N.F.L. 21-22 Season (1 Viewer)

Yes, I see him getting paid a mint, breaking the wins record, having a .500 record for a couple of years, and then calling it quits. He doesn't have any expectations about winning another SB in places like Atlanta or DC. He is just playing out the string to retirement which started after Brady left the Pats.

There's an argument raging here about the dynasty years; was it Belichick or Brady?

For me, it was both, Brady was a 6th round draft pick/199th overall, it's not like he was some first round hotshot, he was a work in progress, he was the 4th string QB his rookie year, hard to imagine they kept 4 QB's that year, but it's a good thing they did.

Belichick is a great defensive mind; I'm sure he sat down with Brady and went over the upcoming opponents defense with a fine tooth comb, Brady had the greatest defensive mind of all time (his game plan vs the Bills in Super Bowl XX is in the hall of fame) attached to him at his hip, Brady had great coaching too from Charlie Weis and also Josh McDaniels, two great OC's who were terrible head coaches elsewhere.

It was them together that went to 13 AFCCG's, 9 Super Bowls and registered 6 wins.

There will never be another 20 year run like the one they had, Brady was a unicorn, played great into his 40's.

Credit for the dynasty goes to both of them, not one over the other.

All things end badly or they wouldn't end as the saying goes.

This team is in for a long rebuild, they might never get back to a fraction of what they once were, but considering the nonsense in the 40 years that preceded them, I'm good with what the two of them accomplished.
The Niners/Packers games was one of the few decent games so far. The Packers didn't back down and arguably should have won except for Love's total collapse in the 4th quarter and a missed FG. Two tough teams that are well coached. I was surprised at how mundane the SF offense looked. It was basically give it to McCaffrey up the middle or throw to Kittle. I can't see the Lions or Tampa beating them, though.
Sometimes it’s a curse to have the week off. Both Lamar and Purdy were rusty in the first half yesterday. The difference is that Lamar shook it off in the second half whereas it took Purdy three quarters to do it and the Ravens defense was ready from the get go; the 49ers was absent for a good part of the game. The 49ers are going to have to play a whole lot better next week. Ravens are in regular season shape.

Today I like Detroit and KC; there has to be at least one home team losing in this round.
Sometimes it’s a curse to have the week off. Both Lamar and Purdy were rusty in the first half yesterday. The difference is that Lamar shook it off in the second half whereas it took Purdy three quarters to do it and the Ravens defense was ready from the get go; the 49ers was absent for a good part of the game. The 49ers are going to have to play a whole lot better next week. Ravens are in regular season shape.

Today I like Detroit and KC; there has to be at least one home team losing in this round.

The color guy said there is a fine line between rust and rest, very true, the 49ers looked rusty for most of that game, a lot of Purdy's throws were high for some reason.

Not sure what Love was doing there are the end, throwing across his body into triple coverage, then the imbecile who intercepted the pass did his best Forest Gump impression, running all over the place, just GET DOWN there you moron.

The Packers were both good and lucky, that fumbled kick off goes to a guy with 5 49er's around him.

It was the best game of the playoffs so far, Lions/Rams being the other one, the rest have been blowouts/a cure for insomnia.
Deebo’s status is uncertain. If he has the same shoulder injury he had earlier in the season, he would miss next week’s game but probably be available for the SB. However, they lost the games he didn’t play in so that doesn’t bode well for next week.
The talk may be of Jackson and such but it's the defense that is showing up each week as well..number 1 in allowed points scored, sacks, turnovers, the triple crown as it were. .Ravens played Texans twice and only touchdown was a pint return, not to shabby against a good offense, if the defense can play like like this next week???🤔
The talk may be of Jackson and such but it's the defense that is showing up each week as well..number 1 in allowed points scored, sacks, turnovers, the triple crown as it were. .Ravens played Texans twice and only touchdown was a pint return, not to shabby against a good offense, if the defense can play like like this next week???🤔

The Ravens D has been outstanding. If I'm playing Baltimore, though, I write in big letters on the chalkboard "DO NOT LET JACKSON RUN THE BALL." What is it with defenses dropping back into coverage and letting Jackson run 20 yards up the field before anyone touches him? The D-line can't tackle him and then he runs free because the middle of the field is wide open. If the Ravens are going to beat me, it will have to be with Jackson staying in the pocket and using his arm. Someone has to spy him on every play even if that means giving up a couple of pass plays.
Some good games for the title round. Two #1's and two #3's. Should be a worthy SB whoever gets in as all teams are among the best the NFL had this year. Will root for the home team Ravens. -- Al
The Bills had ball luck all game long; a fumble that gets pushed out of bounds, another the Chiefs defender tries to scoop vs just falling on it and a third by the Chiefs that goes out of the end zone on the one yard line.

