There have been too many penalties called against both teams. I hate to see officials decide a game but it happens a lot. -- AlTerrible call on that "holding" penalty. Should have been a Ravens TD on the punt return.
There have been too many penalties called against both teams. I hate to see officials decide a game but it happens a lot. -- AlTerrible call on that "holding" penalty. Should have been a Ravens TD on the punt return.
Well Tom, it's you and I again...we knew it was coming, so here's to another installment of the toughest rivalery in football today, it doesn't get any tougher then a good ol Raven/Steeler playoff game, may the best team win...Sammy
Well I guess we know who's the better team...One day, some day we will beat the Steelers in a important game, when that is I wish I knew, so congrats to the Steelers, see ya next year...Sammy
There have been too many penalties called against both teams. I hate to see officials decide a game but it happens a lot. -- Al
if the Seahawks win, as George pointed out last week, the 7-9 Seahawks host the NFC Championship game. That would just plain suck.
One of the talking heads said they'd actually be 9-9 at that point, like that far in the NFC, the #1, 3 and 5 seeds have all gone down in flames, with an outside possibility of the #4 and 6 seeds playing in the championship game.
Tonight was ugly, what a massacre that was, Falcons were outeverythinged in that game..............
I don't know George but I thought it was a great display by great QB. The Pack struggled with massive starter injuries all year but I think they demonstrated what they can do when they are healthy. I look forward to seeing them play the championship game an beyond, no matter where. I humbly say again, who cares which seeds are playing, that is the whole point of having a playoff series.One of the talking heads said they'd actually be 9-9 at that point, like that far in the NFC, the #1, 3 and 5 seeds have all gone down in flames, with an outside possibility of the #4 and 6 seeds playing in the championship game.
Tonight was ugly, what a massacre that was, Falcons were outeverythinged in that game..............
Ah yes, I remember well the Colts / Packers rivalry of that time. To us, the Packers were the Evil Empire with legends like Star, Hornung, Taylor, Kramer, Gregg and of course the hated Nitschke. I always had respect for those guys though and rate them just behind San Francisco as my favorite NFL teams after the Skins.I now will throw my ultra-important support to Chicago in the NFC. Rather, it's a vote for anyone but the Seahawks or Packers. Haven't made up my mind between the AFC teams yet. I see the SB champ coming from the AFC this year. Like the chances for the Pats or Steelers, but might rethink if the Jets get through. If it comes down to Packers vs Jets, it will be the first SB I don't bother to watch. No offence meant to any forum brothers, as I know both of those teams have supporters, but teenage trauma won't let me root for either of them. When it comes right down to it, anyone but Seattle, who doesn't have any business in the playoffs. -- Al
I grew up with this rivalry and my emotional investment in the Colt's was extreme, to say the least. I am unable, to this day, to root for the Packers or Jets, under any circumstances. The Jets thing is obviously SB III, while the Packers hate came from the decade long rivalry with the Colts. The Colts and Packers both won about the same number of games against each other from the 50's through the Colts leaving Baltimore (in fact, I think the Colts had an overall edge) but the 60's belonged to the Packers and I just came to hate them. The Colts had some great teams but the Packers always seemed to win the big game and go on to the championships they won. I now remember and respect the Packers of the 60's but I still can't root for them. Boy, I love the Baltimore Colts. -- AlAh yes, I remember well the Colts / Packers rivalry of that time. To us, the Packers were the Evil Empire with legends like Star, Hornung, Taylor, Kramer, Gregg and of course the hated Nitschke. I always had respect for those guys though and rate them just behind San Francisco as my favorite NFL teams after the Skins.
Well George I just offically joined the Pats band wagon!!! gooo Pats!!! even though the Steelers reside in my division I'm hoping for a Pats/Steeler match-up next week, as it seems the Steelers have my Ravens number does Tom Brady have the Steelers number, so let's go Pats, get past the Jets first...Sammy
Personally I would have gone with Brady as Darth and Mr. Bill as the Emperor but you gotta hand it to those Post guys.
I don't know George but I thought it was a great display by great QB.