N.F.L. 21-22 Season (2 Viewers)

I believe one can pick up the KC/Miami game for free by going to nflwebcast.com and clicking on the KC or Miami logo. -- Al
NBC’s contract with the NFL provided for a playoff game to be exclusively on Peacock, which currently shows most English Premier League games and almost all of the Tour de France. In addition, if you want to see a lot of Olympic events this summer you’ll have to subscribe. People already pay for out of market games so this is not a stretch.

They are charging people to watch the Olympics when no one has been watching them for free? That is genius. I would pay them to block all coverage of the Olympics so that I don't have to see the endless hype.
It looks like they are replaying the game tonight on NFL network at 3AM. My plan is to DVR it, avoid learning the score, and watch it in morning. Can also FF through the endless commercials.
They are charging people to watch the Olympics when no one has been watching them for free? That is genius. I would pay them to block all coverage of the Olympics so that I don't have to see the endless hype.

Not the main events but the secondary events. I believe that you’ll be able to see the primary events in real time on Peacock whereas it will be time delayed on NBC.
Browns gonna Brown.

"I am happy with the season, overall they were a good team, they are a year or two away."

Every Dolphins fan since 2000.

Including Super Bowls, the Patriots have won 42 post season games since the last time Miami won a playoff game.

But hey, back to back trips to the playoffs...............great.

The only thing worse than finishing 9-8,8-9 is making the playoffs and getting bounced in the first round.
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KC absolutely destroyed Miami. Except for the one long TD pass, the Dolphins offense was horrible. A good example of how regular season records are deceptive. Mahomes played a great game. The cold and wind didn't seem to impact his passing. You know a team is beat when they call a five-yard pass on 4th and 16. Miami wanted out of there. I wonder what they do with those winterized coats they were wearing? Must cost a mint to supply the whole team.
Finally, a playoff win for my Lions!!! Now I can die in peace. I don't even need a Super Bowl win. 30 plus years of pain and drain and all I wanted was a playoff win. Anything more is just a bonus.
The Cowboys proved themselves to be the frauds they are. There is no way they should have lost that game but here we are.

The best game of the weekend was the Lions game. I was convinced that with those receivers the Rams had they were going to win. They will be tough next year.

Buffalo looks like they will win this game. If so, they should beat KC and Baltimore should beat Houston.
The Cowboys proved themselves to be the frauds they are. There is no way they should have lost that game but here we are.

The best game of the weekend was the Lions game. I was convinced that with those receivers the Rams had they were going to win. They will be tough next year.

Buffalo looks like they will win this game. If so, they should beat KC and Baltimore should beat Houston.

This game is just another reason why the NFL blows; the Bills are getting every single call.

It's pathetic.

Just hand them the game why don't you while you're at it.
Hard to believe the Eagles played so awful down the stretch of the season and got blown out against Tampa. I wonder what the backstory is there? They were arguably one of the best teams most of the season. Then one of the worst. I was really impressed with Green Bay this last weekend. Love was slinging the ball. Not sure if Dallas is that awful or he is that good. SF will be a huge test.
This game is just another reason why the NFL blows; the Bills are getting every single call.

It's pathetic.

Just hand them the game why don't you while you're at it.

I don't disagree, but again, the Steelers missed easy tackles, fumbled the ball, etc. Sometimes just not destined to win. After this year and not b/c of the Steelers, I do believe the officiating is just plain awful and you could argue it is skewed. Certain teams get a push by the NFL, that is just the truth. I am curious to see the Ravens/Houston game and how that is officiated. I feel like one of these upcoming games is going to have huge controversy. That one in particular is interesting as you have a stellar Rookie who puts butts in seats and ratings and you have Lamar, same deal. Wonder what it will bring.
Hard to believe the Eagles played so awful down the stretch of the season and got blown out against Tampa. I wonder what the backstory is there? They were arguably one of the best teams most of the season. Then one of the worst. I was really impressed with Green Bay this last weekend. Love was slinging the ball. Not sure if Dallas is that awful or he is that good. SF will be a huge test.

Dallas had a bad day. "Any given Sunday", right? Not to take away from the Packers, either. They played a good game and anticipated every move, shut the Cowboys down. In Arlington, too. I figured Dallas would win, at home, but I was also very happy that they lost. I am an Eagles fan, after all. I hate Dallas, New York, and Washington and want them to lose, lose, lose.

I rooted for Detroit, too, though I don't have a dog in that hunt.

The Iggles are a huge mystery. Two different teams-the one that was 10-1 two months ago, and the one that went 1 and 6 in its last 7 games, including last night's fiasco. Is Sirianni a bad coach? He took 'em to the Super Bowl, though they lost it. The usual calls for his head are being made. Is it that Jalen Hurts perhaps isn't that good of a quarterback? Is it that the team has been phoning it in for 2 months, especially the younger players? The call-in shows are currently chewing this one over. Their Philly Phade is much more incomprehensible than Dallas' loss.

I do think the Eagles came to rely on the ground game too much, especially Hurts scrambling, and that defenses watched for it.

So we'll see. Their focus now is "What went wrong?" and "What is our strategy in the draft?"

Meanwhile, I'll root now for the Chiefs. Andy is a former Eagles head coach, after all.


A postscript...

