Yep. Every time the Pats start slowly ( which is often), the pundits all predict the end of the Pats dynasty. Then the Pats run off 12 or 13 wins, roll over everyone and win the SB. Happens time and again. Let me know when the Pats lose 8 or 9 games then I'll pay attention to the doomsayers. -- AlNot buying that ol story line, remember a few years ago the Pats, Brady started off terrible then off to the Superbowl win!!! I don't count that team out ever, they have proven me wrong way to many times.
Believe me, the Redskins are very happy they took a chance with Peterson. No running game without him. -- AlFrom
"Adrian Peterson is in the hunt for the NFL’s rushing lead three games into the season… A Cleveland Brown leads the league in sacks and a Texas Tech quarterback who came from a system everyone thought couldn’t translate to the NFL is leading the league in touchdown passes by five. It’s like we predicted right?"
you hearing any talk about Dallas giving Garrett a toss?? I'm thinking the writing is on the wall...........
Yep. another NFL pinball special. Something like 1000 yards offense, combined. I miss the old days, when defense and running attacks mattered. I know at my age (official geezer) that I am not in the NFL's target demographic, but this present game is just not my cup of tea. Strategy matters not, defense is totally overmatched, all that matters is pass, pass, and more passes. Maybe the NFL could require that a token run be required every third play or so instead of the current 1,2, or 3 yard pass that is so popular. -- AlRams-Vikes game was entertaining last night if you like offense. It was like a video game with all the long TD passes. The Rams are rolling but their D will have to step up in the playoffs. Nice to see them in the old blue and yellow unis. Still hard to believe the Rams are back in LA and playing in the Coliseum. Time machine.
every year it's the same old story...
except 2016 when they went 13-3...
the sports writers are always trying to make the drama as big as possible...
they do suck...
can't argue that...
it's time for a change for sure...
lots of 1-2 teams right now...
a few 0-3...
could be worse...^&grin
According to an interview given earlier today Jerry Jones thinks the Cowboys' offense is similar to the Rams' offense (Jones' quote below):
“So, the whole point I’m saying is I can see similarities, I can see talent similarities, I can see the quality of player similarities with a lot of their offense.”
Yep. another NFL pinball special. Something like 1000 yards offense, combined. I miss the old days, when defense and running attacks mattered. I know at my age (official geezer) that I am not in the NFL's target demographic, but this present game is just not my cup of tea. Strategy matters not, defense is totally overmatched, all that matters is pass, pass, and more passes. Maybe the NFL could require that a token run be required every third play or so instead of the current 1,2, or 3 yard pass that is so popular. -- Al
I think fantasy has helped ruin the game and the NFL encourages it.
maybe Jerry can see similarities...but I can't...