My first FL Romans (3 Viewers)

For me the poses of the Legionnaires work in a "melee" type scenario where they are heavily engaged with germania or celtic warriors. This is one of the reasons why I want to create an Orb (Orbus) defensive scenario which I have mentioned in previous posts . . . . The current poses would work well for that. I would agree that it would be nice to be able to create a cohesive "shield wall" that would display the military discipline that the Romans excelled at. As an example, Conte has a new Roman 3-figure set that creates a nice looking shield wall and has each Legionnaire advanicing with gladius in hand. I would readily collect figures such as these if offered by FL. In any regard, I think the currently offered FL Romans are incredibly done and I am very glad I decided to collect them. Wouldn't a "Turtle" formation be cool ^&cool . . . .
:smile2: Mike


I chewed on this post for the last couple days and you sir have really helped me see the error in my ways in regards to all of this. I am now redesigning how I want my Roman diorama to look. While a turtle would look amazing and I will certainly try to collect one if it ever comes out. Since my wife bought me all that JG Roman Fort stuff, I am kind of in a lurch trying to figure out how to make it work. I think, based on your post here, that I can essentially create a massive skirmish line along Hadrian's wall, scores of Barbarians rushing mad, frothing at the mouth (that's for you Joe:)) ready to bust up some Romans. It will look pretty amazing. Great time to be a collector!! {bravo}}

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