My Flat Collection (3 Viewers)


that looks really cool...

I also watched Kingdom of Heaven tonight...hahaha...

Reynald de Chatillon is such a despicable character...^&grin

that looks really cool...

I also watched Kingdom of Heaven tonight...hahaha...

Reynald de Chatillon is such a despicable character...^&grin

Hi Mike, Thanks, it seems I watch this film about once a year which is quite unusual for me, once I've seen something I generally never watch it again except for the truly great movies. Guess it says something for this one with all it's Black Hearted villians and unbending hero.

some of the few true Crusader Knight I have

Dear Ray

there´some combination of flats with Westfalia Miniatures 28mm "chaise de poste" which is of same scale i.e. 1/56




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Hello Alexander,
So good to see some of your magnificent collection, really enjoy this picture. The building and coach did you paint them yourself? looks great!

By the way, just for your information, the cossacks from this display came from Alexander's world class collection.

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It's great to come off a long week in airports and on the road to find a parcel from St. Petersburg sitting on the counter! :cool:

additional ancients for my Babylonian empire

Russian horse Artillery plus some additional guns, not happy with the paint work I have on others in my collection

Dabbling probably where I shouldn't but I made an offer for this set painted by Berliner Zinnfigure and he took it!

Prussian 13th Musketeer Regiment

Another couple of sets made it under glass. These are 2 unit involved At Borodino in 1812 at the great Redoubt scene of brutal Hand to Hand and bayonet combat

One more item I couldn't resist is this small Diorama at the VFZ Exhibition Nurnberg, the Trojan Horse is spectacular to me.

and this fort was special as well

Here you go Ray - as requested - here's a couple of pics of my latest project - featuring 3 Carthaginian War Elephants - and a Persian War Chariot ( well, that's how they are labelled on the old GO International Catalogues - now used by Wilfried Dangelmaier - who provided me with the unpainted castings.

I've been reading about the Battle of Gaugamela lately, in 331 BC - when Darius II of Persia and Alexander clashed. Darius apparently had 200 armoured Chariots, such as these, and 15 War Elephants - so I fancy these may have been under his command all those years ago.

As you can see, I've painted them in my usual Glossy style, using Humbrol Enamel paints - with a coat of Humbrol varnish at the end - to enhance and protect the already glossy finish. I realise that this appears to be at odds with the more usual matte finish used by many others nowadays, but it is the one that I prefer for my own mosest collection.

Hope you like 'em too - Johnnybach
Here you go Ray - as requested - here's a couple of pics of my latest project - featuring 3 Carthaginian War Elephants - and a Persian War Chariot ( well, that's how they are labelled on the old GO International Catalogues - now used by Wilfried Dangelmaier - who provided me with the unpainted castings.

I've been reading about the Battle of Gaugamela lately, in 331 BC - when Darius II of Persia and Alexander clashed. Darius apparently had 200 armoured Chariots, such as these, and 15 War Elephants - so I fancy these may have been under his command all those years ago.

As you can see, I've painted them in my usual Glossy style, using Humbrol Enamel paints - with a coat of Humbrol varnish at the end - to enhance and protect the already glossy finish. I realise that this appears to be at odds with the more usual matte finish used by many others nowadays, but it is the one that I prefer for my own mosest collection.

Hope you like 'em too - Johnnybach

Really Beautifully done JB, Thank you for bringing them over here.
Now you need to introduce yourself and "show the Colours" as it were over on the IFFS site, a great bunch over there, without any resentments for others work or favorite style, I've never heard a bad word spoken about anybodies work, they are all very appreciative of the art. I think your glossy style will be well liked over there.
Added a couple of Leliepvre hand signed prints to my collection

Little unclear about this one obvioulsy a piper and maybe a Musketeer 1730?

Scott Greys 1815
Added a couple of Leliepvre hand signed prints to my collection

Little unclear about this one obvioulsy a piper and maybe a Musketeer 1730?

Scott Greys 1815

Musketeer of the Military Household of the King of France - Musician, looks like an oboist, Ray ( see case at his side for the instrument). Look towards the end of the piece for another pic.

Nice prints - jb
Picked up a couple of really well done figs, Bishop of Durham at the battle of Crecy with bannerman, never ceases to amaze me, I've never seen a brush small enough to do these fine details in 30mm.

