My Flat Collection (2 Viewers)

JB my friend this is very good thank you, it's contrary to what I would have thought, the figures I received look to be wearing grey pelts, wolf, bear? You would think the lesser soldiers would where the more common pelts, I would think the big cat pelts would be reserved for officer types but nearly every painting I see there wearing a cat pelt. Great to have you as a companion on this learning expedition and you know you can count on me for any info I have.

Cheers Ray - proves the worth of sharing whatever we find - as I'm very much a newcomer to this famous group of Cavalry too. I have long admired them - though had been unable to find suitable larger castings - to make them up for myself before. Glad I didn't now - as these are a far more convenient size for me now - and just magnificent castings, from both suppliers.:cool:

Again, as I understand it - the Wolf, Lynx and Bear-skin wraps - were rather surprisingly, reserved for the Senior Command Officers (See towards the end of that Wikipedia article). Doubtless your new books will disclose that too - with pics! ( which are MOST useful to me, of course - and maybe your painting guy in St Petersburg too.) An e-mail to him with pics of what you want - might save a lot of words. Language difficulties can't help much either?{sm2}

As regards most of the paintings you see - showing Hussars wearing cat pelts - well, I guess the artist's eye would have been drawn to those with the most colourful clothing - so they chose to paint those. As a painter myself - I find the same problem with almost every illustrated book I pick up. Usually, the MOST colourful uniforms are reserved for the Officers - with lots of gold and fur being evident. It's often very difficult to find illustrations of the ordinary soldiers - as they are LESS colourful. Speaking as a former soldier myself - we often used to refer ( in rather derogatory terms) to Officers as "Decorations" - meaning that we (happily), rarely saw most of them, most of the time that any work was going on - but they would frequently turn up in their best togs for parades and stuff like that.

I read that the junior officers in the Winged Hussars - often had 2-5 troops under them - so that ratio would probably be about right for any small groups.(Wiki article again). They would probably be Senior NCO's - in our understanding today. Groups around the Standards - or Drummers and Trumpeters - often had more junior officers too - so the ratio of these guys wearing cat-skins might be higher than we expect, nowadays.

Don't forget, however - that the ordinary soldiers probably also wore cloth wraps too (when it was cold). Having been to Poland during the winter - I can confirm it's mighty cold there in winter-time!{eek3} If you can't see an animal head or tail on them - they may just be wearing cloth throws over their burnished armour.

Again, if you haven't already done so, check out "Google Images" Ray, - there are lots of leads available there - and this is usually my first port of call - when I begin any research for uniform detail. The last pic I posted came from that source - though the guy on foot - wears no wrap at all.

Great subject though Ray - and thanks for getting me going with this project, by showing your current troops!:D jb

Picked up a couple of sets these are russian cuirassiers and just couldn't pull the trigger on a couple more, naval battle of Tsushima 1905 and coastal naval battery 1905, now I'm sorry I didn't go with my first instinct.( the unpainted sets) would have made for interesting sets when painted
Also don't believe I've shown some of my prussian line and Jagers

Just got word from St. Pete the Westphalian Currassiers at Borodino are on there way:

Hows those winged Hussars doing?
Here's a group of Polish cav from the Siege of Vienna painted I saw for sale:

Hows those winged Hussars doing?
Here's a group of Polish cav from the Siege of Vienna painted I saw for sale:

They're doing just fine Ray - patiently waiting their turn to go under the brush ( no anaesthetic required - except for me) - painting those feathers. I'm warming up with a couple of Injuns (and Cowboys/Knights etcetera) first. They were ordered before the hussars, you see - so the hussars will come to no harm in their little cardboard box for a while yet.

Those you found are nicely done - I'll have a closer look at those when I get brush in hand. Cheers - jb
Hi Jeff,
Thank you and good to hear from you, These Russians do have a talent for miniatures painting. Actually have another large order coming from Fernando Enterprises in Sri Lanka but they screwed up the address and god knows when or if I'll receive those?? starting to re-think dealing with them as there always seems to be some issue and he consistantly blames me.
In a retail environment that's poison! :mad:
More good news out of Russia! Additional poses for the Saxon Guard du corps, a few cossacks and a Russian officer

Grouped my Polish winged Hussars together and picked up 4 very nice napoleonic prints

Finally! fresh troops have arrived! playin around with Bufords 1st Cavalry at Getteysburg

As a non-American - I don't collect ACW Ray - but they certainly are nice figures - and I can certainly understand why you collect them. Very nicely done.

