New figarti from chicago. (2 Viewers)

I'd be interested in seeing pictures of the King Tiger next to the Figarti steel wheeled Tiger.

Head on, from above, and from the side with them nose to tail of each other would be helpful.
I'd be interested in seeing pictures of the King Tiger next to the Figarti steel wheeled Tiger.

Head on, from above, and from the side with them nose to tail of each other would be helpful.

Me too, and ideally with a 21st Century Tiger I in the mix.
I have posted a number of photos of the 21st Century Kingtiger on the forum in the recent past; with figures for size comparison.

The 21st Century Tiger I is not the Cold Steel version and is 1/32 scale. The Cold Steel versions are oversize and I have examples of the Kingtiger, Panzer IV, Stug IV and Panzer III Ausf. L which measure at 1/30 scale. The Panther G is 1/31 and I will soon obtain a Cold Steel Jagdpanther to measure.

Some FOV armor is also overscale. The FOV Jagdpanther is 1/30.8, the Jagdtiger is 1/31 the M26 is 1/30.6 and the Panzer IV is 1/30. 1/31 scale armor works well with FL, WB and Kronprinz figures IMO. Other FOV armor is 1/32 i.e. KV-1, Tiger I and Kingtiger. Measurment is the only way to determine FOV scale as they vary between 1/30 to 1/32. Mold wear could account for the variances; as a lot of models have been produced over the 11 years FOV was in production.
King Tigers will be made this year. Prototypes are done as far as I know.

The wait is really based on working capital or lack there of. It will take time to build up funds for production. I have sent the upfront funds this month to help out.
So I will keep you posted when more news comes my way.

Sounds Good:smile2:
I have posted a number of photos of the 21st Century Kingtiger on the forum in the recent past; with figures for size comparison.

I'm aware of those photos but size comparison with random figures and deck height relationships are not definitive in my eyes.

I also have gotten different measurements on vehicles than you (Figarti Panther and FL Panzer IVs for example) in the past. So I don't take your measurement pronouncements as gospel.

I'm always willing to keep an open mind though and look for cheaper alternatives. The pictures requested with the Cold Steel King Tiger and the Figarti Steel wheeled Tiger I would help because we both agree the Figarti Tiger I is 1/30. Also, they have the same wheels so there is a common piece of equipment between them to use as a basis for comparison.

The two models side by side taken front on, from overhead, and from the side with the tanks nose to tail would go a long way to prove your point (just like the comparison pictures between the Eagle Design and First Legion Panzer IIIs were helpful in that thread).
The 21st Century Kingtiger is available on Ebay presently for less than the cost of an FL figure. Buy it and measure it yourself; than their is no cause of interpretive measurment errors.

Photo angles can be decieving as to size except for a direct overhead shot with marked points of measurement. Even than parallax error is a problem. Numbers are better than photos and even with a measurement error of .1 inch the scale I cited is still valid; their is no substitute for direct measrement IMO.

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