New Catalogue? (2 Viewers)

The new federal artillery figures look great, but I would like to see in a future release a federal gatling gun to my collection{eek3}View attachment 86185

In later catalogs, some range again?, I wish the Indian War(1865-1890):salute::

From a historical perspective a gatling gun would not be correct. They just were not really used during the ACW, except towards the very end where 12 of them were used during the seige of Petersburg - and these were purchased by General Butler (@ $1000 per gun) and not by the US Government. These were not very dependable due to misfires from the paper cartridges and the troublesome misalignment of the feed tube with the barrels which happened often. Dr. Gatling could not get the interest of the US Government in his invention until after the war was over and after significant improvements in the original design. It was not until 1867 before the US Government purchased gatling guns for use in its arsenal of weapons. I would not expect WB producing one of these for their ACW range.
:smile2: Mike
Thanks Ken, I was looking at how detailed the harnesses were & was hopeing you were going to say that it was all one piece. Didn't fancy trying to hook it all up myself {sm2} its going to be one fine set!

Here is a view of the ACW Federal crew moving the gun up right after I finished sculpting it. After all of the years firing Civil War artillery I can tell you that next to cleaning them, moving them is the least amount of fun!
Note that although this crew comes with the new 3" Ordinance Rifle, they can be used with the 10 Pounder Parrott, 3" Ordinance Rifle or the 12 Pounder Napoleon. With the various separate crew figures and guns you can now build a 6 gun Federal battery with command figures.

And an image of Lee and the Headquarters flag his wife and daughter made for him right after I painted it in a scenic environment.

I am looking forward to seeing the catalog myself!
All the Best,
The Zulu limber blows my mind. The detail on it is simply quite amazing. If I onlyget one set this year that will be the one !!!

{bravo}}{bravo}} To the WB team on this one. and an extra thanks to Ken for the additional photos.
Thanks for all the additional photos Ken its much apreciated! & thank you Richard & the rest of the W Britains team for coming up with a great selection of Soldiers for us all!

Here is a view of the ACW Federal crew moving the gun up right after I finished sculpting it. After all of the years firing Civil War artillery I can tell you that next to cleaning them, moving them is the least amount of fun!
Note that although this crew comes with the new 3" Ordinance Rifle, they can be used with the 10 Pounder Parrott, 3" Ordinance Rifle or the 12 Pounder Napoleon. With the various separate crew figures and guns you can now build a 6 gun Federal battery with command figures.

And an image of Lee and the Headquarters flag his wife and daughter made for him right after I painted it in a scenic environment.

I am looking forward to seeing the catalog myself!
All the Best,

The new ACW artillery figures are very nice and all, but don't you think they would look better in shakos, with eagle badges and a tricolour? :wink2:

P.S. In case you missed the point, that means can we get the same set but Nap.?
To say the least I will be getting the new ACW gun and crew as well as Gen Lee and his HQ flag bearer as well as many many more. I now will be able to create the six-gun battery of 12-pounder Napoleons that Battery B, 4th US Light Artillery had. For those that aren't aware, Battery B was the artillery support of the Iron Brigade throughout the war.
:smile2: Mike
After the recent sets of firing and loading artillery crews, this advacing set is as novel as it is outstanding. The advancing fig with ramrod and bucket and the haversack fig will perfectly compliment the scene. Is this the first gun corporal in the ACW series? Great additions! Chris
I'm not a Britains collector but that limber set is fantastic looking. Well done to all. Any idea on price?
Sorry I uttered the dirty words {eek3}

I see Mike mentioned Civil War. Any idea where I can see those?

I'm not a Britains collector but that limber set is fantastic looking. Well done to all. Any idea on price?
Sorry I uttered the dirty words {eek3}

I see Mike mentioned Civil War. Any idea where I can see those?


RRP $700.00 and limited to 600 sets (according to the WB site)
RRP $700.00 and limited to 600 sets (according to the WB site)

From all appearances Scott this set is well worth the asking price and at a LE of only 600 it will sell out very quickly . . . . Absolutely a great offering to you AZW collectors . . .
:smile2: Mike
I'm not a Britains collector but that limber set is fantastic looking. Well done to all. Any idea on price?
Sorry I uttered the dirty words {eek3}

I see Mike mentioned Civil War. Any idea where I can see those?


Brad, all the new releases for the upcoming catalog have been posted today on W Britains web site . .. . here's the link

:smile2: Mike
If these guys had shakos, and by the way that is an excellent idea, they would have the royal cipher and a black cockade for the House of Hanover. After all they did win, keeping the world safe for a monarchy!
thanks for the info, I accept a federal limber
range in the future, perhaps, I see a gatling gun federal^&grin

These releases in all the ranges are absolutely awesome!
So glad to see all these wonderful WWI sets. The trench - very cool!
The Zulu - WOW that limber blew me away plus all of the other neat stuff.

Thanks Ken, Richard and company for all of your hard work!

The main problem with the early Gatling guns is that they could not be serviced in the field by the crews. Even the Model 1866, which I have had an opportunity to help disassemble for scale drawings at West Point, was not fit for service. If there was a problem in the feild you could not dissasemble it for clearing and maintenence. Even in a shop environment it is not easy to work on.
The later models like the 1874 however were very effective and fairly reliable. I have also had an opportunity to fire one of these live on a military range and I can tell you that I would not want to be at the receiving end.
The long and short of it is that you will never see this as a part of our ACW range, but with that said it sure would be a nice addition to a plains war or 'Dirty Shirt Blue' series.

Hope this helps a bit!

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