And they still lost.

Why play hero ball there on the last Bills drive heaving it into the end zone when Diggs was open twice across the middle, just get the first down there.

They should change their name to the Buffalo Wide Rights.

Man are they cursed.

Gee, what a shame.
The Bills had ball luck all game long; a fumble that gets pushed out of bounds, another the Chiefs defender tries to scoop vs just falling on it and a third by the Chiefs that goes out of the end zone on the one yard line.

And they still lost.

Why play hero ball there on the last Bills drive heaving it into the end zone when Diggs was open twice across the middle, just get the first down there.

They should change their name to the Buffalo Wide Rights.

Man are they cursed.

Gee, what a shame.

I think the better teams won this weekend all around. Mahomes/Kelce is tough at this time of year, hard to bet against them. I am just happy I am leaving for Florida for a week without an NFL care in the world on Saturday. Honestly, for me, could care less who wins, I stand by my earlier statements that the NFL put a mediocre product on the field all season long. College blew it away and I now have a lot more passion for that. The fact that the Steelers arguably could have been in this week's game should tell you something. They were a team that played with zero emotion, urgency, etc and they were in the playoffs and but for a few "proverbial bounces", they would have gone deeper. This product sucks compared to recent years. I don't care what anyone says, on a whole, this season is flat out boring.
I think the better teams won this weekend all around. Mahomes/Kelce is tough at this time of year, hard to bet against them. I am just happy I am leaving for Florida for a week without an NFL care in the world on Saturday. Honestly, for me, could care less who wins, I stand by my earlier statements that the NFL put a mediocre product on the field all season long. College blew it away and I now have a lot more passion for that. The fact that the Steelers arguably could have been in this week's game should tell you something. They were a team that played with zero emotion, urgency, etc and they were in the playoffs and but for a few "proverbial bounces", they would have gone deeper. This product sucks compared to recent years. I don't care what anyone says, on a whole, this season is flat out boring.

Not sure what games you watched this weekend but 3 of the 4 went down to the last drive, Pack almost upset the 49'ers and the Bucs as well versus the lions, the Chefs pull out a nail biter against the Bills, the Refs stayed out mostly of any crazy calls, ...as far as your Steelers I'd think you'd have a glass half full?? With QB injury, and other injuries that team fought to earn a spot and did well, can't stand them, but give them the respect they earned down the stretch, ...anyway, enjoy the Sunshine.
Not sure what games you watched this weekend but 3 of the 4 went down to the last drive, Pack almost upset the 49'ers and the Bucs as well versus the lions, the Chefs pull out a nail biter against the Bills, the Refs stayed out mostly of any crazy calls, ...as far as your Steelers I'd think you'd have a glass half full?? With QB injury, and other injuries that team fought to earn a spot and did well, can't stand them, but give them the respect they earned down the stretch, ...anyway, enjoy the Sunshine.

The overall product all year frankly sucked. The games were mostly mundane and even these close games were ok. 49ers may have been the best. Again, IMO , the product is not even close to what it was a few years ago. Overall, boring season and I would say that if the Steelers were the #1 seed. Like I said, they played awful with a 3rd string QB who was written off by management over the last 2 years and he was all they had left. Tomlin had no other options and nothing to lose. So, I stand by my opinion and I don't think it is a far out one. Read any opinion on sports and there seems to be a lot of consensus.

The games were generally exciting but I know what Tom is talking about. The quality of football throughout the league overall has not been great. Tiki Barber, who co-hosts an afternoon talk show here in NY, often complains about what he sees in the games he calls or watches on TV: poor QB play, poorly run routes, missed tackles, etc. Even during the Detroit game yesterday, the announcers were talking about poor blocking by Tampa.
The Bills had ball luck all game long; a fumble that gets pushed out of bounds, another the Chiefs defender tries to scoop vs just falling on it and a third by the Chiefs that goes out of the end zone on the one yard line.

And they still lost.

Why play hero ball there on the last Bills drive heaving it into the end zone when Diggs was open twice across the middle, just get the first down there.

They should change their name to the Buffalo Wide Rights.

Man are they cursed.

Gee, what a shame.

