My JJD Wars of the Roses Display (2 Viewers)

A twist of the wrist on the swing will bring down that Mace just right. Very nice additions. Robin.
???? Well Photo Bucket has blocked my availability to upload my pictures to the TF Forum (3rd Party Hosting). In order to be able to continue to do this I have to upgrade my service options which will cost $400 a year. Guess what . . . . that's not going to happen. Has anybody else experienced this? Going forward I will try and upload photos via the TF forum site but its been so long ago since I did that I don't remember how its done. I'll be back when I get this figured out . . . . .

:smile2: Mike
Just experimenting with uploading photos using the TF UI. This will work, just have to resize my photos so that they meet the maximum allowed of 1500 x 1100. Special enhancements such as borders may not be available . . . .

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:smile2: Mike
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I don't know if you use an iPhone to take photos but if you do, you need to use some resizing software because otherwise the photos will be lopsided.

???? Well Photo Bucket has blocked my availability to upload my pictures to the TF Forum (3rd Party Hosting). In order to be able to continue to do this I have to upgrade my service options which will cost $400 a year. Guess what . . . . that's not going to happen. Has anybody else experienced this? Going forward I will try and upload photos via the TF forum site but its been so long ago since I did that I don't remember how its done. I'll be back when I get this figured out . . . . .

:smile2: Mike

Wow, they blocked all of your previous posts. Wonder if I'm next? :redface2: Chris
An issue going forward, but I do not like the fact it has also taken away all the previous photo's that on occasions I like to look back on again. I would be horrified if all my previous material was blocked. Hope you can sort this out soon. Robin.

I don't know if you use an iPhone to take photos but if you do, you need to use some resizing software because otherwise the photos will be lopsided.


Thanks Brad . . . . I don't use an iPhone . . . . All my photos are taken with a Nikon . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Wow, they blocked all of your previous posts. Wonder if I'm next? :redface2: Chris

Every photo I have ever posted on the TF forum from PB has been blocked . . . . They are still available for public viewing on the PB site, but then that's not the point of why I was using PB to begin with . . . . If this is a new policy for PB I think more users might get the same notice. As you can see in a post above, Brad had the same thing done to him . . . . . more's the pity . . . .
An issue going forward, but I do not like the fact it has also taken away all the previous photo's that on occasions I like to look back on again. I would be horrified if all my previous material was blocked. Hope you can sort this out soon. Robin.

Thanks for the thoughts Robin . . . . Everything I have posted here on TF has been blocked . . . . Could very well happen to anybody on here that uses PB to upload to TF. I sure am not going to pay $400 per year subscription just to have the privilege . . . . . I'll just upload photos from my computer using the TF IU feature . . . it will work just fine . . . .

Wow, they blocked all of your previous posts. Wonder if I'm next? :redface2: Chris

An issue going forward, but I do not like the fact it has also taken away all the previous photo's that on occasions I like to look back on again. I would be horrified if all my previous material was blocked. Hope you can sort this out soon. Robin.

Every photo I have ever posted on the TF forum from PB has been blocked . . . . They are still available for public viewing on the PB site, but then that's not the point of why I was using PB to begin with . . . . If this is a new policy for PB I think more users might get the same notice. As you can see in a post above, Brad had the same thing done to him . . . . . more's the pity . . . .

I noticed just now that wwiibuff/Duke's pics got hit also. This is terrible. :(

Mike, is this related to the age of the file storage? I ask because, I found an old thread of Waynepoo/Wayne that doesn't appear to be blocked by PB:


I have no idea Moe . . . . I've been thinking about Wayne and when he might get blocked for the same reason. That would be a shame if that happens . . . . he has shared some very nicely done diorama scenes with TF forum members. I have been using PB for years just so use as a vehicle to upload to TF. I am clueless why there is an issue now. All I received from PB is a short email stating that some features (3rd Party Hosting) have been blocked for my use and to continue to be able to use the feature I need to update my account to a subscription that costs $400 a year . . . that's nuts . . .
:smile2: Mike
I believe that the changes related to third party hosting are simply a desire to generate revenue from their hosting services. Unless you had a paying account, a user could simply use them without PB making any money from their hosting.

