My Leuthen collection - it's starting to come together......... (1 Viewer)

Well, just as a little respite from the WW1 "Big Push" ( guilty as charged! ) I thought I'd post a few images of the recent work I've done on My Leuthen Austrians.

A variation to make a third standing Firing figure. ( He's the one in the middle )


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Tried to make these three look a little more like the painting...............


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Lastly, some variations for the Turret.......... Cheers!


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Hi "Old Bill"
I really like and enjoy the work and efforts you put into your Leuthen Diorama.
That will be a most impressive and a "one of a kind" display at the end.
Great stuff !!!
Old Bill, Looks like you've done some pretty extensive conversions on some of these Austrians.....And they look great!

With the bare headed figures, did you swap out the heads entirely or cut off the hats and then re-sculpt the top of the head?

It also looks like you turned some of the kneeling firing into 'at the ready' poses.

Any info on your converting techniques for these Austrians would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks - Ken
Thank you Konrad and Ken for your kind comments. Most appreciated!

Regarding the conversions Ken, You are spot on. I took 2 "At the Ready" from the ROT-03 set and 2 "Kneeling Firing" from the ROT-04 set. Then took off the bases of the "Kneeling Firing" and cut all the figures in half at the waist.

These when re-assembled, gave me 2 "Kneeling at the Ready" and 2 "new" "Standing Firing" figures. The Bareheaded figures had their hats cut off and I sculpted the new top half of their heads. The techniques I used were pretty much as I described in the Grenadier conversions.

Cheers, Roy.

PS Here's a couple of pics showing the figures a little more clearly:


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Thank you Konrad and Ken for your kind comments. Most appreciated!

Regarding the conversions Ken, You are spot on. I took 2 "At the Ready" from the ROT-03 set and 2 "Kneeling Firing" from the ROT-04 set. Then took off the bases of the "Kneeling Firing" and cut all the figures in half at the waist.

These when re-assembled, gave me 2 "Kneeling at the Ready" and 2 "new" "Standing Firing" figures. The Bareheaded figures had their hats cut off and I sculpted the new top half of their heads. The techniques I used were pretty much as I described in the Grenadier conversions.

Cheers, Roy.

PS Here's a couple of pics showing the figures a little more clearly:

That's some mighty fine surgery Roy. Also like that you removed the bases for the figures defending the walls. They visually tie in with the wall platform so much better that way. Thanks for sharing. Ken
Hi There,

Great looking conversions! Now a question, did you need to attach them to the wall or turret some how to keep them stable? The kneeling figures look pretty stable but was wondering if you needed to glue or tacky wax them in to position.

Looking forward to the completed display!

Thank you again Ken, and also Dave, Walt and Fraxinus for your kind comments. Much appreciated!

Dave, all the figures are free standing - including the "Standing Loading " figure. No fixtures are needed.

Ken, glad you think they tie in more with the wall platform. It also lowers the figures behind the walls to what I feel is a more realistic looking height.

I'm quite pleased with how they turned out, I shall eventually do the same to most of my Austrian standing figures. ( I think I have a way of " holding" them on to the walls, I'll see how it goes )

No more figure work for a while, I must buckle down to the terrain now - I keep putting it off! ( and all the wonderful WW1 stuff coming out is a huge distraction! )

Cheers, Roy
It is clear there has been some real thought, effort and handiwork put into this Old Bill. The result really is stunning, well done!
The Grenadiers have been waiting two long years for their Leader..................

But - At last! A brave Officer has stepped forward..................

"We need someone else! Men, follow me" He Growls.........


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Crikey! Nearly two years on from my last Leuthen post. {eek3} Here's an updated pic to the previous one of some of my Grenadiers with their real leader and NCO.
(I'm still "working" on my Leuthen dio) :rolleyes: - sort of got side tracked on WW1 and WOR.................. Must try harder {sm0}


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Time sure flys.I would never had believed it's been over 2 years actually.
Time sure flys.I would never had believed it's been over 2 years actually.

Certainly does Mark - I think it's about four years since the Leuthen range appeared!
John did mention a year or so back that he was releasing some follow up Grenadier figures. I am hoping they will eventually see the light of day.


great to see a revised image of the troops.

You have done some great looking conversions to show what it must have looked like from the defender's view.

Maybe we will get a drummer and standard bearer one day??


great to see a revised image of the troops.

You have done some great looking conversions to show what it must have looked like from the defender's view.

Maybe we will get a drummer and standard bearer one day??


Hi John - A drummer and Standard Bearer...........................^&grin that would be the icing on the cake!

A view from the other side of the wall.............. "Here they come"..........!


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