My Flat Collection (1 Viewer)

Added another hand coloered autographed Leliepvre print.
Confederate Officer in the Virginia Regiment

Added some more of those 60's hand colored uniform prints, this one's Braunswieger Korps 1809

I believe these are from the Seven Years War?

Hesse Darmstadt

Swiss Guard regiment in the service of the French King not sure of the era here, need to translate description...

These are really nice hand colored prints, French Pioneer Corps , the Franco Prussian war 1870-71

And Denmark 1870

Another set migrates into appropriate digs... Confederate command consultation

Added another of the hand colored and autographed Eugène Lelièpvre prints, French Dragoon

Nice collection and thanks for sharing. So where are you getting these? Are they new or old rarities? I hadn't looked at flats in a while and it seems like folks are making more orders these days. Although I have noticed a group that gets hold the legal rights to a mold from a century ago and markets a "re-issue" or something misleading like that. I forget the outfits name...anyway, nice stuff
Nice collection and thanks for sharing. So where are you getting these? Are they new or old rarities? I hadn't looked at flats in a while and it seems like folks are making more orders these days. Although I have noticed a group that gets hold the legal rights to a mold from a century ago and markets a "re-issue" or something misleading like that. I forget the outfits name...anyway, nice stuff

Hello JK,
Thanks for your kind words, I get my castings from a combination of Manufacturers and Ebay worldwide, I have an artist is St. Petersburg, Russia that does most of my commission work as I haven't got the skills to paint to the level of artistry I collect, having said that there is still much room quality wise above what I collect if only money was not an issue. the vast majority of what I have are not the antique sets, though I have been doing my best to chronicle the wonderfully wide and diverse variety of sets available on the 30mm napoleonic thread I am running concurrently. The hobby is not nearly at the heights it once was if you've seen the older sets I've been displaying on the 30mm thread, there just amazing!
You mention other companies picking up rights and molds and this is true, though I don't see it as a negative. For the most part an artists work are kept together and are often available in limited runs, usually for economic reasons. If these centralized repositories where not there the molds and collection would probably be spread to the 4 winds and availability would disappear to most the public.
I think it's a great niche hobby with a rich artistic history and if you enjoy the search and the chase, well Game is plentiful!
If you would like some specific info let me know and I'll see what i can do,
Well, I explained how my parcel was lost in the whirl pool that is the post office, thought I'd never see this package but when I got home late last night there it was and boy am I a happy man!
Thank you to Jim Horan for following up and getting these to me, he is currently selling off a flats collection on ebay for a friends next of kin who died recently.
this set is an extra gift he threw in for all the trouble, way more than i expected or deserved.
* french cuirassiers

Another set in the long lost box Austrian infantry, 12 pieces including officer, flag bearer, drummer, pioneer and infantry all in greycoats

Another small set from the Kingdom of Wurrtemburg, really nicely done, sometimes i don't know how these artist do it, see the model number of each casting painted on the base?

Another set, Austrian Lancers at rest in the town square with fountain

Another set, Austrian Lancers at rest in the town square with fountain

I couldn't put my finger on what looked wrong with this new set/// then I realized several of the figures where packed with another set!!! Update

OK! it's time to get into the goood stuff from my lost parcel saga, this is 5 of some really exceptionally painted Mounted Hussar, still 30mm size

Some additional Russian Pavlowski Guard regiment 1812, 10 figs including Flagbearer, Sargeant at arms and Drummer

Here's the balance of the pics from this russian set and a couple more watercolor signed prints

Getting close to the end of the contents of my lost parcel, Charge of the Austrian !st Cuirassiers!

Picked up some more hand signed and colored Eugène Lelièpvre prints and some more of the uniform sheets from Germany
French and Indian wars


Austrian staff Officers 1839

General Blucher 1806 with staff

One of the last two sets in my lost treasure, various French Uniforms of Napoleon, 30mm very nice detail


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