My Flat Collection (1 Viewer)

You must have a tidy old collection by now Ray! Just fabulous painted figures! ^&cool

Jeff :salute::

Hey Jeff, well, there's nothing tidy about this collection, it's spread out all over, I really need to make a commitment to find a way to centralize it all, for instance, I had 4 Egyptian chariots painted before assembly, now I go to assemble them sometime later and I've stored some parts somewhere else!?!?!?!?{sm2}:confused:{sm3}

I note that they do other ranges as well, Ray - so will add them to my growing list of producers who accept Paypal - and are therefore, ultra-easy to buy items from.

Thanks again.

I note also that zinnfiguren-bock do a 20mm range. Now THAT's just a tad too far for my old eyes!!!:rolleyes2:jb

I believe the 20's are for gaming
I had another small delivery today Ray - so thought I'd show you what I bought.

It's a Mounted, 16 figure Band by Heinrichson (30mm), of the Prussian Dragoon Guard (c.1870).

I spotted them being sold in a "flea market" Sale - by Berlinner Zinnfiguren, and couldn't resist them at their knock-down price. I don't usually buy painted versions of anything - as my hobby is painting. However, these were as cheap as unpainted castings, and I thought that it might be good for me - to see how somebody else painted them - and if I didn't like them - I could always strip and re-paint.

I do like them - so won't be doing anything with them anyway. ( though I might try for a better photo, later). jb

Picked this up on Evilbay....Really sweet!!! and another Hourtoulle hand colored print, Lithuanian tartars1813

Not flat but some other work I have done in the past.
An NMA 232 model I set up for DAK array


A bren gun carrier repaint and changed kit and the armament to anti tank rifle


converted airborne and german cav


Before Andy made the second version I built /converted a LRDG set:



Blitz ambulance with crew

A few more


converting a 232 to a 263 and pulled the machine gun off the sholder and gave him an anti-tank rifle




highland officer

Fooling around with some new buildings I built and flats... in progress

picked up this set of Russian staff at Borodino and 4 mounted allied staff members from a very nice gentleman in Germany. I actually have this set already but noticed two slightly different poses, makes me wonder if these are the only variants?

Any time I get an email from St. Petersburg, Russia I know it's a great week!!! another group is complete!

Very, very nice Ray; Here's a pic which might help fill in a bit of history for them.

A very similar Standard (above) was carried at Vienna in 1683, by Prince Sobieski's Hussars Company of the Polish Lithuanian Army. Shown here, are Officer (with fur wrapping), Hussar, Standard bearer and Trumpeter.

I'd be delighted if you could tell us a bit more of their journey - from Maker (Engraver/caster etc.,) - to painters - and eventually, to you.

Just lovely :cool: jb:D
that site is much improved since my last visit, very easily managed and new figures as well! glad you liked and pointed these winged hussars out to me, I'll take a look at yours when they arrive and will probably suppliment my group out of these castings. I got my group on ebay out of Germany.
You might recall I got a group with different markings earlier, they were very nice and when I saw this group on Ebay I grabbed them and knew that my Russian friend would do a bang up job on this set.
Of course this means I'm going to be dragged into another period {sm3} but The Siege of Vienna has been of interest for some time and the brilliant colors of the Turks and European armies of the time ought to be very interesting!
Since I just branched into the American Civil War, I'll be straining to meet my interest/ needs.
I have dealt with this St. Petersburg artist for many years, an older gentleman, very good but he has his quirks, if I send him ho-hum subjects I can expect the process to drag out, but if I challenge him with a new or interesting subject they come flying back, as with this group. He is very knowledgeable about uniforms and history often writing back to ask specific of what I am asking for, but many times I just send the figures and allow his artistic interperatation to flow as was the case here.
Some might not like the uncertainty of that style but I really enjoy the surprise and amazement, it's almost like Christmas!
So I have this next group that goes in another direction all together, the crusades, and I'm debating the path for these artistic interpretation or specify each figure?
I'm leaning toward the specific. :rolleyes:

Okay Ray. As you've already seen, the illustrations for these are just line drawings - so as soon as I get them - I'll send you some photos of them. You can then get a better look. As they were only a couple of €uros each - I thought they were worth taking the risk of just ordering them anyway. (had an e-mail this morning - saying that they had been dispatched - Paypal certainly speeds things up!).

