N.F.L. 21-22 Season (5 Viewers)

The trouble with the replay rule is that it requires clear evidence to overturn the call on the field. So a lot of questionable calls get upheld just because it is not absolutely clear they got it wrong. The absolute worst case for having a presumption in favor of the call on the field is a fumble. The refs often don't blow the whistle on a fumble and allow the play to go on because it can be reviewed on replay, but because they decide not to blow the whistle even if they think it wasn't a fumble there is a presumption created that it is a fumble. The call on the field shouldn't override the replay decision. The replay will get a better look 9 times out of 10 with six different slow-motion cameras than a real time call. The replay should get the presumption unless they conclude they don't have a view that allows them to make the call.

In todays world with doorbell cameras that show how many nose hairs the mailman has as he drops off a package, the excuse should never be they don't have a good enough view to allow them to make the call.

I'm convinced they go with the call on the field as to not make the boob referees look like boobs, God forbid they are critical of a part time official who's 74 and is an accountant during the week.

Imagine in a league like the NFL with so much money at stake (and come on, the sport is all about gambling and the latest annoying ****ing gimmick, Fantasy football, if I hear ONE more time during a game "Oh man, so and so just cost me my game vs Harry/AWESOME!!, Kelce scored again!! That's more fantasy points for me!!..........I'm going to strangle someone) that they employ part time officials.

It's embarrassingly pathetic.

EVERY angle I've seen of that catch shows he's 100% out of bounds.

In todays world with doorbell cameras that show how many nose hairs the mailman has as he drops off a package, the excuse should never be they don't have a good enough view to allow them to make the call.

I'm convinced they go with the call on the field as to not make the boob referees look like boobs, God forbid they are critical of a part time official who's 74 and is an accountant during the week.

Imagine in a league like the NFL with so much money at stake (and come on, the sport is all about gambling and the latest annoying ****ing gimmick, Fantasy football, if I hear ONE more time during a game "Oh man, so and so just cost me my game vs Harry/AWESOME!!, Kelce scored again!! That's more fantasy points for me!!..........I'm going to strangle someone) that they employ part time officials.

It's embarrassingly pathetic.

EVERY angle I've seen of that catch shows he's 100% out of bounds.

Sorry to inform the NFL (and MLB, for that matter), but I don't give a rat's patootee about gambling or fantasy football. I think both are detriments to the NFL and the current NFL product certainly reflects this problem. -- Al
Sorry to inform the NFL (and MLB, for that matter), but I don't give a rat's patootee about gambling or fantasy football. I think both are detriments to the NFL and the current NFL product certainly reflects this problem. -- Al

I agree. I play in a weekly league (where you pick every week) and only do it for a social aspect in that I feel obligated to participate b/c of a friend. That said, I find it more chore than enjoyable, but I win second enough that it is house money so I don't care. Still, I don't really enjoy it, its a burden and a kind of I don't give a hoot about. I watched a good portion of Marshall vs UConn yesterday in a bowl game and for the most part enjoyable. Neither team was that good but it was interesting football.

Pro sports in general have fallen out of favor with me, the events of the last few years whether they will admit it or not has seriously damaged their product. All actions have consequences and what we are seeing today is the result of some of that. Directv gives away the season pass now for the NFL, if you are a subscriber, you should complain if you are paying for it. No one else is, they can't sell it. That should tell you something about what people think.

The Rams were eliminated from the playoffs last night. What a train wreck. Injuries were a huge factor but even when they had most of their players, they stunk this year. That 21-game season took its toll last year. Ridiculous. The Rams should send the 49ers a thank you card for knocking out Dallas and Green Bay in the playoffs. No way the Rams win the Super Bowl if they have to go on the road to those places. They were already showing signs of collapse in the Super Bowl. No running game, no receivers other than Kupp, no pass protection. If they had gotten Buffalo or KC in the Super Bowl, it would have been a blowout loss.
Read an article today that the NFL goes the cheap route on games like the Patriots/Raiders; less cameras.

That game getting flexed out of Sunday night meant less cameras.

