Thank you JB, I thpught the subject of the Duchy of Berg was a little different and the colors really Gaudy and just outrageous for war
As far as the detail, it is quite amazing to me, I've tried several prodicts to duplicate the fine lines so well detailed in the artists rendition and I just flounder, smudge and generally botch detail at this level. Do you think this is pen and quill?
I haven't got a clue on the execution, if you look at the Seconf group of figures he's done Pharoahs Ostrich hunt, I believe he does the same thing in white on the Ostrich feathers?
Hi Ray - I'm pretty sure that the black lines are fine-line pen, I think, as they appear too regular to have been done with a brush. The white on black of the ostrich feathers - I'm not so sure about - as they look like they have been overpainted on - but could be a mixture of paint and fine-line pen - in white.
I have used a black 0.05 pen for lining - which are waterproof - and dry after about a minute or two, so figures can be handled without smudging then, especially if you are using a magnifying lamp - which hastens the drying. Useful for lining and shadow areas on 30mm figures - but you have to wait that minute or so - or else they could smudge too. I only paint/line such figures on one side at a time - as clumsy fingers CAN cause smudging on the other side, if you're not very careful. After painting is finished - I use varnishes to seal everything in. I use gloss - as I like them that way - but you can get matte varnishes too.
After trying to paint my own - I really do take my hat off to those people who paint them for a living - but practice is the key - the more you do - the better you get at it.
Quite fancy that Chariot myself - so now that I know the producers - and that they CAN accept Paypal for payments ( albeit if you pay the small fee), they are on my radar for some future purchases. Thanks for the painted illustrations - I'll keep some for the future - as painting guides. jb
Thank you JB, I thpught the subject of the Duchy of Berg was a little different and the colors really Gaudy and just outrageous for war
As far as the detail, it is quite amazing to me, I've tried several prodicts to duplicate the fine lines so well detailed in the artists rendition and I just flounder, smudge and generally botch detail at this level. Do you think this is pen and quill?
I haven't got a clue on the execution, if you look at the Seconf group of figures he's done Pharoahs Ostrich hunt, I believe he does the same thing in white on the Ostrich feathers?
Hi Ray - I'm pretty sure that the black lines are fine-line pen, I think, as they appear too regular to have been done with a brush. The white on black of the ostrich feathers - I'm not so sure about - as they look like they have been overpainted on - but could be a mixture of paint and fine-line pen - in white.
I have used a black 0.05 pen for lining - which are waterproof - and dry after about a minute or two, so figures can be handled without smudging then, especially if you are using a magnifying lamp - which hastens the drying. Useful for lining and shadow areas on 30mm figures - but you have to wait that minute or so - or else they could smudge too. I only paint/line such figures on one side at a time - as clumsy fingers CAN cause smudging on the other side, if you're not very careful. After painting is finished - I use varnishes to seal everything in. I use gloss - as I like them that way - but you can get matte varnishes too.
After trying to paint my own - I really do take my hat off to those people who paint them for a living - but practice is the key - the more you do - the better you get at it.
Quite fancy that Chariot myself - so now that I know the producers - and that they CAN accept Paypal for payments ( albeit if you pay the small fee), they are on my radar for some future purchases. Thanks for the painted illustrations - I'll keep some for the future - as painting guides. jb
Hello JB,
Thanks for the advice, I look forward to seeing what you've picked up in both finished and unfinished forms.
Hello JB,
Thanks for the advice, I look forward to seeing what you've picked up in both finished and unfinished forms.
You can have a look at them as castings on the web-site Ray. Go to 30mm size first - then Mittlealter (Middle Ages), and have a look at Ritter des Hesenbandondens (15 Knightsof the Garter) and Beruhmte Ritter England (16 Famous Knights of England).
When I get around to painting - I will show them - of course. Still unpacking and sorting out stuff at the moment though, so painting is on the back burner at present. jb
As far as the detail, it is quite amazing to me, I've tried several prodicts to duplicate the fine lines so well detailed in the artists rendition and I just flounder, smudge and generally botch detail at this level. Do you think this is pen and quill?
I haven't got a clue on the execution, if you look at the Seconf group of figures he's done Pharoahs Ostrich hunt, I believe he does the same thing in white on the Ostrich feathers?
Hello Ray,
thank you very much for putting these fine figures up as well. If anybody asks "Why flats" show him a picture of a group like this and I guess no further questions will be asked.
As for the fine lines again I think every painter has got his/her own little secret. Yes, you can draw such fine lines with a brush. I think these figures where painted useing waterbased paint - see how most of the different tones where painted next to each other rather than on top of each other. Since the colours also do look very bright my guess is that either Tempera or Gouache Colour has been used.
If you use black (or white) China Ink on top of a Tempera/Gouache coat useing a high quality brush - and a steady hand - you got your fine lines.
Add one drop of water to two drops of ink and you get the thinest, dense black paint you could possibly ask for and it will "sit" just fine on the T/G painted surface.
Sealing with an oil-based semigloss clear laquer is mandantory and this extra laquer-coat will give you the "artsy" Oil Colour finish on your figures.
It does take practise but it is controllable and it sure works.
Great group of figures once again - still enjoying this thread a lot!!!
Kind Regards
Hello JB,
Thanks for the advice, I look forward to seeing what you've picked up in both finished and unfinished forms.
This is my version of when you receive a package from Russia, Ray........
First comes that familiar knock at the door ................and then.......................
The opening .......and .................they are in layers of cardboard... arranged around the edge ............Layer 1.
Layer 2.
Layer 3.
layer 4.
And that's it - the start of a new adventure in Flat painting.
Though when I'm going to find the time.......................jb
This is my version of when you receive a package from Russia, Ray........
First comes that familiar knock at the door ................and then.......................
The opening .......and .................they are in layers of cardboard... arranged around the edge ............Layer 1.
Layer 2.
Layer 3.
layer 4.
And that's it - the start of a new adventure in Flat painting.
Though when I'm going to find the time.......................jb
Wow JB! Sweet group of castings! Just beautiful, can't wait to see you turn those lumps of tin into a great record of heraldry and pageantry!
Should be fun to watch, I'm sure you'll do a spectacular job, can't wait!
Fine Jon JB, the colors are spectacular! your a wonder to me that you can stay in the tiny lines!?!?!!
So displaying a collection of flats is always a difficult problem for me, we are all familiar with how a slight bump to a display case can send round figures toppling, this phenomenon is only exponentially multiplied in the world of the flat, making thing like display cases rather impractical. I have finally found a reasonably priced source for my prefered storage method. I simply cut foam to fit, glue felt to foam and cut the bases into the felt to hold them in place. I hate the standard box where you can never see the set, these boxes with clear acryllic covers are exactly what I like, safe storage and a classy way to view the sets.
Hi Ray,
I very much like the the boxes you are using to display the flats. Can these boxes also be attached to the wall in order to display the flats in a manner similar to a wall mounted curio? Also, do the boxes come in a variety of sizes?
Warmest personal regards,
Hi Pat, great minds think alike! I am in the process of looking for something to mount these to the wall?
Here is alink to where i got these but i'll bet with a good search of the web you could find anything you need.