I've only just found another site that does more Winged Hussars - so maybe also take a look at these, which I think look rather nice too. I may also get some of these, later on:

I think that what you are describing about your painter in Russia - is "Trust". You know him well enough to entrust your Flats to him - knowing that he'll do an excellent job. Nothing wrong with that at all. Come to think of it - the whole thing works on trust. We trust the suppliers to post 'em - your guy to paint 'em - and the Postal groups to deliver 'em. Must be a nice feeling - when you eventually open up the package - and get such nice surprises.

I also get that feeling when I buy castings - but I've got to trust myself to paint 'em{sm4}

Those Crusades figures look good - will go well with your Saladin, that you showed earlier! (yes - I noticed him!)

Cheers Ray, most interesting - thanks for the details - jb
Brother, you are getting to be a very bad influence on my Wallet!! Those Ottoman/Turks are beautiful and just what the doctor ordered to oppose those winged hussars. The site you found is one I think I've seen before but I don't recall the huge selection or much improved site, my first group of Poles may be part of this collection, if so they are great for detail.
Definately learned from you on this one....
Thank JB
Ps Saladin will be going back for rework, actually the pic I posted here was the largest and best detailed I'd seen and it's just not right, that was one of my main complaints with Fernando enterprises there pics are always tiny difficult to see small detail.
Brother, you are getting to be a very bad influence on my Wallet!! Those Ottoman/Turks are beautiful and just what the doctor ordered to oppose those winged hussars. The site you found is one I think I've seen before but I don't recall the huge selection or much improved site, my first group of Poles may be part of this collection, if so they are great for detail.
Definately learned from you on this one....
Thank JB
Ps Saladin will be going back for rework, actually the pic I posted here was the largest and best detailed I'd seen and it's just not right, that was one of my main complaints with Fernando enterprises there pics are always tiny difficult to see small detail.

I have to admit - I bought some of those too!!! Remember, at Vienna - this was the LARGEST attack of massed cavalry, EVER, so we really can't have too many!{eek3}

If you want to wait until I get them first, before ordering "blind" - I'll do some photos of those as well - and post them - so you can see the real thing as castings, before you decide to melt a Credit card!!!! The new supplier is based near Hamburg - and the guy there (Hans), said that he would post them off to me as soon as Paypal turned up in his account - so they SHOULD be on their way! I'll photo and post on the day they arrive.

As for me being a bad influence - remember who got me started down this road!:D If I like something enough - it usually doesn't take me long to dig around the web - and Flat suppliers seem to lead on from one to another! Those "Links" that you find - are very useful.;). Try this Dutch one - for an alphabetical list of suppliers/manufacturers. I found it very useful, (you might have to move around the site a bit).

I know the feeling of trying to make out detail on tiny illustrations. Have you tried saving them - and then going into "Paint" - where you can enlarge them there a few times. I've recently found this facility - and it's sometimes quite useful for uniform, or casting detail.

Your Saladin looks okay to me - but you're the one who needs to be satisfied - not me! I know that feeling too. If he ain't right...................... he ain't right - yet!

Keep sharing the pics - and I'll continue to let you know how I'm progressing. Cheers for now - many thanks - jb
Hi Ray. After I ordered a few Flats from Hans-Deiter Oldhafer (Zinnfiguren-Oldhafer) - I asked him if he could spare a few colour pics of any Polish Winged hussars he might have, so that I might use some as guides for painting. He said he would send me some at the weekend.

Well, I just went into my e-mails - and he sent me 10 e-mails with dozens of attachments. Will just share a couple with you.

How about them Babies???:D looking forward to getting my hands on them already.........:cool:jb

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