Let it Snow (1 Viewer)

Yes, it is amazing that this country could build an interstate road system, dams, and other infrastructure decades ago but now nothing can be done. Millions just sit in the dark for days or weeks. California burns every year etc. It's too expensive to bury the power lines! They could easily put some combination of military and social program together to get it done. Instead of giving trillions away, they could put people to work doing some good. Maybe all the folks who are unemployed due to the pandemic. But that is hopeless.

We are told the frozen windmills and weak solar ,,not mentioned by local Lft media,,will be thawed out later in the week,,lots of electric cars plugged in going nowhere,,Now3 its "global climate change means freezing also""..as of today,,
It's 2°F here this morning with a wind chill of -12°F. This is the "warmest" morning we have had in the past 12 days. Needless to say my hot coffee is quite enjoyable . . .

We had an ice storm last night where we briefly lost power. Today, it’s going to get up to 45 but tomorrow it will back to the mid 20s. A lot of melting going on right now.
We are told the frozen windmills and weak solar ,,not mentioned by local Lft media,,will be thawed out later in the week,,lots of electric cars plugged in going nowhere,,Now3 its "global climate change means freezing also""..as of today,,

So this is the result of all the yammering about converting from gas and oil heat and gasoline driven cars to windmills and solar panel and electric cars....................

How about sticking with what works vs playing games with peoples lives.

As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it......................................I feel for everyone in the great state of Texas, I know this weather is unprecedented, but it just goes to show there is no such thing as never when it comes to weather........................

I'm running on combined 6 hours of sleep. I use a CPAP and well you get the idea. Nevermind me, how about all those with babies, insulin, and other medical equipment. Zero power since Monday evening...I think my days are getting mixed up.

Louis, well guess what? One fireplace with gas and everyone is in the living room. Towels under the front door. Food is outside in coolers. My mother is now downstairs joining us...great...but I love her.

I have burned wood in the fire pit for three days straight now. Don't worry its not gratuitous its all cedar I have yet to clean up. Burns quick unlike oak. Sitting by the fire pit reminds of my grandfather. He was a wood cutter...old school. Oak and cedar post for house foundations. Like I said old school.

Took a cold shower today after smelling like firewood and it was refreshing. Nothing like the worst shower in my life. You guessed it Korea...on pallets, cold water and ice was on the spigots. But, after 4 days in a hole I was rank and it had to be done.

No end in sight for the power outage. It is NOT a rolling black out like they tried to sell it from the start. One old man is dead in the next neighborhood over. 78 years old was going to an Doc appt and his wife had not heard from him. She went outside and he was dead on the ground. Didn't make it to the car.

My bedroom is in the low 50's but we closed all the doors. But again there is worst out there.

Did I mention I was pissed? Not at my comfort, but at the ineptitude of leadership in these here parts. Yesterday, down town San Antonio was lit up like it was Christmas. I don't get it. This wasn't a power failure it was failure of the powers that be.

John from Texas
I just saw on the news that with this long spell of Arctic sub-zero weather you should go check up on the elderly. Well, I get up around 7:00a.m. Bring donuts and hot coffee 😂🤣

Oh my the power just came on...I'm time stamping it. Well see how long. JFT
Some of the snow we have melted today, especially on the roof, which is important because if you don’t get rid of ice dams they can ruin your roof and pull down your gutters. It looks like we are scheduled to receive another 5-8 inches on Thursday through Friday. It’s been a crazy winter so far.

I'm running on combined 6 hours of sleep. I use a CPAP and well you get the idea. Nevermind me, how about all those with babies, insulin, and other medical equipment. Zero power since Monday evening...I think my days are getting mixed up.

Louis, well guess what? One fireplace with gas and everyone is in the living room. Towels under the front door. Food is outside in coolers. My mother is now downstairs joining us...great...but I love her.

I have burned wood in the fire pit for three days straight now. Don't worry its not gratuitous its all cedar I have yet to clean up. Burns quick unlike oak. Sitting by the fire pit reminds of my grandfather. He was a wood cutter...old school. Oak and cedar post for house foundations. Like I said old school.

Took a cold shower today after smelling like firewood and it was refreshing. Nothing like the worst shower in my life. You guessed it Korea...on pallets, cold water and ice was on the spigots. But, after 4 days in a hole I was rank and it had to be done.

No end in sight for the power outage. It is NOT a rolling black out like they tried to sell it from the start. One old man is dead in the next neighborhood over. 78 years old was going to an Doc appt and his wife had not heard from him. She went outside and he was dead on the ground. Didn't make it to the car.

My bedroom is in the low 50's but we closed all the doors. But again there is worst out there.

Did I mention I was pissed? Not at my comfort, but at the ineptitude of leadership in these here parts. Yesterday, down town San Antonio was lit up like it was Christmas. I don't get it. This wasn't a power failure it was failure of the powers that be.

John from Texas

Having no power is absolutely brutal. We don't even have a source of water when the power goes out here. It is straight back to the stone age. My elderly parents live outside Nashville and it is 12 degrees today and they have no power. Fortunately, my dad is a whiz with his generator. He has TV, Internet, lights, water, and a fireplace. He is living it up, but a lot of elderly and low income people in that situation are really suffering through this.
Having no power is absolutely brutal. We don't even have a source of water when the power goes out here. It is straight back to the stone age. My elderly parents live outside Nashville and it is 12 degrees today and they have no power. Fortunately, my dad is a whiz with his generator. He has TV, Internet, lights, water, and a fireplace. He is living it up, but a lot of elderly and low income people in that situation are really suffering through this.

When we didn’t have power for two weeks in 2012, every day we had to go to the firehouse to fill up for the day. The last couple of days we couldn’t take it and went to a hotel.
When we didn’t have power for two weeks in 2012, every day we had to go to the firehouse to fill up for the day. The last couple of days we couldn’t take it and went to a hotel.

