Mitch’s statements… Andy’s Comments (3 Viewers)

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King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

First of all my sincere apologies for deviating from toy soldiers to a matter that I believe to be important.

Our friend “Mitch” made the following statements about me that I find both grossly exaggerated and, in some cases, blatantly untrue! My reason for my public response is that this is a public forum and just as his “voice” is heard so should mine.

QUOTE: I have read and been told of all the occasions that Andy has been curt even mocking customers, I find that remarkable that a person seems to have so little concern for the people who buy the products he sells… I would think he should begin to show more respect for customers in the manner he speaks with them on here… I could rail off a list of many he has spoken to rather crudely who are not anywhere near that snotty little comment which has been generated by a clan who thinks they have the right to belittle anyone who dares say anything against him or the brand… He permeates contempt for the very people who have placed him in the ‘privaleged’ (sic) position he finds himself in today… ”

Now, as you can see Mitch has accused me of virtually everything except “breach of the peace” and “concealing a deadly weapon”! He has had his say… I would like to have mine…

Let me say outright… I love this Forum and the opportunity to interact with other collectors, dealers and occasionally manufacturers. I have realized however, since its earliest days, that some people will like you… some will not… and everyone (me included) has an opinion!

On the vast majority of the times I have posted on this particular forum I have always done my best to be friendly, helpful and, when and where possible, informative. I truly value the many suggestions and ideas that collectors have put forward and have been happy to use them when practical.

On a relatively few occasions I have answered back “Like for like” when I strongly felt a statement was blatantly wrong or deliberately false or even intentionally misleading.
But let’s get down to some of Mitch’s specific comments…

1)”All the occasions…”
I am accused of being “curt and mocking”! I do plead guilty to having a sense of humor and trying to inject a degree of levity when I believe it’s required. Mitch, I honestly think, is someone who likes to “dish it out” under the guise of “It’s just my opinion” and “I’m going to tell it like it is!” (translation: “As I see it!”)

BUT and it’s a big BUT gets very easily offended if anyone in general and me in particular dares to answer him back.

As for the “CURT” bit… rarely, if ever, are my replies, responses and comments on this Forum just a pithy “Nice diorama” or snappy one-liner. Even you Mitch must recognize that fact.

2)“So little concern for his customers…”
Quite the reverse my friend, I have huge respect, concern and care for the many, many good people around the world who like, appreciate and collect K&C.

Those folks, many of whom I am proud to call friends, keep me and the whole K&C team gainfully employed and put “bread on the table” for ourselves and our families.

That’s just one of the reasons I spend almost three months of the year visiting and meeting with them in the U.S., Europe, Australia and half a dozen other places.

Why? Because I value their considerable input in the continuing development and growth of this little company. I am trebly blessed to get to meet, talk and listen to hundreds of K&C collectors every single year. I hear what they like… what they don’t like and what they want to see… I get to discuss future ideas and potential projects with them. I get to hear their suggestions and thoughts … often on a one-to-one basis. In addition I talk to our K&C dealers… large and small… working in all kinds of markets in widely different countries.

Go on Mitch, tell me one other company that takes so much time and makes the major effort to actually get out and meet the collectors around the world… in person!

At the same time I will personally answer anywhere from a few to a few dozen private emails from K&C collectors around the globe… usually on a “24- hour” turnaround.

3)“I could rail off a list…”
Could you really Mitch? I suspect a few of your list would include some of those on another internet forum that despises anything and everything K&C produces. These are also the guys who love to profess how much they hate K&C but are so addicted to knocking us that they simply cannot ignore us!

As you know a few of them are also members over here but for the most part they keep their noses clean here and reserve their spite and venom for elsewhere.

I strongly suspect that “your list” is not quite as long or as extensive as you might wish it to be…

4)“Privaleged (sic) Position…”
You are totally correct in just one (and only one) of your many assertions…

I am indeed (one of my favourite words) truly privileged and blessed to have, first of all, discovered a wonderful hobby that has permitted me to help create a successful and thriving toy soldier business. It’s a real pleasure to come into work each day and work with an amazingly talented and creative team of people who help us do what we do.

It’s also a genuine privilege to have met and made friends with so many great people all over the globe. How lucky can you get? Talking of friends… mates and buddies…

5)“The Clan”
There is no “Clan” or “Fan Club” or “Rah Rah anything” of which you Mitch speak so sarcastically of … There are just a decent bunch of blokes (some I’ve met others not) who just happen to disagree with some of your wilder statements.

Finally, I have no doubt we will all be hearing from you presently… You are, as you say, a lawyer and I am sure you will be intent on having the proverbial “last word” on this and many other matters.

