Cheers Ray - glad you like them - and yes - I now have to learn how to paint FLAT Elephants! Just as well that you can't see my sun-tan!!!
Sadly - the great Bank rip-off you describe is still pretty common in Europe. The Austrian Museum I bought my Band from recently - asked me to transfer payment that way - but when I investigated how much it would cost to make a Bank transfer - I quickly found that it would have cost me a similar amount to do it - as the price of my unpainted castings!!!{eek3}
And all for making a few key-strokes on a computer screen!!!!

I thought hard about it - and eventually decided to send my small amount of currency to the Museum in a letter addressed to my contact, ( which I advised him was coming that way). I enclosed payment in notes - along with a letter which confirmed my order, which had already been made by computer. As it was a letter, within a padded envelope - and was sent from France to Austria ( not a great distance) - it arrived safely two days later - and my payment was made - without any ridiculous charge from any Bank, which would have almost doubled the cost. My contact advised me he had received payment - and was posting my Band ( which you have seen earlier).
Old-fashioned cash is pretty archaic - but universally acceptable - AND ...... I have my Band - at the prices asked (plus a small amount for postage and packing), which is tiny for lightweight Flat figures - and the Banks can go swing!!
It all rather depends on HOW the manufacturer is set up to receive payment, I'm afraid. My latest Elephants were very easy to order - as Karl has set up the Paypal method. Okay, you take a small risk when sending currency - but when the cost is nigh on doubled - by using the rip-off Banks - I for one, think it's worth the occasional purchase that way - at least to countries where you can trust the Postal organisations.
I'm not sure how easy it would be to buy Euros in the US - or whether your vendor would accept US Dollars - but maybe it's worth asking your guy in Deutschland whether that would work for him???? Just a thought? jb