My Flat Collection (2 Viewers)

OOOOHHH! I like! Gimme more, gimme more!!{sm3}
The flags and colors are great!!!
Okay - here goes:

I'll do a version of this one - as I particularly like the horse shabraque and pistol holster covers.

This one shows the King's Standard being held. I have this figure on order - so another to copy.

Lances lowered - for the charge:

Lastly - love the pennants on the lances in this one - gold and black.

I'll pick out a few more later - but mustn't give you too much in one go - as you might get over-excited!{sm4}

Looking forward to the post coming next week. jb:smile2:
Very nice JB,
The various colors of the units is very interesting, I like the gold and black as we'll.
Should be quite the scene to see a large group of many different units of the winged hussars!
Now I need to go relax, too much stimulation....:p
Oooops! Gave the wrong manufacturer in my last post:redface2: Should have been;

The historia-lehnart web-site features another love of mine - Knights - - but that's one I've just found - and still researching. jb

Seeing as I mentioned it - just to give you a taste of Zinnfiguren Historia-Lehman's products - here's a pic.

Now, you don't think that I like them - do you?{sm3}

I'm Lost!!!!!!:Djb
Seeing as I mentioned it - just to give you a taste of Zinnfiguren Historia-Lehman's products - here's a pic.

Now, you don't think that I like them - do you?{sm3}

I'm Lost!!!!!!:Djb

I know the feeling my friend, find myself saying OOHHH I LIKE THAT!!! alot these days, no thanks to you dragging me into Candy store after Candy store!
Those are very well done knights, now I'm getting sensory overload!!! can't even think of going in this direction also!
I know the feeling my friend, find myself saying OOHHH I LIKE THAT!!! alot these days, no thanks to you dragging me into Candy store after Candy store!
Those are very well done knights, now I'm getting sensory overload!!! can't even think of going in this direction also!

No! No! No! - You can't have those - they're for me!^&cool

I can't get them yet though - I have a heap of stuff already on order - and a stash waiting for me to complete yet.

But...............I do like to plan ahead - and this is one direction I will be taking in the future.

Back to the darkened room...........................:Djb
This link was posted on the international Flat Figures Society website linking to the Flat tin figures website ( both I recommend)
It's Russian, dubbed english, interesting and educational about the history of the flat with a tip of the hat to St. Petersburg toy soldiers in the first part, probably the finest round figures in the world, overall in 3 parts.
Hi Ray ( and anyone else who may be interested, of course). I had a nice little delivery today, of some Flats that I ordered from Alexander Wilken ( As promised - I took some pics of the unpainted castings - straight away, so you might be able to make out some tiny bits of "flash" - as they will all need a fine file going over the edges - where the moulds meet - and small bits of surplus metal can remain attached. This is quite normal - for any type of casting.

I ordered some Polish Winged Hussars - and their fellow Armoured Cavalry - who frequently accompanied them. Here they are below:

First thing to note - is the very fine quality and detail of each piece. Also note at bottom left, that Alex has sent me TWO multipose figures ( extra legs on horses etc, can be trimmed off to make a "different" figure from the same casting). So.......a free gift, which I was delighted to receive.

I also ordered a couple of extra figures from the Roccoco period (16th Century) - of a few knights - which are also of interest to me. Here's a pic of the castings, below:

Again, I hope you can see the excellent detail on each piece. (Top left is King Francis 1.) Again, Alex has very kindly included 3extra pieces as a completely unexpected gift.

Well, there they are Ray. In my very limited experience - they are the best Flat castings that I have ever seen. And at the prices charged - and with free figures too - an absolute bargain - and I highly recommend them to you - or anyone else who may love good flats. jb

I ordered them on 12 march - and they were delivered into my hands today,(18 March).

Very easy to order from his web-site - and as Paypal is accepted, very easy and quick to order, despatch and be delivered - from Germany to the UK (i.e within Europe). As a bonus - no nasty Customs and Postal import duty charges either. (sorry about that Ray - but you might save on VAT - which won't be applicable to you).