However I will continue to end my words with the usual…

Best wishes and happy collecting!

Andy C. Neilson
Co-founder & Creative Director
King & Country
For myself as I am sure quite a many other King&Country collectors out there it is always a pleasure to hear from the man himself behind the brand K&C. I am hoping
that you Andy continue to tune in here to the forum as you have been. Your posts and words are appreciated here. A few bad apples will not ruin all of the FUN ! There is an old saying that when you are at the top of your game,others are carefully watching everything that the top dog says or does. I have been able to personally meet Andy in person twice within the last year, with the upcoming Toy Soldier Show in San Antonio will be the 3rd. I will be the first one to tell you he is
truly happy and eager to meet with fellow enthusiasts both young and old and talk about the hobby. Cheers !
PA , that appears to be the general consensus of all who have had any personnel dealings with Andy who I look forward to meeting hopefully this July at the OZ dinner. I think this is tall poppy syndrome at play again, if that makes me a 'cheerleader' or part of the 'fan club' so be it.
As a newcomer to this forum, I now feel relieved that a member can (er, apparently) directly respond to allegations specifically addressed to them/at them. I was getting a sense of : "Silence reigned and we all got wet". Thanks for the relief; I can now file "Sod this for a game of soldiers" in file 13.
Bravo andy!!!!

I would just say though we could all look back in recent and distant times at threads where I could easily disprove your hypothesis about my comments on how you have spoken to customers. Thats the good thing about a forum where the posts are kept for public record.

Now, if you will excuse me I am off to make further pithy comments like 95% of this forum about good dioramas and sets that have been bought.
PA , that appears to be the general consensus of all who have had any personnel dealings with Andy who I look forward to meeting hopefully this July at the OZ dinner. I think this is tall poppy syndrome at play again, if that makes me a 'cheerleader' or part of the 'fan club' so be it.

Cheers to that Matey ....Have Fun and Enjoy:smile2:
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I always thought this forum was and is first of all a way of communicating with fellow collectors around the world, to see what they are doing, what their reactions are about new releases and how they handle their collections .
Secondly to make sure that through possitive comments about vehicles and figures we continue to enhance the historical accuracy of our hobby and thirdly that we share our knowledge and that we are open to always learn something more about units, battles, uniforms, equipment, etc ..
These are the reasons why I joined the forum and not to go into discussion every time a remark is made that does not comply with my opinion or believe.If it is the case then I use the private message service and not the public forum .
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I always thought this forum was and is first of all a way of communicating with fellow collectors around the world, to see what they are doing, what their reactions are about new releases and how they handle their collections .
Secondly to make sure that through possitive comments about vehicles and figures we continue to enhance the historical accuracy of our hobby and thirdly that we share our knowledge and that we are open to always learn something more about units, battles, uniforms, equipment, etc ..
These are the reasons why I joined the forum and not to go into discussion every time a remark is made that does not comply with my opinion or believe.If it is the case then I use the private message service and not the public forum .

Excellent Guy.

As the paragraphs in the posts get longer and longer, the debate gets more and more personal and less and less about toy soldiers. Perhaps Treefrog could start a new section of the forum called Acrimonious Debates and just transfer the thread there when it gets personal. That way the people that want to argue can argue and the people that want to talk about toy soldiers can do that too. Maybe make the new Acrimonious section unmoderated so there can't be any claims of favouritism or censorship.

Try going to the beginning of the threads with arguments, take a step back and have a good look at the posts. Then maybe you will see how childish you appear. Almost as bad as the rabid pack of exiles on CF.

PA , that appears to be the general consensus of all who have had any personnel dealings with Andy who I look forward to meeting hopefully this July at the OZ dinner. I think this is tall poppy syndrome at play again, if that makes me a 'cheerleader' or part of the 'fan club' so be it.

Sadly Wayne, I'd have to agree with the 'tall poppy' comment......:(
Rarely do I comment on these conflicts on the Forum anymore for obvious reasons.

It’s always amazing to me to see when a person steals the limelight of another’s hard work & creativity by consistently demeaning them under the guise of constructive criticism and ombudsmen. I think we all can tell the difference between warranted free speech and contemptuous comments made for self aggrandizement.

Typically it isn’t good policy for a manufacturer to strike back against attacks like this. However, it was time and I doubt there will be any negative affect to KC’s business due to this defense.

So let’s all go back to commenting on dioramas, speculation of new releases, appreciation for the hobby and when is the next show anyway. It may be boring but it sure keeps me checking into the Forum several times a day.