Frankly, the NFL does not care.

And I love how in the reporters pool with officials after the game, the crew chief explains away all the blown calls, never once do they own the fact that they ****ed up.

"The replay did not show clear evidence to overturn the call on the field" is the go to load of **** line they use.

For me, playoff football viewing will last as long as the 49ers and Cowboys last in the playoffs; once both of them are out, so am I, am still holding out hope for a 49ers/Cowboys NFCCG with the winner going on to demolish either the Chefs, Bungles or Bills as none of those three teams can stop the run to save their lives and the 49ers and Cowboys have the two best defenses in the NFL and both can run the ball, more so the 49ers.

But naturally, the Iggles will find a way to get to the Super Bowl and then like 2021 and 2022, I won't bother to watch.

Iggles/Chefs; gee, won't that be swell.
Sad story about Franco Harris dying just two days before the 50th anniversary of his famous catch. Maybe the most important play in NFL history.
Sad story about Franco Harris dying just two days before the 50th anniversary of his famous catch. Maybe the most important play in NFL history.

Man, what a bummer, he was in good health by all appearances, how tremendously sad this is.

Those 70's Steelers teams were loaded, all built via the draft; whoever their GM was, he should be in the HOF as an executive, all pro after all pro he picked during that 10 or so year run.
Franco’s Harris was the main character in the greatest play in NFL history. He is an NFL HOF legend.

Yesterday’s NFL Network’s lead story was about injuries and how that would impact the Eagles/Cowboys point spread.

ESPN followed suit, adding a blip about the Jag’s Vegas playoff chances before moving on to Harris.

Essentially, Franco Harris’ death would be the lead story on the NFL Network or ESPN if you could have bet on it.

That is simply pathetic.
Franco’s Harris was the main character in the greatest play in NFL history. He is an NFL HOF legend.

Yesterday’s NFL Network’s lead story was about injuries and how that would impact the Eagles/Cowboys point spread.

ESPN followed suit, adding a blip about the Jag’s Vegas playoff chances before moving on to Harris.

Essentially, Franco Harris’ death would be the lead story on the NFL Network or ESPN if you could have bet on it.

That is simply pathetic.

No kidding. Obviously as noted here many times, lifelong Steelers fan and Franco was a hero as young kid. Really shocked me, my son actually saw it first and of course he has only ever seen replays, game replays and videos of those Steelers. Just sucks honestly and the irony of timing regarding the play's anniversary. Of course as you stated, fantasy football and point spreads rule the day. The world is a different place in a lot of facets, as previously noted, pro sports being one. I can tell you what will not be on the tv even though Xmas eve celebration is at my parents and the downstairs is a replica sports bar (pool table, darts, tv's etc). No NFL, everyone in the family is sick of it and for me its good riddance.

Franco’s Harris was the main character in the greatest play in NFL history. He is an NFL HOF legend.

Yesterday’s NFL Network’s lead story was about injuries and how that would impact the Eagles/Cowboys point spread.

ESPN followed suit, adding a blip about the Jag’s Vegas playoff chances before moving on to Harris.

Essentially, Franco Harris’ death would be the lead story on the NFL Network or ESPN if you could have bet on it.

That is simply pathetic.

Regarding that play; if Tatum didn't go for the kill shot there and just knocked the ball down, game over, but Tatum being Tatum, it led to what followed.

Back in those days, a ball could not bounce off of one offensive player and be caught by another, which was a stupid rule.............99.9999999999% sure that is what happened here, supposedly the refs all huddled and consulted each other and basically came to the conclusion that if they wanted to get out of that stadium alive, they'd call it a good TD.

Comical in that the next week, the undefeated Dolphins traveled to Pittsburg for the AFCCG, no clue why that was the case as they had the better record.

I saw a clip of Bradshaw and Harris recently talking about that play; Christ, Bradshaw looks about 104, Franco looked great.

What a shame.
Regarding that play; if Tatum didn't go for the kill shot there and just knocked the ball down, game over, but Tatum being Tatum, it led to what followed.

