Louis Badolato (2 Viewers)

Hans has kept me updated, glad to hear you are doing much better since I last saw you in November! Looking forward to catching up, all the best!
Glad to hear you are feeling better Louis. Here's to a continued healing and full recovery.
Welcome back, Louis.
Glad to hear that the surgery went well and you're getting around better now.
Thanks a lot gentlemen!:smile2: I am really looking forward to getting a clean bill of health from the surgeon, and then I hope to see some of you gentlemen again! I recently got an e-mail from Clive Gande indicating Bob (UKReb) might come to New York in late July, a letter from Ken and Erika Osen indicating they are having a Symposium in Gettysburg in July, and a call from John Jenkins saying he might be visiting New York next May. I hope I get to see them all, and the rest of you gents as well!
Hi Louis, just wondering if you are still collecting K&C items??? and if you will be doing the NY sympossium any longer??...Sammy
Hi Louis, just wondering if you are still collecting K&C items??? and if you will be doing the NY sympossium any longer??...Sammy

Since Larry Lo passed, it just doesn't feel right to hold the New York Symposium.
I don't think Larry Lo would have wanted that Louis. I had a friend from kindergarten who passed away in February on the day we were to go to Las Vegas. We got to soldier on. I like Old Bill's quote on this Forum, "Gentlemen, we will stand and fight".
I'm with Louis on this. Just wouldn't be the same. Maybe best to leave that chapter of history closed.
Well, for those of you who would like to have some Toy Soldier fun in New York, our good friend Bob (UKReb) and his lovely wife, whom I had the good fortune to meet when I visited London two Junes ago, are coming to visit NYC for a few days at the end of July, beginning of August. Anybody who would like to join me in entertaining Bob and his wife during their stay, please let me know. I hope to show them some of the local collections, some of the local historical sites (particularly any that have a Civil War connection . . . like say William Cullen Bryant's guest house:wink2:)), and take them out for brunch and dinner.:smile2:

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