Rarely do I comment on these conflicts on the Forum anymore for obvious reasons.

It’s always amazing to me to see when a person steals the limelight of another’s hard work & creativity by consistently demeaning them under the guise of constructive criticism and ombudsmen. I think we all can tell the difference between warranted free speech and contemptuous comments made for self aggrandizement.

Typically it isn’t good policy for a manufacturer to strike back against attacks like this. However, it was time and I doubt there will be any negative affect to KC’s business due to this defense.

So let’s all go back to commenting on dioramas, speculation of new releases, appreciation for the hobby and when is the next show anyway. It may be boring but it sure keeps me checking into the Forum several times a day.


Excellent points, I do agree.

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Glad to hear Andy has sprung into action on the forum to defend himself with such a measured, well thought out responce. With all the pounding ( a lot personal ) he and K&C take I'm surprised he hasn't either increased his participation or quit altogether ( which would be a sad day for all).

For myself I think one of the problems is how we use this forum and how its structured. At its heart I believe the forum is like a fan club for people with a mutual like for toy soldiers and specific manufacturers products. Its even subdivided for like minded individuals to participate/discuss their passion. To go into a fan club or specific section of the forum and criticize the product or its collectors to me doesn't make sense, you're talking about people's passions and that definitely will lead to conflicts/debates which many find distasteful, especially when they turn personal. Perhaps a different section or even different forum would be more appropriate for those who want to express their criticisms uncensored about toy soldier products (or their makers) not unlike the Phantom Warrior suggested. I think that might be good for those who enjoy the debate/arguments/drama etc.
Just my random thoughts. :salute::
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Perhaps a different section or even different forum would be more appropriate for those who want to express their criticisms uncensored about toy soldier products (or their makers) not unlike the Phantom Warrior suggested. I think that might be good for those who enjoy the debate/arguments/drama etc.

Is it time for an unmoderated section of the Forum? Some forums have them. There's already been some work done on a separate section

Here is a few suggested headings

Irrational Rants
Perceived Insults
Trashing the Manufacturers
Repeated Ad Nauseum ( this one is automatic. Requires only a single post which repeats at timed intervals. Responses can be made to repeat at timed intervals too)

Of course any actual discussion of toy soldiers or dios in the unmoderated section may result in expulsion.{sm4}

This forum is a huge asset for the hobby. Hopefully we can keep it that way. Thanks Treefrog !!!!!{bravo}} {bravo}} {bravo}}
Glad to hear Andy has sprung into action on the forum to defend himself with such a measured, well thought out responce. With all the pounding ( a lot personal ) he and K&C take I'm surprised he hasn't either increased his participation or quit altogether ( which would be a sad day for all).

For myself I think one of the problems is how we use this forum and how its structured. At its heart I believe the forum is like a fan club for people with a mutual like for toy soldiers and specific manufacturers products. Its even subdivided for like minded individuals to participate/discuss their passion. To go into a fan club or specific section of the forum and criticize the product or its collectors to me doesn't make sense, you're talking about people's passions and that definitely will lead to conflicts/debates which many find distasteful, especially when they turn personal. Perhaps a different section or even different forum would be more appropriate for those who want to express their criticisms uncensored about toy soldier products (or their makers) not unlike the Phantom Warrior suggested. I think that might be good for those who enjoy the debate/arguments/drama etc.
Just my random thoughts. :salute::

Again well said, Cyber Field Marshall and others.....sadly in my experience and what has been repeatedly proven in previous Threads over and over again is that you're always going to get those persons who take great delight in firing off cheap shots from the sidelines.....the idea of course is to gain a reaction, either positive or negetive it doesn't matter to them.....simply put, they crave the attention and are obviously trying to make up for something lacking in their lives.

Unfortunately I doubt 'those' persons would much enjoy a section all to themselves, as I'm sure there would be few Forum members interested in their childish rantings & borish behaviour.

Andy I've never met you and to be fair I've not actually met anyone in person from the Forum, simply because of where I live. (Bottom of the Pacific in Paradise) but having the oppertunaty to converse/read/watch & enjoy the Forum brings me great pleasure and has introduced me to some fantastic collectors from across the globe. As far as I'm concerned K&C's products speak for themselves.{bravo}}

Regards Toddy
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Totally agree with your comments Cyber Field Marshall, Toddy and the majority of other comments on this thread. I won't put my 10 cents worth in as i think we should all move on and enjoy the hobby and seeing and discussing each other's fantastic toy soldier collections/dio's etc.

P.S. Toddy, if you live at the "Bottom of the Pacific in Paradise", why are all you lot coming over here to Oz! ^&grin

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