Back in those days, a ball could not bounce off of one offensive player and be caught by another, which was a stupid rule.............99.9999999999% sure that is what happened here, supposedly the refs all huddled and consulted each other and basically came to the conclusion that if they wanted to get out of that stadium alive, they'd call it a good TD.

Comical in that the next week, the undefeated Dolphins traveled to Pittsburg for the AFCCG, no clue why that was the case as they had the better record.

I saw a clip of Bradshaw and Harris recently talking about that play; Christ, Bradshaw looks about 104, Franco looked great.

What a shame.

Imagine if they had replay review back in those days? They would probably still be looking at it. The play was amazing but what is forgotten is that Franco had to also outrun a couple of Raiders to the end zone after making the catch. It was a long play. Some guy claimed to have gone on the field and got the ball. I forget the whole story but they had bus trips in Pittsburgh where you could visit the ball. A holy object. There is even a new book on the play:

The Immaculate Reception: Walker, Greg T: 9781614938569: Amazon.com: Books
I'm guessing Steelers fans. LOL. There is even a monument at the exact spot of the catch.

well that's cool for them...gotta respect the Steeler fans...they have earned it...
as I have seen the clip 1,000 on tv in my lifetime...I won't be buying the book...

still...a whole book on that brief moment in life...huh...must be double spaced...in large font and with a lot of pics...
well that's cool for them...gotta respect the Steeler fans...they have earned it...
as I have seen the clip 1,000 on tv in my lifetime...I won't be buying the book...

still...a whole book on that brief moment in life...huh...must be double spaced...in large font and with a lot of pics...


"A lot of pics".............745 angles of the play......................;).
Best quote in my opinion ever on the play (got reminded of it b/c I checked out the book!)

[FONT=&quot]That play, if you are a Steeler fan, you believe in it. If you're a sinner like them **** Raiders, then you'll never accept it. So, it's almost like the Bible: A myth to some, and a faith to others. -Frenchy Fuqua Steelers[/FONT]
well that's cool for them...gotta respect the Steeler fans...they have earned it...
as I have seen the clip 1,000 on tv in my lifetime...I won't be buying the book...

still...a whole book on that brief moment in life...huh...must be double spaced...in large font and with a lot of pics...

There are actually two books! I was at the Rams-Steelers game a couple years ago in Pittsburgh when they brought out all the old greats at halftime. The Rams and Steelers had played in the Super Bowl back in the 70s. The crowd was in absolute awe. Like seeing the Pope. A religious experience. That Steelers team from the 1970s was a great dynasty. So many legends. Like the Celts from the 60s.

Immaculate: How the Steelers Saved Pittsburgh: O’Lenic, Tom, Hartjen, Ray: 9781636980546: Amazon.com: Books
I guess the cold is one way to bring down NFL ticket prices. About $20 to attend the 8:15 PM Steelers-Raiders game on Christmas Eve in -25 wind chill. Think of the fun.
I guess the cold is one way to bring down NFL ticket prices. About $20 to attend the 8:15 PM Steelers-Raiders game on Christmas Eve in -25 wind chill. Think of the fun.

They could give the tickets away and make hundreds of millions.

The NFL makes most of its money off of TV ads and viewership numbers.

And most importantly to the “new NFL” their biggest percentage of viewers, gamblers, do not attend games, they watch on TV etc.
They could give the tickets away and make hundreds of millions.

The NFL makes most of its money off of TV ads and viewership numbers.

And most importantly to the “new NFL” their biggest percentage of viewers, gamblers, do not attend games, they watch on TV etc.


agree with those comments...

plus...there must be a pretty good food cost profit in those stadium eats...

$10 for a 12oz can of beer...and $8 for a plain hot dog...

beer was cheaper at a strip bar...lol...

stadium parking was no bargain either...$20-$25 a car...

I was going to a lot of Astros games a few years ago...usually over $200+ per game with ticket, parking and food...

always amazed when I would see a family of 5-6 with all the kids decked out in over priced jerseys and hats...

only went to 2 games last year...I actually prefer to watch the game in my recliner on my 75" Samasung...^&grin

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