Picked up a couple of really well done figs, Bishop of Durham at the battle of Crecy with bannerman, never ceases to amaze me, I've never seen a brush small enough to do these fine details in 30mm.


Thanks for those gorgeous pics Ray. I'm pretty sure that I have those two figures as castings - waiting for me back in the UK. I'll certainly keep them in my file - to help when I get around to having a go at painting them myself at some future point. :salute:: jb
Picked up a couple of really well done figs, Bishop of Durham at the battle of Crecy with bannerman, never ceases to amaze me, I've never seen a brush small enough to do these fine details in 30mm.

Hello Ray,
great detail painting indeed - got to think about the artist who is actually engraved the mold into a slate stone.
Picked up a couple of really well done figs, Bishop of Durham at the battle of Crecy with bannerman, never ceases to amaze me, I've never seen a brush small enough to do these fine details in 30mm.
ray jb

Hello Ray,
great detail painting indeed - got to think about the artist who is actually engraved the mold into a slate stone.

Absolutely agree with that Wolfgang. The outstanding engraving of these pieces ( and the rest of his battle of Crecy range) is by another Wolfgang......................Herr Friedrich. How on earth these engravers manage to engrave that amount of detail - on both sides - in slate - and in relief - is just amazing!

Here's a link to some of his work:

With your help, I was able to contact him - and managed to (eventually) purchase this set. You can see his katalog - including the Crecy set , by clicking on his Katalog - and then the numbers alongside the ranges shown. I think that Ray's excellent pieces are numbered 20 there. Just click on that to see the details.

Ray - you must be delighted with both of these superbly engraved and painted figures. I'll be taking my set to NZ - and beginning to paint them next year. Johnnybach
Picked up a couple of really well done figs, Bishop of Durham at the battle of Crecy with bannerman, never ceases to amaze me, I've never seen a brush small enough to do these fine details in 30mm.

Hello Ray,
great detail painting indeed - got to think about the artist who is actually engraved the mold into a slate stone.

Greetings Wolfgang,
I gently ran a finger across the surface and truly, all the fine chevrons and detail are engraved which wiuld make the painting somewhat easier, just beautiful, so my guess is microscopic engraving tools!:p

Absolutely agree with that Wolfgang. The outstanding engraving of these pieces ( and the rest of his battle of Crecy range) is by another Wolfgang......................Herr Friedrich. How on earth these engravers manage to engrave that amount of detail - on both sides - in slate - and in relief - is just amazing!

Here's a link to some of his work:

With your help, I was able to contact him - and managed to (eventually) purchase this set. You can see his katalog - including the Crecy set , by clicking on his Katalog - and then the numbers alongside the ranges shown. I think that Ray's excellent pieces are numbered 20 there. Just click on that to see the details.

Ray - you must be delighted with both of these superbly engraved and painted figures. I'll be taking my set to NZ - and beginning to paint them next year. Johnnybach

Thats the one JB, will be looking forward to others in the range.
Here are some others in the same range US Cavalry from the Indian wars but I think they will find a temprorary home with my set of Bufords cavalry at Gettysburg.

Thats the one JB, will be looking forward to others in the range.
Here are some others in the same range US Cavalry from the Indian wars but I think they will find a temprorary home with my set of Bufords cavalry at Gettysburg.

Wow! Don't tempt me any further Ray - they are stunning. The engraved detail, once again, is outstanding. As you know - I'm rather keen on Western pieces too - so these are always going to be a temptation for me - but I have enough TS areas tugging at me NOW! Maybe one day...........................;)

My next foray into Flats - will be next year - when my Crecy figures will take priority. I think there are 94 figures in that range - so will keep me busy from next July - and probably the next 6 months. Good job they're light in weight - they will be going in my suitcase!

Thanks for these pics............ jb
Wow! Don't tempt me any further Ray - they are stunning. The engraved detail, once again, is outstanding. As you know - I'm rather keen on Western pieces too - so these are always going to be a temptation for me - but I have enough TS areas tugging at me NOW! Maybe one day...........................;)

My next foray into Flats - will be next year - when my Crecy figures will take priority. I think there are 94 figures in that range - so will keep me busy from next July - and probably the next 6 months. Good job they're light in weight - they will be going in my suitcase!

Thanks for these pics............ jb

So you think you can get away with posting all the great flat figures you've done, clearly to tempt me and i'm supposed to give you a temptaion pass??? not a chance!

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