My Flat Collection (3 Viewers)

very good JB I knew there was something I liked about you! My Brother in law is a Kiwi takes the family back every other year, great sense of humor.
very good JB I knew there was something I liked about you! My Brother in law is a Kiwi takes the family back every other year, great sense of humor.

Steady on bach! - I'm Welsh!!!

My daughter and her husband and my two Grandchildren live in NZ.

You would never know that my two were born in England though - 'cos after five years - and several earthquakes later - they both sound like Kiwis - through and through. Lovely place too, I may add, so visiting them all in the depths of a Northern hemisphere winter is a pure pleasure!!

Pass me another Tui beer!!:D

By the way - decided to pass on the Injuns at those prices - will wait and see if they turn up in the "flea market" section at more realistic prices, someday. That's the only thing that I don't like about BZ web-site - some prices for unpainted castings - are just stupid!:( Thanks for the info, though - jb
I am involved with another member here on a project and he reminded me of some diorama pics I had taken of my collection over the years, since there part of my collection I thought I'd repost some of the ones I thought were good for one reason or another.


Absolutely beautiful! The backdrops you have in your dioramas really brings your flats collection to a new level.


Absolutely beautiful! The backdrops you have in your dioramas really brings your flats collection to a new level.


Thank you Mike, coming from a man with one of the best collections I've ever seen means more.
Hi all - excuse me popping in - nice to see some more of the collection, Ray.

I had a small delivery today - which I thought might be of interest. As you can see - it's a collection of castings from Karl Rieger (online shop,

You may be able to make out a small detachment of British Indian Army Gunners c.1880, getting a two elephant towed, large calibre gun into action - along with six gunners, and mounted NCO and Officer ( which accompany the set). All 30mm by the way.

Having recently completed a fully round 54mm version of a very similar set recently - I was delighted to find this German based manufacturer of Flats recently - with an online catalogue and mail order facility. Very reasonably priced too. Viewing and ordering were simplicity itself - and Paypal ensures safe ordering and delivery of items. I actually ordered them just after Xmas whilst I was still in New Zealand - and my unpainted castings (complete with small colour illustration to help with painting) were delivered by post to England today. Perfectly packed - so arrived safely. I can highly recommend this manufacturer/supplier.

Just need to find a bit of space on my bench - and some time to splash a bit of paint around on them now. Johnnybach
JB, Good to hear from you again and welcome back to reality! enough fun with the grandkids and lounging on warm sunny beaches!:mad:
That is a very impressive set you picked up, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with it after the excellent effort on the Scott Greys!
I am currently trying to purchase a group of great castings from a seller in Germany and I wish they were set up as well as your dealer, the only way I can pay is International bank transfer? Is this common practice in the EU? It's really archaic in the states and the only banks that will do it want to charge me $45.00 for any transaction? OOOUUUCCHHH!!!^&confuse
JB, Good to hear from you again and welcome back to reality! enough fun with the grandkids and lounging on warm sunny beaches!:mad:
That is a very impressive set you picked up, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with it after the excellent effort on the Scott Greys!
I am currently trying to purchase a group of great castings from a seller in Germany and I wish they were set up as well as your dealer, the only way I can pay is International bank transfer? Is this common practice in the EU? It's really archaic in the states and the only banks that will do it want to charge me $45.00 for any transaction? OOOUUUCCHHH!!!^&confuse

Cheers Ray - glad you like them - and yes - I now have to learn how to paint FLAT Elephants! Just as well that you can't see my sun-tan!!!:D

Sadly - the great Bank rip-off you describe is still pretty common in Europe. The Austrian Museum I bought my Band from recently - asked me to transfer payment that way - but when I investigated how much it would cost to make a Bank transfer - I quickly found that it would have cost me a similar amount to do it - as the price of my unpainted castings!!!{eek3}

And all for making a few key-strokes on a computer screen!!!!:mad::mad:

I thought hard about it - and eventually decided to send my small amount of currency to the Museum in a letter addressed to my contact, ( which I advised him was coming that way). I enclosed payment in notes - along with a letter which confirmed my order, which had already been made by computer. As it was a letter, within a padded envelope - and was sent from France to Austria ( not a great distance) - it arrived safely two days later - and my payment was made - without any ridiculous charge from any Bank, which would have almost doubled the cost. My contact advised me he had received payment - and was posting my Band ( which you have seen earlier).

Old-fashioned cash is pretty archaic - but universally acceptable - AND ...... I have my Band - at the prices asked (plus a small amount for postage and packing), which is tiny for lightweight Flat figures - and the Banks can go swing!!

