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Here's a Modern ride, a Metal cover by Norwegian band 'Jorn' of the Crazy 80's hit 'Ride Like the Wind' by Christopher Cross.

Here they are Live, they don't look to Modern :D

I expected 'Mechanic:Resurection' starring Jason Statham and Tommy Lee Jones would be a great action movie, yeah not so much.

One upside was it featured a cool song; 'Suffocation Blues' by unknown rock duo 'Black Pistol Fire'.

Cool cover there Kevin.

What about this cover of the Black Sabath classic 'War Pigs' by Faith No More, better than the original?


I understand this video clip of Queen's 'I want to Break Free' proved very un-popular in the US on its release back in 1984, which I find hard to fathom to be honest.

I always viewed it as a bit of fun and a piss take.
Not my kind of music but something different with an Aussie flavour.

Film clip shot in Newtown, Sydney 2/2/2013

The above film clip 'apparently' inspired this classic from Cold Play being filmed 19/6/2014 in the same location in Newtown, Sydney:


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