Hope that helps in some decision making?:Djb
Another day - another package from Germany. Zinnfiguren Oldhafer this time - and more Winged Hussars in different poses.

Once again - beautifully engraved and cast, so should make a delightful group when painted. Having seen both sets in my hand now - I can honestly say that there is nothing to choose between them for quality. jb

Hi Jb,
On the road working so I've been a bit "Distant", those are truly spectacular castings and I really look forward to you bringing them to life! So are you steely enough to put them at the back of the Que? :confused: That would be difficult to let those beauties sit around???
please send me the link as I couldn't find them on the Alexander Wilken website???
Hi Jb,
On the road working so I've been a bit "Distant", those are truly spectacular castings and I really look forward to you bringing them to life! So are you steely enough to put them at the back of the Que? :confused: That would be difficult to let those beauties sit around???
please send me the link as I couldn't find them on the Alexander Wilken website???

Hi Ray - firstly, here's the link you want. His web-site is a bit unusual - and once you "translate" you have to go to the "Categories" boxes on the left. For the Polish Hussars - you have to go to "Baroque" - then down to "Poland" - before you eventually get there: But I've done it for you with the link below^&grin:

You can see why I posted the real figures - as his line drawn illustrations don't really do them justice. When I came to order mine - I found they were a little cheaper than the quoted price - at less than €2 apiece, so really good value. [If you want to look at my "Knights", by the way - they are under "Renaissance" category, though I think it's the others you will be really looking at].

Yes - it's always difficult to resist starting anything that I buy - but I just have to. I used to periodically "run out" of things to do, in the past, so have developed a "stash" of castings or stuff to repair - because when I'm in France - it's pretty rural - and have no model shops for all of the bits and pieces I need for modelling/painting. I therefore use my UK visits to "stock up" on everything I need.;). Thank goodness for the Internet when I'm over there - though postage can be quite hefty - and take time to get to me too. My local Posties are outstanding - and really look after any post well - but they are just the last four miles of the journey that my castings etc, make. It's always cross-fingers time, if I order anything that way, so I try to minimise their journey. These two lots from Germany - were closer to the UK - so I ordered them to come here. BOTH got here within six days of ordering - which is outstanding IMO.

I have a large order to collect from Dorset Soldiers this month - which will take me about six months to work through - and all of these are favourite subjects of mine - which I ordered months ago - before I fell in love with Flats!!! The owner, Giles Brown has become a real friend of mine - and we will often chat, in his shop about new products - or stuff that I would be interested in buying for future orders too. I reckon that I have around 12 months-worth of painting to get through at the moment - but am sure these Hussars will move up the queue before that! BOTH of these German manufacturers/suppliers have really outstanding products - so I just couldn't resist buying some of both. :cool:

Going directly to the makers/suppliers is SO much better than hunting these sorts of figures down from shops - and is exactly what I have tried to do with my 54mm fully round figures too. It's also rather nice to correspond (e-mail) with the makers - who I think are also pleased that their products are finding new markets (other than Germany). Look at all of those pics that came from one of my new contacts. A shop wouldn't/ couldn't do that. The guys from these suppliers are real enthusiasts too. {sm3}

As I'm sure you've already found - both of these accept Paypal - which makes purchase from abroad in €uros, so much easier. Good luck with either purchase Ray - I'll show you how I get on with mine - whenever!:D jb
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Hi all - especially to those who may collect "Knights in Armour" Flats.

I've just found a new (to me) German maker/supplier of such Flats - and thought I would share with you their web-site details - so here's the link:

I especially like their 30mm ranges of War Elephants - and their Middle Ages/ Knights of the Garter figures. These will be "Future Orders" for me - as I'm running out of storeage room. Well worth a look - if you're that way inclined. jb
Hi Jb,
On the road working so I've been a bit "Distant", those are truly spectacular castings and I really look forward to you bringing them to life! So are you steely enough to put them at the back of the Que? :confused: That would be difficult to let those beauties sit around???
please send me the link as I couldn't find them on the Alexander Wilken website???