Are these figures from zinnfiguren- bock, and then painted by your Russian guy, Ray?
Thank you JB, I must say these figures have exceeded my expectations, this group is actually from Fernando Enterprises in Sri Lanka. This is a definate step up from the other sets I had them do in the past. While I seem to have difficulties in the management side, there artists are great!
I also had some Austrian Grenadiers and the Saladin figure... well once I got it into my hands I''m seriously pleased, to tell the truth I couldn't even see all the detail until I took a pic and blew it up on the computer! (probably has more to do with my slipping vision) I've included a pic next to a King and country figure just to show the size. You can see why I said I was going to send it back, the original pic I sent had him in a loose fitting jersey with a cape over all, it looks like they started the jersey in green and didn't continue on the other shoulder, there's so much right about it, still torn...

These latest figures do show exactly the skill of the artists involved Ray - they look great. The shading is exceptionally good, and the detail on that flag is just something else. I frequently find tiny errors or omissions in my attempts at painting ( in all scales) AFTER I have taken pics - and then transferred the image to computer screen and enlarging it using the "paint" facility in Word. So fear not - you aren't unique in that regard - the human eye can only see SO much at these scales!:D

Just finished this guy - and noticed that some detail on the shield got smudged ( probably varnished too soon after painting) - so will have to go back and repaint it. Only spotted it after blowing up the pic!!! Drat!

As regards Saladin - he looks great to me. Couldn't it just be that he is wearing an undergarment with different colour sleeves? There has to be a reason why the artist did all of that shading in two different colours. I've seen Knights in Heraldic colour "jupons" which have been quartered - so that each sleeve is a different colour. I don't know enough about Saladin's army to advise on that. However, YOU have to live with him - and it surely wouldn't take much painting to rectify him to an all-blue cloak/sleeve. Why not send them a pic showing the sleeve - and ask them - Why the two colours???

Just started three of my Winged Hussars off yesterday - I had an hour free and was waiting for another Knight to dry off a bit before continuing.............:D All the best - jb
Hello JB,
Sorry for the taardy response, buried under equipment certification classes last week or so, so tedious, feels like its eating holes inmy brain. Very nice figure! are you building any specific grouping with the heraldry?
Hello JB,
Sorry for the taardy response, buried under equipment certification classes last week or so, so tedious, feels like its eating holes inmy brain. Very nice figure! are you building any specific grouping with the heraldry?

Well...............I started with good intentions - to make as many Knights who were with Henry V at Agincourt as I could. Snag is - I see a pic of something, or someone who catches my eye - and then....................Oh!-oh! - have to have that one! So........I get dragged backwards and forwards in time, and my one day at Agincourt is currently spreading back to encompass Crusaders (Richard 1) - and forwards about three Centuries.

The core of my little collection is still around Agincourt though (1415) - but as long as I keep seeing nice looking figures in Heraldic tunics - I'm off again. Sir Thomas Bernardiston WAS at Agincourt - in the retinue of the Earl of Oxford - though he's wearing a tournament Great Helm with this figure - so not in battle-dress! Here's a better pic of him. I have a real passion for these guys - so will continue to build and paint 'em - alongside some Flats too. Started off a few Polish Winged Hussars - so will work on them alongside others that I had already ordered. Good job I don't work any more - takes up too much time! jb

Very nice JB, I think the 2nd photo is much better and the colors, especially the metalics really pop!
Always feels like Christmas when I find a package from St. Petersburg in the mail box! this is a set of additional figures or adds to Alexander Badens Great set of castings of the Saxon Guard Du Corps at Borodino

and added to the original set

More from that package from St. Petersberg....Cossacks!

And grouped with my other cossacks....


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