Louis Badolato (1 Viewer)

I was just talking to deitz today and he told me about your bad luck. I know you are a fighter and you will get thru it. It will be strange not seeing you at chicago. But good luck and i will keep you and your family in my prayers for a complete recovery
Hello everyone! Its been a while, but, as I am recovering from back surgery, I finally have a bit of time to get back in touch. As you may recall, I hurt my back last May (2014) and haven't been terribly mobile for a while. I didn't let it stop me (I didn't miss a day from work except the day of the surgery itself), but it slowed me down considerably. The pain shooting down my legs really made it difficult for me to walk, and a plane trip was out of the question, forcing me to miss the OTSN Chicago Show last fall. I did all the conservative treatment to try to avoid surgery, but it got worse, until the broken disc fragment pinned one of my nerves, flattening it, so I gave in and had the surgery. The surgery was performed June 18th, and while I am still on heavy painkillers for the incision itself, it was a success, and I can walk virtually pain free for the first time in over a year. Lots of you gentlemen have kept in touch and been great, and I thank you very much! I hope to visit the forum more than occasionally as I recover, and maybe get to see some of you soon.

Thank you for all your support!

Louis Badolato
Great to hear that you're recuperating well! Great to see you back as well! Keep healing up and feel better soon
Hello everyone! Its been a while, but, as I am recovering from back surgery, I finally have a bit of time to get back in touch. As you may recall, I hurt my back last May (2014) and haven't been terribly mobile for a while. I didn't let it stop me (I didn't miss a day from work except the day of the surgery itself), but it slowed me down considerably. The pain shooting down my legs really made it difficult for me to walk, and a plane trip was out of the question, forcing me to miss the OTSN Chicago Show last fall. I did all the conservative treatment to try to avoid surgery, but it got worse, until the broken disc fragment pinned one of my nerves, flattening it, so I gave in and had the surgery. The surgery was performed June 18th, and while I am still on heavy painkillers for the incision itself, it was a success, and I can walk virtually pain free for the first time in over a year. Lots of you gentlemen have kept in touch and been great, and I thank you very much! I hope to visit the forum more than occasionally as I recover, and maybe get to see some of you soon.

Thank you for all your support!

Louis Badolato

Great to see you posting again Louis, between you and Rob being out with injuries it really hasn't been the same here, hope your recovery continues to go well, and dare I day it "how bout dem Yankees" :)...Sammy
Same for my 23 year old son, since February steadily got worse pinching nerve effecting his left leg, had back surgery 2 June, now walking freely, back driving and getting on with life. Great to hear you are also now fine Louis and posting again. Robin.
Great to see you post again Louis. I'm going to be in the City on Tuesday. Let me know if you're free for dinner.

Great to see you post again Louis. I'm going to be in the City on Tuesday. Let me know if you're free for dinner.


I am home bound for the next two weeks, on heavy meds and can't drive, but would love to get together after that.
Hey Louis glad you're back. I was beginning to think you were in a gloom and doom state of mind and gave up on the toy soldiers. Hope to hear from more of you on the Forum.
Hey Louis glad you're back. I was beginning to think you were in a gloom and doom state of mind and gave up on the toy soldiers. Hope to hear from more of you on the Forum.

No gloom and doom about the toy soldiers. The loss of Larry Lo followed by my back injury just knocked me down for a while, but I'm back up, and looking forward to getting back in the swing of things!:smile2:
Glad your BACK ^&grin mate I have missed your input and occasional picture of your remarkable collection,you are a wealth of TS knowledge.
A good day for all. Louis, I am very happy to see you posting again. Sorry for all the trouble and pain you have gone through, but I hope the improvement continues and that your life gets back to normal as fast as is possible. As others have said, it hasn't been the same around here without you and you have been greatly missed. Welcome back.:smile2: -- Al
It's a TF trifecta for "lost" members returning to the fold with Rob, CapitalRon, and Louis recent posts. :smile2:
Louis, glad to hear the surgery was a success and hope for a 100% recovery. Best wishes. Chris
Welcome back, Louis, and I wish you a good recovery! Maybe we'll get to see each other again at the shows here in the East.

Welcome back Louis. I missed your activity on the forum and I hope you are feeling well now. John
Our forum is greatly enhanced by having you back Louis. Hopefully the surgery will allow a full recovery with little or no discomfort. You're a brave man for putting up with it for so long in an attempt to forgo surery.

Hopefully you had a chance to increase your collection during the past year and will soon regale us with all sorts of images of wonderful items.

Heal soon!

Bosun Al

I am feeling a lot better, the pain shooting down my legs, which was the worst pain I have personally had to endure, appears to be gone. I can live with pain in back, as long as I can walk relatively pain free, so I consider the surgery a complete success. I hope to be able to see you all over the weeks and months to come.



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