It all rather depends on HOW the manufacturer is set up to receive payment, I'm afraid. My latest Elephants were very easy to order - as Karl has set up the Paypal method. Okay, you take a small risk when sending currency - but when the cost is nigh on doubled - by using the rip-off Banks - I for one, think it's worth the occasional purchase that way - at least to countries where you can trust the Postal organisations.

I'm not sure how easy it would be to buy Euros in the US - or whether your vendor would accept US Dollars - but maybe it's worth asking your guy in Deutschland whether that would work for him???? Just a thought? jb
I've just had a thought, Ray.

Maybe it would be a good idea for any Flat enthusiasts - to share our knowledge of Flat sites ( online catalogues etcetera) - who sell their products - which are usually available either painted or as castings WHO ACCEPT PAYPAL.

Here's another one that I know of - which has a large online catalogue, and well worth a look:

Adding to the one that I have mentioned earlier run by Karl Rieger:

BOTH of these online manufacturers accept PAYPAL for payments.
Great Idea JB, let me add this site since your interested in large Pachyderm, this producer is one of the easiest and a great selection of really great sculpts focused on Napoleon in Egypt, how about Camel riders!

I've just had a thought, Ray.

Maybe it would be a good idea for any Flat enthusiasts - to share our knowledge of Flat sites ( online catalogues etcetera) - who sell their products - which are usually available either painted or as castings WHO ACCEPT PAYPAL.

Here's another one that I know of - which has a large online catalogue, and well worth a look:

Adding to the one that I have mentioned earlier run by Karl Rieger:

BOTH of these online manufacturers accept PAYPAL for payments.
Did some searching locally and have found a source for buying Euro's so that's how I'll go, Thanks for making me think.

Cheers Ray - glad you like them - and yes - I now have to learn how to paint FLAT Elephants! Just as well that you can't see my sun-tan!!!:D

Sadly - the great Bank rip-off you describe is still pretty common in Europe. The Austrian Museum I bought my Band from recently - asked me to transfer payment that way - but when I investigated how much it would cost to make a Bank transfer - I quickly found that it would have cost me a similar amount to do it - as the price of my unpainted castings!!!{eek3}

And all for making a few key-strokes on a computer screen!!!!:mad::mad:

I thought hard about it - and eventually decided to send my small amount of currency to the Museum in a letter addressed to my contact, ( which I advised him was coming that way). I enclosed payment in notes - along with a letter which confirmed my order, which had already been made by computer. As it was a letter, within a padded envelope - and was sent from France to Austria ( not a great distance) - it arrived safely two days later - and my payment was made - without any ridiculous charge from any Bank, which would have almost doubled the cost. My contact advised me he had received payment - and was posting my Band ( which you have seen earlier).

Old-fashioned cash is pretty archaic - but universally acceptable - AND ...... I have my Band - at the prices asked (plus a small amount for postage and packing), which is tiny for lightweight Flat figures - and the Banks can go swing!!

It all rather depends on HOW the manufacturer is set up to receive payment, I'm afraid. My latest Elephants were very easy to order - as Karl has set up the Paypal method. Okay, you take a small risk when sending currency - but when the cost is nigh on doubled - by using the rip-off Banks - I for one, think it's worth the occasional purchase that way - at least to countries where you can trust the Postal organisations.

I'm not sure how easy it would be to buy Euros in the US - or whether your vendor would accept US Dollars - but maybe it's worth asking your guy in Deutschland whether that would work for him???? Just a thought? jb
Great Idea JB, let me add this site since your interested in large Pachyderm, this producer is one of the easiest and a great selection of really great sculpts focused on Napoleon in Egypt, how about Camel riders!

Yo dude! I like that site too. I particularly like this centre pair of castings:

So...............might give them a try too - at some point. Glad you seem to have worked out a plan for your latest order.

Cheers! jb
I posted some pics on the 30mm Napoleonics thread and realized most were mine!
Here is some of my Egyptians I threw together:

You must have a tidy old collection by now Ray! Just fabulous painted figures! ^&cool

Jeff :salute::
If you like American Civil war here's a site that I think is the best, strangely in Germany!?!?! they accept paypal and credit cards as well:

I note that they do other ranges as well, Ray - so will add them to my growing list of producers who accept Paypal - and are therefore, ultra-easy to buy items from.

Thanks again.

I note also that zinnfiguren-bock do a 20mm range. Now THAT's just a tad too far for my old eyes!!!:rolleyes2:jb

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