My Flat Collection (2 Viewers)

Off the road and doing what I like AAHHH!!
received the latest group from my artist in St. Petersberg, can't stop looking at them, my photographic skills just don't do them justice, too much glare!

Recent figure picked up from a French Artist very well done in my humble opinion!

Recent figure picked up from a French Artist very well done in my humble opinion!

And from the Red Cross - he's a Crusader - from the Crown on his head - He's Royalty - and from the two golden lions rampant on his shield - He's King Richard ! - or Richard The Lion-heart ( Coeur-de-Leon). [The third Lion was added and changed to passant later on in his reign.]

Agreed - a very nice figure indeed. I only have him as a 54mm fully round figure.

Is he 30mm? jb
And from the Red Cross - he's a Crusader - from the Crown on his head - He's Royalty - and from the two golden lions rampant on his shield - He's King Richard ! - or Richard The Lion-heart ( Coeur-de-Leon). [The third Lion was added and changed to passant later on in his reign.]

Agreed - a very nice figure indeed. I only have him as a 54mm fully round figure.

Is he 30mm? jb

Hi JB,
You are correct sir! the only twist is the actual figure was sculpt as Godfried De Buiollon first King of Jerusalem

and yes 30 mm, here surrounded by some others in my collection.

Good old Godfreid he is then. I think the creator of the figure might have been on safer ground though - if he had clad old Godfreid as shown below - and given him a shield to match. A Frankish Knight - he is in the livery of "The King of Jerusalem" below - although he is reported to have famously refused the title, when offered it in 1099 when he was one of the leaders who took the City - as he reportedly said that only Christ deserved that title.

He died a year later in 1100 - though it is unclear how he actually died. Some reports claim he was killed by an arrow - whilst others claim it was from poison.

Still a very nice flat figure though. jb
Good old Godfreid he is then. I think the creator of the figure might have been on safer ground though - if he had clad old Godfreid as shown below - and given him a shield to match. A Frankish Knight - he is in the livery of "The King of Jerusalem" below - although he is reported to have famously refused the title, when offered it in 1099 when he was one of the leaders who took the City - as he reportedly said that only Christ deserved that title.

He died a year later in 1100 - though it is unclear how he actually died. Some reports claim he was killed by an arrow - whilst others claim it was from poison.

Still a very nice flat figure though. jb

Didn't mean to say he was painted as Buiollon, he is from a set of crusade personalities and this is that figure, but the artist painted him as Richard, so you were right on both accounts!

Some Polish Winged Hussars..

:rolleyes:Whoa there Betsy! Those winged Hussars look a bit special!!:D:D

I see what you mean about Richard - he's part of a series then. Do you have any others from the series????

I would love to find a casting like that in need of a bit of TLC. Would be rather nice to remove the shield detail - and then repaint him as the old Godfreid portrait.

This is my version of Richard ! - showing him with the three Lions passant on shield, jupon and horse caparison - [in 54mm and fully round though.] jb

By the way - have those young ladies in the cart been sunbathing???:eek:
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You have quite a collection now Ray with some most excellent painted figures. The sets that were on sale at the London show last Saturday were priced at £75 per box, which I thought was good value for money - what's your view on this? :smile2:

You have quite a collection now Ray with some most excellent painted figures. The sets that were on sale at the London show last Saturday were priced at £75 per box, which I thought was good value for money - what's your view on this? :smile2:


Hi Jeff,
Great coverage once again! you have a real feel for getting the most interesting photos and thanks for covering flats as well.
The flat sets looked large and as best I could tell looked well painted, they seem like good value, my problem I the exchange rate kills me over here.
75 pounds translates into $125.00 without conversion fees, add postage and the price roughly doubles, still large sets help. would love to see them first hand, sure I'd drop a wad of cash!:rolleyes:

some figures from the Fall of Troy

:rolleyes:Whoa there Betsy! Those winged Hussars look a bit special!!:D:D

I see what you mean about Richard - he's part of a series then. Do you have any others from the series????

I would love to find a casting like that in need of a bit of TLC. Would be rather nice to remove the shield detail - and then repaint him as the old Godfreid portrait.

This is my version of Richard ! - showing him with the three Lions passant on shield, jupon and horse caparison - [in 54mm and fully round though.] jb

By the way - have those young ladies in the cart been sunbathing???:eek:

nice figure! I've heard there is some discussion as to when the actual change was made from two to three lions. while this isn't my figure does this fit the bill?
(The horse is a bit under dressed)

here are some of the set my figure came from
Gottfried v Bouillon
Richard Loewenherz (with three lions on his shield!!)
Bohemund v Tarent
Tankred v Apulien
Raimund v Toulouse;topic=851.0;attach=3244;image

and the girls MUST be European!
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nice figure! I've heard there is some discussion as to when the actual change was made from two to three lions. while this isn't my figure does this fit the bill?
(The horse is a bit under dressed)

here are some of the set my figure came from
Gottfried v Bouillon
Richard Loewenherz (with three lions on his shield!!)
Bohemund v Tarent
Tankred v Apulien
Raimund v Toulouse;topic=851.0;attach=3244;image

and the girls MUST be European!

