New Figarti grey Tiger & winter T34 (4 Viewers)


Sergeant Major
Oct 10, 2010
Did anyone purchase them at the show ?
Could you tell me your thoughts about both tanks and how they compare to K&C new grey Tiger & T34 ?

I thought they both looked tremendous. I really liked the T 34. The Gray Tiger looked also good but gray to me is rather drab. However, those who like gray should be happy.
They both are better than K&C's no question about it. First Legion T34 is the best out there and hints of First Legion doing a Tiger soon so watch out for that. Keith
Did anyone purchase them at the show ?
Could you tell me your thoughts about both tanks and how they compare to K&C new grey Tiger & T34 ?


I purchased both Figarti's Grey Tiger and Russian T34. I liked the FIGARTI Tiger better then K&C's and for the T34 I saw it and just had to have it. The T34 was my first Russian Tank I purchased. It's a must have,very happy with it. {sm4} {bravo}} Ron
I purchased both Figarti's Grey Tiger and Russian T34. I liked the FIGARTI Tiger better then K&C's and for the T34 I saw it and just had to have it. The T34 was my first Russian Tank I purchased. It's a must have,very happy with it. {sm4} {bravo}} Ron

Thank you Ron. This is great. I like them both by looking at the pictures so they are a must buy for me.
I purchased both Figarti's Grey Tiger and Russian T34. I liked the FIGARTI Tiger better then K&C's and for the T34 I saw it and just had to have it. The T34 was my first Russian Tank I purchased. It's a must have,very happy with it. {sm4} {bravo}} Ron

I thought one T-34 was enough, and now I will have four from two different manufacturers.
They both are better than K&C's no question about it. First Legion T34 is the best out there and hints of First Legion doing a Tiger soon so watch out for that. Keith

Whats this got to do with FIGARTI..........................^&confuse

Is that a personal opinion based on ones taste or, based upon factual details of the Tiger and T-34 as compared to K&C's and, I suppose CS's also?

Whats this got to do with FIGARTI..........................^&confuse

They describes Figarti Tiger & T34. RIF. FL T34 describes as the benchmark which Figarti is gaining or surpassing. That's what the comment has to do with Figarti.
They describes Figarti Tiger & T34. RIF. FL T34 describes as the benchmark which Figarti is gaining or surpassing. That's what the comment has to do with Figarti.

Says who..........................^&confuse^&confuse
Every company states they are achieving new standards with their releases thats to be expected. What collectors see them as is subjective as everyone likes different things. I would like to see some backing of the statements that X is better than Y rather than mine is better than yours.

There are differences and these would make an interesting topic of discussion rather than yours is more pants than mine!!!
There is "No Question" that as of now Figarti is producing some of the best Tiger AFV's ever made by anyone including K/C and HB.....That's not an opinion simply "FACTS"...... The Figarti Winter T-34 is also an excellent model nicely weathered at a "reasonable price point".....The only company that surpasses that kind of quality and detail is FL.....When FL does a tiger I'm sure it will be even more impressive....I was considering the K/C Grey Tiger (which should have been made years ago), but decided to go with the Figarti Version since it will match up better with FL Stalingrad figures.....Polystone simply lacks detail:No photo-etch grills or other metal detail is added on and K/C tracks leave alot to be desired....Thus for me Figarti wins the Battle of the Grey Tiger.
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There is "No Question" that as of now Figarti is producing some of the best Tiger AFV's ever made by anyone including K/C and HB.....That's not an opinion simply "FACTS"...... The Figarti Winter T-34 is also an excellent model nicely weathered at a "reasonable price point".....The only company that surpasses that kind of quality and detail is FL.....When FL does a tiger I'm sure it will be even more impressive....I was considering the K/C Grey Tiger (which should have been made years ago), but decided to go with the Figarti Version since it will match up better with FL Stalingrad figures.....Polystone simply lacks detail:No photo-etch grills or other metal detail is added on and K/C tracks leave alot to be desired....Thus for me Figarti wins the Battle of the Grey Tiger.

In my opinion some peoples "FACTS" are actually just opinion.

Please note that this is not a comment upon Figarti product but an opinion on those who think their opinions represent facts.
Agree with you about the photo etching Vezz. I like the extra detail it adds. Brad
Every company states they are achieving new standards with their releases thats to be expected. What collectors see them as is subjective as everyone likes different things. I would like to see some backing of the statements that X is better than Y rather than mine is better than yours.

There are differences and these would make an interesting topic of discussion rather than yours is more pants than mine!!!

Motivated reasoning is a human trait. The stronger the belief and emotional attachment in something the greater the effort to create mental constructs to "prove" our belief is true (and everyone else's is false). Try and change someone's mind regarding a worldview.

The first step is to acknowledge that we all do this to a lesser or greater extent with our beliefs. The way to minimize it is to agree to a set of objective criteria up front, measure against the criteria, and let the chips fall where they may.

In my opinion some peoples "FACTS" are actually just opinion.

Please note that this is not a comment upon Figarti product but an opinion on those who think their opinions represent facts.

Simply put both products side by side and then go thru the details step by step...and let the "facts" speak for themselves....Then present your "opinions" and why????{sm4}....Figarti wins hands down IMHO of course{sm4}.....Post#12 re-affirmed
No offense to FL, but to me, the Figarti T34 is the "gold" standard. I like the detail, weathering and look much better in a diorama. THere is nothing wrong with the FL, but my preference is the Figarti one. I just think it looks the most realistic. And as has been stated, these are all opinions, no true facts here. It comes down to what you like.

Motivated reasoning is a human trait. The stronger the belief and emotional attachment in something the greater the effort to create mental constructs to "prove" our belief is true (and everyone else's is false). Try and change someone's mind regarding a worldview.

The first step is to acknowledge that we all do this to a lesser or greater extent with our beliefs. The way to minimize it is to agree to a set of objective criteria up front, measure against the criteria, and let the chips fall where they may.


Spot on assessment and general statement Frank (excluding individual differences) to the machinations behind the mechanisms of action that often drive behaviors as it pertains to occurrences such as these.
No offense to FL, but to me, the Figarti T34 is the "gold" standard. I like the detail, weathering and look much better in a diorama. THere is nothing wrong with the FL, but my preference is the Figarti one. I just think it looks the most realistic. And as has been stated, these are all opinions, no true facts here. It comes down to what you like.


I prefer the Figarti T34 as well.

Someone said on a thread somewhere this is a great time to be in this hobby, because there are so many excellent products out there by all of the manufacturers.

As of late I could not even list my favorite manufacturer, because they all have their strong points and various purposes in my collection.

I dont think any manufacturer hands down leads the pack in all categories.

The only thing that bothers me a bit is that "Mud" on the K&C treads, but it is no big deal. ALex
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