I note Michalel's (Maddaicus) comments regarding Berlinner Zinnfiguren (BZ) figures being expensive.
Agreed, some of their painted ranges ARE quite expensive (indeed, too expensive for me) - and depending on where in the World you live - postage and/or importation COULD also add significantly to the costs.
However, I am currently "having a go" at painting some 30mm Mounted Scots Greys - at Waterloo (1815) - which are produced in-house by BZ, as unpainted castings. The 8 figures cost me €17.95, some three years ago - whilst they are STILL in the catalogue today (just looked) at €21.50 - which is around £2 per figure. As I ordered these whilst staying in France - the delivery charge was low - as they don't weigh very much - and came with NO added taxes within the EU.
These are my set - shown painted here in a stock photo:
So................what I'm getting to - is the observation that it is in the PAINTING of these little jewels that the big costs often kick in - which can also be significantly added to by post/packing and import charges - if you should live a long way from Germany.
I can understand this - as I can confirm that because of their size, they do take a while to carefully paint each figure . But at around £2 each figure, for unpainted castings - they can at least become a very reasonably priced option, if you care to have a go - or can find a reasonably priced painter to paint them for you. As to the delivery charges - these are similar for any other figures you can purchase by mail order - though flats, of course, weigh a darn sight less than fully round solids.
Having "wet my feet" (and my brush

) with my first set - I am encouraged to take my initial experiment further with some more, at some point. I take the point though, that ordering from a "home" producer in the USA, does make eminent sense - if you live there. Sad to say, for us in Europe, maybe the opposite holds.
I think my point is - this hobby does NOT HAVE to be expensive.:salute::
Regards - johnnybach