My Flat Collection (3 Viewers)

Hello Wolfgang and Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you enjoy my combinations. I enjoy the building process with the buildings and of course I love my flats!!
Here is another building, a Russian church and another recently received partial set of Napoleons camp.
I also continue the migration of my collection into glass top display boxes.
Hope you enjoy!
About the Tyrolian rebellion, I have seen some excellent antique sets, but frankly, My Amerikan publick skool edgimucation didn't cover the German history and I'm not up to speed on it{sm4}

I love that church! So different than stuff I've seen

Hi Zach! your collection is becoming very wide and diversified of late!
The Church is actually 1/87th, a bit small for the 30mm flats but it's fine for the background, I've got to tighten it up, glue the onion and other dome to look good.
The Winged hussars look superb in the case Ray. Great stuff!:D
Hey JB!, looks like your hobby time is in abundance from what you've posted, I sooo look forward to the possibility of retirement. As far as my collection....just trying to keep up with the Joneses and the JB's!
Couple more sets under glass, Egyptian Ostrich Hunt and Sack of Troy

I'd love to see you do this set Johnny, I'm sure you'd do a bang up job. This set is pretty much continuously listed on German ebay also
I'd love to see you do this set Johnny, I'm sure you'd do a bang up job. This set is pretty much continuously listed on German ebay also

Well, I really like the Chariot involved - and I like something a bit different - so may ask Frank to sell me a set for the Winter. I still have quite a bit in my "stash" ( or maybe should say stashes - one for Flats - and one for the others). I have 90 plus figures for the Battle of Crecy - in Flats, remember! It's good to have a ready supply of things available now. Thanks for all of your tips on where to get 'em. :D jb
Well, I really like the Chariot involved - and I like something a bit different - so may ask Frank to sell me a set for the Winter. I still have quite a bit in my "stash" ( or maybe should say stashes - one for Flats - and one for the others). I have 90 plus figures for the Battle of Crecy - in Flats, remember! It's good to have a ready supply of things available now. Thanks for all of your tips on where to get 'em. :D jb

Really Johnny! all those fine flats lying about collecting dust! OUTRAGEOUS SIR! stop slacking and get cracking! :cool:

Another set goes on display, French Imperial Guard Engineers.

Hey JB!, looks like your hobby time is in abundance from what you've posted, I sooo look forward to the possibility of retirement. As far as my collection....just trying to keep up with the Joneses and the JB's!
Couple more sets under glass, Egyptian Ostrich Hunt and Sack of Troy

Would you mind telling me the manufacturer of the Sack of Troy set?
Also, where did you find it?
Would you mind telling me the manufacturer of the Sack of Troy set?
Also, where did you find it?

Hi Nick - looks like Ray is at work and can't answer you right now - so I'll tell you what I know about those marvelous Trojan War figures.

They were first provided by Alfred Retter of Stutgart (Germany) - who died some years ago. A guy called Wilfried Dangelmaier acquired his moulds around 2004 - and still has them and trades from Germany - here's a link to him:

He has a vast series of catalogues - also speaks/reads English - so is easily contactable, and can understand what you want.

There is an interesting article in the Briish Flat Figure Society Journal(BFFS), No 108 (2013) - which fortunately is online at: J108.pdf

Scoot down to pages 14-18 for a very enlightening read about the many Trojan War issues of figures that were first traded by Herr Retter - now owned and sold by Wilfried Dangelmaier. This may help you see the figures - some of which Ray has shown.

Wilfried is a very easy guy to deal with, and buy castings from - which are also very reasonably priced and easy to get, as he takes Paypal.

Happy reading - hope this answers your questions- though Ray may know a bit more for you - when he's not on the road. jb
Hi Nick - looks like Ray is at work and can't answer you right now - so I'll tell you what I know about those marvelous Trojan War figures.

They were first provided by Alfred Retter of Stutgart (Germany) - who died some years ago. A guy called Wilfried Dangelmaier acquired his moulds around 2004 - and still has them and trades from Germany - here's a link to him:

He has a vast series of catalogues - also speaks/reads English - so is easily contactable, and can understand what you want.

