in plastic as well as metal.
I was mostly a plastic collector at the time but I also liked K&C as I still do and at the time I was one of the very few plastic collectors here but I weathered the storm and held out and tried to make a place here for other plastic collectors and tried to get other plastic collectors and plastic convertors to also join the forum.
If other collectors would just join and make a home for themselfs here others with similar interests would follow. I felt unwelcome here a few times also when I joined but I stuck it out, Both the fish and his head stuck around.

Its like the united states begings when you think about it? At first you just had british here, then other peoples started to arrive over the years and some were unwelcome at first like the irish and chinnese ect. but they kept coming and made a home for themselfs here even though they had to put up with all kinds of prejudice. I suggest that you just learn not to read posts that offend you or just get a good laugh from them. I try to avoid these type of fued threads but I think some of you guys need to lighten up a bit and just be greatful for such a great forum to share our hobby. I have had posts pulled myself a few times but I,m not going to get all upset over it! I think over all Shannon,Pete,Brad and Dave do a great job policeing the forum and keeping it free of spam and keeping us in line. You can,t swear to high hell and expect to get away with it! Most forums would have banned a member for good for such outbursts. I don,t always agree with whats banned from the forum but I wouldn,t want the job of being the one of doing it either and I think Brad has done a great job as moderator but I also think he might know most of the hymes in the K&C holy song book!:p Just kidding Brad don,t delete my post!:p

So lighten up guys and just enjoy the forum and let some water flow under the bridge!!!:rolleyes:
Hey Tim,

Great post. Love it. Everything Tim says is true. I think this place has become better for the non-K & C collector, at least we hope so. It's been our goal to try to do that. If we're not succeeding, let us know. I'm sure you guys will anyway :D I like the analogy to the USA developing. Same thing with being a moderator. I've learned from the criticism and sometimes when I think I want to say anything, I just don't.
In the early days of the forum I think everyone read every post. Now (unless you have nothing else to do in life) I doubt that many people do that.

Some people will only read the K&C forums and nothing else.

Other people will come on and read plastics and conversions and nothing else.

Some will stick with one manufacturer...some will cross over to many manufacturers...some will mainly look at dioramas...some will go for the history threads...

There's room for a lot of people here.

It's like a church with two services. Some go to one service. Some go to another. They may not interact much, but they're a part of the same congregation. And some people will go to every service that the church has...just because.

So keep bringing friends onto your favorite corner of the forum. There's always room for more.
There is considerable bias on this Forum towards King and Country and at extreme times bordering prejudice.

The passion by them can only be balanced out by numerous collectors with similar enthusiasm for other scales and manufacturers products. IMO, that’s the only remedy.

I collect KC and many other manufacturers’ products (Britains, Figarti, HB, Patriot, FOV, etc.) and I’d like to extend an invitation to collectors that don’t or only rarely contribute to this Forum to share your zeal more often for your favorites. Otherwise the KC bias on this Forum will continue IMO.

We won’t bite.

In the early days of the forum I think everyone read every post. Now (unless you have nothing else to do in life) I doubt that many people do that.

I have to read every one, whether I like it or not:) and report back to my and Pete's boss, now sojourning in the mother country.
The forum is in alphabetical order except for the King & Country section because its the largest and most often used. Makes sense to me.
I have never understood why anyone must look down upon or be nasty about other collectors favourite manufacturers. I have always been eclectic in my habits. I collect K and C, Britains, Conte, Trophy and Little Legion. I am now being forced to focus my habits due to my life circumstances. I try and not be too partisan. Just as I don't like blind loyalty or triumphalism I also don't like knee jerk negativity about particular manufacturers. That just serves to antagonize. If you don't like a manufacturer that is also fine but to continually attack a manufacturer about particluar issues when you may not even collect his particular toys is also tiring. I like Shannon's siganture about Being kinder than you have to. I think we should apply it on pur posts a bit more regularly. This is only a hobby. The world will go on whether we buy these things or not.
Damian Clarke
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