I got so desperate once during an extended power outage that I tried melting snow in a bowl on my propane grill. It produced about a tea spoon of water. Most people are about a week away from being in deep trouble once things breakdown. Imagine what would happen if there were no access to grocery stores to buy food.

The power is still on, but just found out we are going to have a ice storm tonight it may last until Thursday. Blasted the HVAC units with hot water to de-ice them.

My kids (college students) just gave me a lecture on global warming. I didn't ask for it, but I guess they wanted to vent. I was never a doubter, but my daughters speech on the polar vortex was pretty interesting. She's an Hydrology/Environmental Science major. One of the neighborhood kids just came over to spend the night. She's had it with her parents and is excited about her acceptance to Auburn. But is still torn because she was accepted to Alabama and Texas A&M. So, right now there are 4 college kids in my house, me and the wife, 4 labradors, 2 of which I am dog sitting for my eldest and mom is upstairs nice and toasty now.

Just found out that freezer trucks are on their way to Galveston. Apparently, the death toll (as in cold deaths) is overwhelming the Coroners office. This is freaking criminal man.

9 degrees in Amarillo. Amarillo can get brutal because it is flat and there is nothing to stop the wind. When I was kid I remember I couldn't make a fist at a gas station in Amarillo during one of their ice storms. It was a what the hell moment.


The Mayor here, county commissioner and PUC Boss are taking a beating on twitter and the news. Apparently, the PUC CEO makes 500K a year and 500K in bonuses. She is being excoriated right now as a "do nothing" CEO. After a day or two of silence she has been tweeting every other minute now. Check out CPS Energy Twitter.

The logic is sound though as the argument is when we are 100 degrees for 100 days straight in summer, the grid doesn't go down. Especially in the last year with every one working from home because of COVID. Right? The HVAC's are blasting across the state to keep houses and business at a cool 70 degrees AND the heat islands created above the cities are like furnaces. Yet, we get a little cold and "OH...MY...GOD turn off the power because its overwhelming the grid" Nothing has changed, the use is peaking but just in reverse and only for a few days.

I agree. I pray everyone is safe and sound and I can't believe Go For Broke sent us a Maui pic. He is buying the beer when I see him next year.

John from Texas
I got so desperate once during an extended power outage that I tried melting snow in a bowl on my propane grill. It produced about a tea spoon of water. Most people are about a week away from being in deep trouble once things breakdown. Imagine what would happen if there were no access to grocery stores to buy food.

NO I CANT. That is a nightmare scenario. You freeze, no food...by God no.

John from Texas

An update on the Galveston situation. Just heard there are up to 50 deaths due to the cold/blackouts and the Medical Examiner is calling for the refrigeration trucks.

Mike, you got any info yet?

I know of 2 souls lost here in San Antonio and two more snow/ice storms in the next 48 hours.

John from Texas

PS: Lines at HEB in College station. Lines out the whazoo at WHATABURGER here in San Antonio.

So the juice came on around 3pm yesterday then shut off at 9. It came back on this morning around 3:30 so I am assuming we are at 6 hour intervals now?

A very well respected reporter here (Randy Beamer) in SA who has been live streaming his own power nightmare decided to go downtown last night. The entire riverwalk was lit up with Christmas lights in the trees. He did a 360 around the main plaza to show everyone the twinkling lights that hang from the Cypress trees. His point was simple: our local government has asked everyone to conserve power yet the Riverwalk is lit up (and has been) for all the tourists who are not there. So, has the Tower of Americas, Alamo Stadium and on and on of huge buildings that have no one in them.

The incompetence is stunning.

But, there is hope! After three days the Convention center is now open as a "warming" station, but only 500 people are allowed inside. It has a capacity to hold thousands of people.

Joel Olsteen stepped up in Houston and his MEGA church is open as a warming station. I guess he learned his lesson after getting roasted over closing it during Hurricane Harvey.

Yeah, I am a little salty over this one, but frankly there is no need to make people suffer. Just read another older gentleman is missing in my neck of the woods and hasn't been heard from after leaving his house. I pray he is allright.

Galveston, where my bro Mike Miller is at just had a main water line break which has cut off water to the city and the island. Plus Galveston island has zero power. I hope MM is alright.

John from Texas
Best wishes and prayers for you Jason during the crisis. Chris

Same here Jason. Best of luck.

Brad & Chris:

Thanks for the concern.

I am getting by.

The difficult thing about insulin is that it can’t be stored below 36 degrees or it’s effectiveness breaks down to nothing, quite quickly, thus simply leaving it outside in 10 degree weather is impossible.

At the same time, if it is stored too long above 46 degrees it breaks down rapidly as well. .

It truly needs to be refrigerated.

The stuff is incredibly fickle, unfortunately I need it to simply survive.

Best with thanks again for your concern,
Jason, John and Mike,

I hope you guys are all going to be allright. My sister in law Jessica, who lives in Houston, had her pipes freeze and burst, because while she got power back intermittently, her furnace never restarted. It is tragic that what for us in the northeast would be an ordinary snow event is a killer storm in Texas, because your power grid and other infrastructure is just not prepared to deal with it.
It always makes me laugh when in the aftermath of some disaster the officials in charge indicate they are going to get to the bottom of it. As though their incompetence played no role in the disaster. The officials in Texas are framing this as though the problem was created by someone else. They are going to "investigate" and fix it. LOL. Most of these problems are the result of corruption and incompetence of the local governments. I bet a good number of them receive contributions from the lobbyists who represent the local energy companies. On the upside, maybe some of those Californians who have flooded Texas will return home. Their state government is no better but at least they wouldn't freeze to death.

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