The Chiefs looked God awful most of this season. They went from #1 in several offensive categories to the bottom. Now they look like world beaters. You have to give Reid and Mahomes credit. They beat a hot Bills team on the road that was hungry for revenge. I can see "small game" Lamar showing up next week and the Chiefs going to another SB.
The Chiefs looked God awful most of this season. They went from #1 in several offensive categories to the bottom. Now they look like world beaters. You have to give Reid and Mahomes credit. They beat a hot Bills team on the road that was hungry for revenge. I can see "small game" Lamar showing up next week and the Chiefs going to another SB.

I think lamar is locked in, along with the defense, Ravens win in another blowout..off to thier 3rd Superbowl in 27 years..
I think lamar is locked in, along with the defense, Ravens win in another blowout..off to thier 3rd Superbowl in 27 years..

They might win but a blowout? Doubtful. Take off those Raven colored glasses. They’re only a 3.5 point favorite. If I was a betting person, I’d take the Chiefs.
They might win but a blowout? Doubtful. Take off those Raven colored glasses. They’re only a 3.5 point favorite. If I was a betting person, I’d take the Chiefs.

Why take off the glasses?? I get you all hate the Ravens but give them the respect they deserve, the teams they have beating this year by double digits, number 1 seed, best record in NFL, probably the NFL player of year, top scoring defense in points allowed, sacks, turnovers,..even if Ravens win by double digits over the Chefs it'll be the same noise here, why should I think any difference? ...we're all biased to our favorite teams but **** I'll always give the respect to other teams that earn it.
Why take off the glasses?? I get you all hate the Ravens but give them the respect they deserve, the teams they have beating this year by double digits, number 1 seed, best record in NFL, probably the NFL player of year, top scoring defense in points allowed, sacks, turnovers,..even if Ravens win by double digits over the Chefs it'll be the same noise here, why should I think any difference? ...we're all biased to our favorite teams but **** I'll always give the respect to other teams that earn it.

I think there is nothing wrong with being enthusiastic about your team, I still am for the Steelers no matter how bad I think they suck. However, IMO, the issue with the Ravens has a lot to do with their perceived reputation outside of Baltimore and Lamar Jackson's demeanor and past performance. In a popularity contest, they are not likable. They don't resonate with the average NFL fan the way the Cowboys, Packers, Steelers, 49ers and Patriots do. Again, IMO, Ray Lewis, while a tremendous football player during his tenure was one of the more disliked players nationally. Think about it this way - Big Ben's jersey outsold his (I don't remember the numbers but it was obscene on a national basis). In other words, it wasn't just Burgh fans buying his jersey, but only Baltimore fans bought Lewis'. Same with Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, etc. I think that hurts a team's national appeal and perceived respect. I hate to put it this way, but the Ravens unfairly had/maybe have still a reputation as (Insert whatever nefarious name you choose). I think that is why you don't see a lot of respect sentiment or general sentiment towards them.

Now, if they do defeat the Chiefs, I think you may see a surge in "Ravens Fans". They will be considered the frontrunner and everyone loves a frontrunner. Harbaugh and the Ravens in general are not out marketing themselves, they just come in an play football and want to be known for running you over and punching you in the mouth. That works great when you are a dynasty, but when lately you fall on your face, it doesn't play well in the respect/popularity game.

Again, if they continue to play like they are playing and roll through the playoffs/superbowl, they will get a whole lot of respect. But if you are wondering why they don't get a lot of love, the above IMO is a pretty good snapshot.

I don't dislike the Ravens as a team, no one on that team is unlikeable, past versions were, specifically Lewis and especially Suggs, he ran his mouth after the 2012 AFCCG like a real punk, talk is cheap after you win, go sell your nonsense somewhere else.

I like Lamar Jackson, he's electric and dynamic and fun to watch/root for, this coming game will be highly entertaining.

I really do not like Harbaugh.......as in at all. He whined to the league after the 2014 Divisional round game when the Patriots used a completely legal substitution over and over on a drive and the Ravens had no clue who to cover............."#34 is ineligible" he lined up in the slot.......and just stood there and the Ravens covered him, leaving a seam route open time and time again and the Patriots marched down the field and scored.

And Harbaugh is the one who dimed out the Patriots/tipped off the Colts over the supposed "underinflated" footballs.

He's a whiny baby and I can't stand him, cut from the same cloth as his brother, another whiny baby.

The team itself I have no problem with, who on that team is not likeable; that would be no one.

Except for their assbag of a coach.

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