There is an interesting article in the Briish Flat Figure Society Journal(BFFS), No 108 (2013) - which fortunately is online at: J108.pdf

Scoot down to pages 14-18 for a very enlightening read about the many Trojan War issues of figures that were first traded by Herr Retter - now owned and sold by Wilfried Dangelmaier. This may help you see the figures - some of which Ray has shown.

Wilfried is a very easy guy to deal with, and buy castings from - which are also very reasonably priced and easy to get, as he takes Paypal.

Happy reading - hope this answers your questions- though Ray may know a bit more for you - when he's not on the road. jb

Hi Guys,
You are correct JB, in Houston last week, looked more like the Brazilian rain forest than Texas.
Thanks JB for answering Nicks question, to add more detail, this is not a complete set as I only put the best painted figures in this display case, I got this set on French Ebay several years back and found out subsequently that there is at least one more Chariot and Ulyesses ship, there is a whole group of sets rendering the Odyssey of Greek lore. There is also many sets produced on this very popular topic. Quite coincidentally, I just received a couple of beautifully painted jousting knights and the seller included several brochures and one of them looks to be a new exhibition of the Odyssey? my german is poor.
This will give you a view of some more of the large variety of castings available, really like Ulysses ships and I have seen others similar, such as seated crew rowing.

Seeing Johnny B. with his large group of Tournament knights had to jump in myself! Two I picked up from Germany

Additional sets have made it to display boxes

French Chassuers

French Currassiers

Don't know if I've ever posted this set I got years ago, if I have it's in a new setting and worth a new look. This is a French Foot Artillery train set here slogging thru the quagmire that is the Russian invasion of 1812

The first group is struggling with an ammunitions wagon

the second is a gun carriage

Hi Ray - Funny you should show these - here's something that I recently bought from Zinnfiguren B&S Leipzig.

Here's the link - for anyone else interested.

The sets shown here - are actually Number 7L from the above catalogue. It comes with the Cannon - and also the other wagon ( similar to yours) - though I ordered another six horses - as I wanted both of mine to be in use at the same time. [ The set 7L comes with six horses - 3 with riders and 3 without, as normal - which can be transferred to either canon OR wagon]. I think that in my pic - I've omitted to place some wheels of the Cannon limber - but you get the idea.

I brought these with me to New Zealand - and once we get settled into our new home here - I will be able to get started with assembling/painting once again.

So..................thanks once again for the useful illustration you have shown - which will be very useful to me as a painting guide.:D jb
I brought these with me to New Zealand - and once we get settled into our new home here - I will be able to get started with assembling/painting once again.



good to hear that you are now 'down under ..... what happened to France ???


good to hear that you are now 'down under ..... what happened to France ???


Hi John - after 25 years - time for a change - so sold there and moved closer to my Grandchildren. :D jb
Hi John - after 25 years - time for a change - so sold there and moved closer to my Grandchildren. :D jb

I thought it may have because it's closer to Australia :)

You can always pop over the Tasman when you need to go toy soldier shopping too !!!

Hey JB,
Congrats on the new digs!hope there plenty of room to stretch out your hobby elbows, I actually am scheduled to close on a home on the 30th as well and I know my"man" room is expanding!
I also have a pipeline full of artillery as I located a source for Russian Horse artillery and there in the Q

Hi Ray - Funny you should show these - here's something that I recently bought from Zinnfiguren B&S Leipzig.

Here's the link - for anyone else interested.

The sets shown here - are actually Number 7L from the above catalogue. It comes with the Cannon - and also the other wagon ( similar to yours) - though I ordered another six horses - as I wanted both of mine to be in use at the same time. [ The set 7L comes with six horses - 3 with riders and 3 without, as normal - which can be transferred to either canon OR wagon]. I think that in my pic - I've omitted to place some wheels of the Cannon limber - but you get the idea.

I brought these with me to New Zealand - and once we get settled into our new home here - I will be able to get started with assembling/painting once again.

So..................thanks once again for the useful illustration you have shown - which will be very useful to me as a painting guide.:D jb

Some more migration, Vistula legion, Napoleons triumphant return and Wurrtemburg line infantry, PS< how do you like my sofa pilows?


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