The Phade reminds me of the 1964 Phillies, too. The Year of the Blue Snow. I think Philadelphia has been cursed ever since the capital was moved.
The problem with the Iggles is twofold; one, your coach panicked and gave the defense to a moron whos Patriots defense in the Iggles/Patriots SB got carved up by Nick Foles the tomato can.............who played out of his *** in that game and then.............did nothing the rest of his broken toilet of a career, but he'll always have "The Philly Special" to hang his hat on...........oh and BTW, that was an illegal formation, but God forbid the moron line judge throws a flag there, then there would never have been "The Philly special" and we can't have that.

Secondly, your GM believes you build a team offensively and defensively from the line out...two great offensive and defensive lines, but your back 7 on defense are hot garbage, linebackers that are slow, CB's and Safeties that can't cover or tackle, not a good combination.

They got torched by a 9-8 team led by Baker Mayfield.............oof, that's gonna leave a mark.

Your wax dummy of an owner (he just sat there all game long with a blank expression on his face) has a quick trigger finger and Belichick is sitting out there, wonder if he makes a move and dumps your halfwit coach and grabs the greatest coach in the history of the game.

Maybe do so before the Cowboys do at this rate; Belichick will have his pick as to wherever he wants to go if the hammer gets dropped after two complete gag jobs by Dallas and the Iggles.

Six games this weekend and 5 of them were blowouts; way to go NFL................I'm thinking this weekend, the 49ers, Lions, Ravens will all win in blow out fashion, the only close game is between two babies who use the QB safety rules to their advantage all game long, Allen and Mahomes.

That should be a good game; that said, that game will probably be a blowout and the other three rock fights..............just another example as to why I do not gamble.
Losing the two coordinators to HC positions may have had an impact. If so, you have to wonder about the talent in the Coach’s staff or his judgment in picking new ones. You can blame it partially on injuries but all year the Eagles’ games have been a little too close for comfort. Perhaps losing the SB had a lasting effect. Ever since they were torched by the 49ers they’ve gone completely downhill and fans are calling for Sirianni’s head. After mugging it for the cameras when they won last year, Sirianni is experiencing a case of hubris this year. Couldn’t happen to a finer city.
I can't believe that Dallas is retaining McCarthy after the drubbing they took against the Packers. He was badly outcoached and has a long history of such games. I thought Jones would fire him on the field.
I can't believe that Dallas is retaining McCarthy after the drubbing they took against the Packers. He was badly outcoached and has a long history of such games. I thought Jones would fire him on the field.

Or into the Sun.

Unreal he kept him with Belichick sitting there...................as another smarter than me member here told me "Jones does not like to fire coaches".........ie, admit a mistake.

It's why he kept Garrett around for 9.5 years.
The predicts:

SF 30 Green Bay 23 - I was really impressed with the Packers and Love last weekend. They are a dangerous team and you never can tell how the bye week impacts the opponent. Still the Niners are stacked and should win.

Detroit 37 Tampa 17
- The Lions coach is a real piece of work. Talking tough with one playoff win in the last couple of decades. Also some dirty players on that team. Tampa is a mediocre team. They caught a break playing the Eagles.

Baltimore 43 Houston 20 - This might be Lamar's year but a ton of pressure if the game is close. Another first round choke after the bye week might finish him.

Buffalo 24 KC 21 - Mahomes looked great last week but KC has struggled. I'm taking a clean home sweep for all the playoff teams.
As a lifelong Dallas fan I am stunned McCarthy is still around- he must have pictures of Jerry in a KKK outfit stashed somewhere because how you still retain your job after this weekend is unreal. I told everyone I didnt like that matchup at all and the beating proved me right. So I have to think Dak might be who they look to let go and roll the dice with Trey Lance??????
The word here in Boston on the streets is Belichick turned down Dallas and Philly; at his age, he does not need a meddlesome owner (been there, done that) or a GM who calls all the shots, Atlanta is perfect, no one there cares about the Falcons, so he can fly under the radar in a crap division and rack up the wins, break that gas bag Shula's record (imagine he came up with the "Belicheat" nickname; a guy who was on the rules committee for years......no conflict of interest there.........:rolleyes2:..............and the same guy who when a monsoon was coming the night before the 1984 AFCCG vs the Jets and the "Sack Exchange", "forgot" to cover the field, turned it into a pile of mud which slowed down their pass run and he won the game in a rockfight.).
The word here in Boston on the streets is Belichick turned down Dallas and Philly; at his age, he does not need a meddlesome owner (been there, done that) or a GM who calls all the shots, Atlanta is perfect, no one there cares about the Falcons, so he can fly under the radar in a crap division and rack up the wins, break that gas bag Shula's record (imagine he came up with the "Belicheat" nickname; a guy who was on the rules committee for years......no conflict of interest there.........:rolleyes2:..............and the same guy who when a monsoon was coming the night before the 1984 AFCCG vs the Jets and the "Sack Exchange", "forgot" to cover the field, turned it into a pile of mud which slowed down their pass run and he won the game in a rockfight.).

Yes, I see him getting paid a mint, breaking the wins record, having a .500 record for a couple of years, and then calling it quits. He doesn't have any expectations about winning another SB in places like Atlanta or DC. He is just playing out the string to retirement which started after Brady left the Pats.

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