Just re-read your last post Ray - in case of any confusion - the figures on the RED background are from here:

The others - on BLACK or MAUVE Backgrounds are from here: jb
Thank you JB,
I placed my first order, as easy as pie!
In looking at the Wilken site I saw many red starred figures, any significance to that before I place an order?
Thank you JB,
I placed my first order, as easy as pie!
In looking at the Wilken site I saw many red starred figures, any significance to that before I place an order?

Yes Ray - If you double left click on the Red-Starred figures - you can get a colour pic up. It's not quite right though - as sometimes a different figure will come up!:D BUT - it will be one of his figures (usually flags) - so who really cares!:cool:

Very useful for me - as I can then use them ( or not) as painting guides.

Very easy - to melt your Credit card. But very nice to be able to obtain superb castings - surprisingly, at excellent prices too!

I'm very glad I decided to go down this route - so thanks a lot - for eventually getting me kick-started in this direction.

I should be back at the Ranch - by this time next week - so can get a start on some of mine. jb
AAHH!!! yes I see, very handy but as you say interesting but not always accurate.
also just went to amazon and got 3 osprey books on Polish Winged Hussars 1576- 1775, Vienna 1683 and Polish Armies 1569- 1696.
The plan is to add another distinguished color scheme to my Hussars, but 9 of the winged Hussars that I showed earlier will be taking the trip back to St. Petersburg when the new castings arrive, I failed to notice the capes or throws should all be cat skins, tiger, leopard, etc. and there not, really have to start paying more attention to details....:(
AAHH!!! yes I see, very handy but as you say interesting but not always accurate.
also just went to amazon and got 3 osprey books on Polish Winged Hussars 1576- 1775, Vienna 1683 and Polish Armies 1569- 1696.
The plan is to add another distinguished color scheme to my Hussars, but 9 of the winged Hussars that I showed earlier will be taking the trip back to St. Petersburg when the new castings arrive, I failed to notice the capes or throws should all be cat skins, tiger, leopard, etc. and there not, really have to start paying more attention to details....:(

As I understand it Ray - it was the "Towarzysz Husarski" (a sort of junior hussar officer), who would usually wear the animal skin ( leopard, tiger, jaguar or lion). Have a look at the following link for a few more details ( if you haven't already):

Those Osprey books should be very informative - and you could maybe help me out with a few details from them too. I plan to make up as many different types of colour scheme as I can, of those who took part in the cavalry charge at Vienna. :D

Good fun this - eh?:Djb

PS - just picked this illustration up from Google. I guess this may be one in your new books - and is just the type of thing I look for - to give me ideas of painting detail. Note the cat-skin over the shoulder ( can be either shoulder - or even around the waist or under the saddle). It all depends on the casting detail.

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As I understand it Ray - it was the "Towarzysz Husarski" (a sort of junior hussar officer), who would usually wear the animal skin ( leopard, tiger, jaguar or lion). Have a look at the following link for a few more details ( if you haven't already):

Those Osprey books should be very informative - and you could maybe help me out with a few details from them too. I plan to make up as many different types of colour scheme as I can, of those who took part in the cavalry charge at Vienna. :D

Good fun this - eh?:Djb

PS - just picked this illustration up from Google. I guess this may be one in your new books - and is just the type of thing I look for - to give me ideas of painting detail. Note the cat-skin over the shoulder ( can be either shoulder - or even around the waist or under the saddle). It all depends on the casting detail.

JB my friend this is very good thank you, it's contrary to what I would have thought, the figures I received look to be wearing grey pelts, wolf, bear? You would think the lesser soldiers would where the more common pelts, I would think the big cat pelts would be reserved for officer types but nearly every painting I see there wearing a cat pelt. Great to have you as a companion on this learning expedition and you know you can count on me for any info I have.

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