Here are excerpts from their recent rules:

Free account : Each individual Member gets one free account that provides 2 GB of free storage or space available for your original photo files, or videos under 10min. The free account does not allow any image linking or 3rd party image hosting. If a free account Member exceeds their Content Limit, their account will be immediately suspended and they will need to become a “Paying Member” (defined below) in order to continue accessing their account. You can upgrade to a Plus account at any time.

Plus Account : The Plus Account offers several paid options that may give the Paying Member more storage, bandwidth, 3rd party image hosting, image linking and/or other services as outlined below. Once and during such period of time in which you subscribe to and pay for a Plus Account, we will consider you a "Paying Member." Please note that all Plus Account subscriptions are billed annually at the commencement of the service. Photobucket may also offer a monthly billing option for its Plus Accounts (see terms and restrictions, below).

Available Plus Account Plans : Photobucket offers the following Plus Account Plans:
o Plus 50 Plan: 52 GB of Storage for $59.99 / Year. The Plus 50 Plan does not allow any image linking or 3rd party image hosting.

o Plus 100 Plan: 102 GB of Storage for $99.99 / Year. The Plus 100 Plan allows for unlimited image linking but does not allow 3rd party image hosting.

o Plus 500 Plan: 500 GB of Storage and unlimited bandwidth for $399.99 / Year. The Plus 500 Plan allows for unlimited image linking and unlimited 3rd party image hosting.​

well...that explains it pretty clearly...they have really got you over a barrel once you exceed their limits and if you want to share your photos on a third party site...

the price has really escalated...I remember Joe Quintini called me one day years ago...and told me he had exceeded storage and they wanted him to upgrade to a larger file for $25...

I just laughed and thought that's business and advised him to pay the $25...

a few months later...they did the same thing to I paid and used it for a few years...finally quitting them...

I can understand the file increase fee...but the third party sharing fee is a rip off...I mean...these are my photos...and you tell me I can't share them...

I'm guessing they are going to lose a lot of "free customers"...but that may be their us or get lost...

well...that explains it pretty clearly...they have really got you over a barrel once you exceed their limits and if you want to share your photos on a third party site...

the price has really escalated...I remember Joe Quintini called me one day years ago...and told me he had exceeded storage and they wanted him to upgrade to a larger file for $25...

I just laughed and thought that's business and advised him to pay the $25...

a few months later...they did the same thing to I paid and used it for a few years...finally quitting them...

I can understand the file increase fee...but the third party sharing fee is a rip off...I mean...these are my photos...and you tell me I can't share them...

I'm guessing they are going to lose a lot of "free customers"...but that may be their us or get lost...

I'm paying over $30 and don't mind to pay for using their service. But not going to pay $400. Maybe they are targeting commercial usage and sweeping up everyone else. Chris
I'm paying over $30 and don't mind to pay for using their service. But not going to pay $400. Maybe they are targeting commercial usage and sweeping up everyone else. Chris

Or it could be a case of legacy accounts getting "grandfathered," while newer accounts get hammered under some previously unexercised provision of PB's terms and conditions.:eek:

I've been rearranging shelf space again to make room for JJD's new release of his Inter-War Aviation F4B's and USS Saratoga Deck plates. This required me to move my entire WoR collection to one shelf. I know it looks a little crowded but I imagine at Bosworth Field on that fateful day it was a bit crowded too . . . . .

:smile2: Mike

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DSC_0015 (1280x912).jpg're really getting after War of the Roses...that shelf is looking really nice...and full thinking adding all those new shelves a few years ago...'re really getting after War of the Roses...that shelf is looking really nice...and full thinking adding all those new shelves a few years ago...

Thanks Mike . . . . Even with all the additional shelves I added I am once again starting to run out of display space. Trouble is I have no more room for additional shelving. Quite the dilemma when JJD keeps releasing such wonderful figures, vehicles, and airplanes. John's is just a machine . . . . I don't know how he does it month after month after month . . . .
:smile2: Mike

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