Hi Ray. Yet another nice figure - with probably a more authentic shape to the shield for that date. Note that the magnificent statue of King Richard the Lionheart outside our British Parliament, shows no caparison on the horse. The version that I showed earlier - is really a conversion from a kit of parts - and I chose to use a head with a crown - and then just painted him as Richard 1. As the caparison was cast in to the horse, and the shield was also part of the kit - mine is really a "poetic licence" version.

It is generally accepted in the UK that the Three Lions passant were adopted from earlier devices ( showing either one or two lions guardant - i.e upright) in 1198. The evidence for this comes from "The Great Seal of the Realm" - which, as it was a seal - indicates no colour, but dates from then. Note that the device for Normandy ( which Richard was also Duke of) shows two lions. The assumption therefore is, that Richard probably used the device of either one or two lions on his shield until 1198 - when he changed to three.

I actually have a Chess set, that I have been working on - (intermittently), which shows Richard holding a shield with two lions guardant ( upright and facing each other). As all of this really pre-dates the formal adoption of any system of Heraldry. it's all a bit speculative - but it is known that from 1198-1340 - the three lions were the official arms of Kings of England - and indeed, thereafter, and to the present day - they remain as part of the coat of arms of British Monarchs.

I'll bet that the set of those you mention to accompany Richard would look good together.

As for the girls in the cart - well - they might be European - though they certainly look healthy!!!:D jb
Johnny, Great info, though I still find myself a bit confused as to weather it should be 2 or 3 lions for the crusades? none the less great stuff!

As you've seen lately I'm digging in the ancient world box

As Richard died on 6 April 1199 - whilst besieging a small town in South West France - it's safe to assume that during the third Crusade he used the shield showing two upright lions. These would be facing each other or "Combatant" in heraldry-speak!

My chess-set is a Crusader one - and shows this. The other side is Saladin's army - so I must get around to finishing it when I get back to France.

Great to see even more of your superb collection - very enjoyable and instructive. I will be taking my meagre flat collection further when I get back home. At present, I'm enjoying a brilliant summer on the beach with my two grandchildren - so painting anything - is definitely OUT! :D

All the best - jb
Finally got my Two Trees Indians and Trappers. These are great. Quality is right up there with the Germans for a fraction of the price

Indian Flats Big 1.jpg

Indian Flats Big 2.jpg

Indian Flats Big 3.jpg

Indian Flats Big 01.jpg
Wow Zach! beautiful sets! I have always been impressed with the trader/ French and Indian war sets and your sets are why.
It always amazes me how expressive the sets are right out of the box, set them up and they tell a story, great purchase.
Wow Zach! beautiful sets! I have always been impressed with the trader/ French and Indian war sets and your sets are why.
It always amazes me how expressive the sets are right out of the box, set them up and they tell a story, great purchase.

I like these too - a great subject from the Two-Trees marque - sculpted I believe, by Tom Stark. Thanks for posting them Zach.

I assume these came from Michigan Toys??? I have had a look at their web-site - but can only find these on sale as painted versions. Do either of you know if either they, (or Tom directly), could also supply them as unpainted castings to a British or French address????? Johnnybach
to the best of my knowledge Tom does not do any of the sculpting, I think he could identify the figure manufacturers though he's very hard to contact.
If you have something specific you'd like let me know and I'll explore the sites I'm aware of for them. I'm also a member of the British Flat Figure Society and this group is truly a wealth of information.
to the best of my knowledge Tom does not do any of the sculpting, I think he could identify the figure manufacturers though he's very hard to contact.
If you have something specific you'd like let me know and I'll explore the sites I'm aware of for them. I'm also a member of the British Flat Figure Society and this group is truly a wealth of information.

Hi Ray - thanks for the info. I like painting Injuns ( or Native American Indians - to be more correct, as you get lots of freedom to paint them a bit differently to regular Toy Soldiers.

Just that those last flats of Fur traders/Indians from Zach looked excellent - and I wondered whether they could be purchased as unpainted.

I e-mailed Michigan Toys - and asked that question - but had a reply that they only came as painted from them. I thought that Tom Stark had sculpted them - as I know he does some work of that nature for the Museum at New York.

I have just joined the British Flat Fig. Soc. too - and might investigate this topic further with them - when I can get a bit more free time ( when I get back to UK after Xmas). Busy with Grampa Duties at present - which involves lottsa water sports!!!

Cheers - off to the beach now! jb:cool:

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