New Figarti grey Tiger & winter T34 (1 Viewer)

I've always thought this was a good picture of tank riders (or in this case Stug)


I've always thought this was a good picture of tank riders (or in this case Stug)



wouldn't like to calculate what that model would cost with all the tank riders thrown in{sm2} ... still a model which could accomodate more than the usual 4 riders with companion sets would be something different^&cool ...
Just noticed last night that Robert Forczyk's Leningrad book (Osprey) has some discussion and artwork about the capture of this tank. Worth checking out in the hobby store.
Seriously though its down to each collector what they feel works I think people are doing in a similar way to what used to go on with K&C years back. FOV with K&C figures as the figures were good but, the AFV's were too expensive so, people compromised with the cheaper FOV. Today people are now doing this with FL figures and the FOV (many many pics on here showing that), as their (FL's) AFV's are too expensive for many. Figarti are a bit cheaper so, the test for compatability is encompassing their releases. Others are trying TG blitz trucks in the same manner in the quest for the best of both worlds

Mitch ,

I think you are spot on...I also used to buy the 21st Century AFV's to use with my K&C as well...Every time my wife dragged me to the mall , i would say o.k. i will be in the toy aisle where all the FOV & 21st Century toy's AFV's were & at only about $25 some of them were quite nice...The Sdkfz 7 & Stuart tank are quite nice IMO ! The FL motorcycle's with sidecars look really fantastic but i have a hard time convincing myself to spend $200 on one ! So as you know Mitch , i decided it would be cheaper as well as more fun to EBAY a couple old Britains Deetail ones & paint them up @ a cost of around $40 for both & my time to paint them as opposed to $400 if i had bought two FL one's...Another example i can use is i bought a NMA SS Tiger for $99 & use it with my K&C SS...

Mitch , also that Britains Kubelwagen i bought to rework looks great IMO...I will be posting to my Deetail album soon !

I thought looking at the tracks that they looked more like operational ones than the very narrow fitting transport ones. do you not think so from the photo? They normally don't hang over the front drive sprocket or the wheels like they seem to be in the picture. If you look at waynes and the figarti they look both the same.

You guys notice the different tracks on Wayne's pic? Those are the rail car tracks. See how the side fenders are removed & these track are only as wide as the chassis of the tank. They had to go through that hassle most of the time for train travel. Remove the side fenders, change the tracks.
Just received the tanks today. Below are some quick pics. They both look very very nice to me
especially the winter T34

I like the winter T34 so much that I've just bought the second one. I'll have to work on decal to change the turret number {sm4}
Look forward to seeing the decal changes

I like the winter T34 so much that I've just bought the second one. I'll have to work on decal to change the turret number {sm4}
I thought looking at the tracks that they looked more like operational ones than the very narrow fitting transport ones. do you not think so from the photo? They normally don't hang over the front drive sprocket or the wheels like they seem to be in the picture. If you look at waynes and the figarti they look both the same.

There's yet a third set of tracks? I thought the procedure you describe were the transport tracks but set up in a more simple manner. I see what I have:confused:
I thought looking at the tracks that they looked more like operational ones than the very narrow fitting transport ones. do you not think so from the photo? They normally don't hang over the front drive sprocket or the wheels like they seem to be in the picture. If you look at waynes and the figarti they look both the same.

OK, I got what you mean now... you are still referring to two set of tracks...operational & transport, but you think they are operational because they overhang the front sprocket.

I agree it's hard to tell based only on width alone from this photo, but given that the outer road wheels as well as the side skirts are missing, I'm assuming those are the transport tracks. There are picks showing the Tigers on rail cars in both configurations, with the transport tracks overhanging the front sprocket & not overhanging (what was the reason for the different configuration I have no idea), so that in itself is inconclusive. Even the missing outer roadwheels & side skirts are inconclusive too, I made leap of faith! Hard to tell from that angle & with the guy obstructing the front view^&confuse
It looks like a late steel wheeled version to me so the outer set of road wheels would be permanently omitted. They definitely look like the combat/operational tracks.

Here are the transport tracks on late Tigers



It looks like a late steel wheeled version to me so the outer set of road wheels would be permanently omitted. They definitely look like the combat/operational tracks.

Here are the transport tracks on late Tigers


There were basically 2 sets of tracks for Tigers generally known as combat tracks and transport tracks. The combat tracks were 29" wide and the transport tracks were 21" wide.

tiger combat tracks.jpg

Initially, Tigers had 3 rows of rubber rimmed wheels and used the wider track for combat. Once steel rimmed wheels were in use, they were stronger so the tank could use only 2 rows of wheels and the tank could use the narrower tracks for combat. This affected mobility as the narrow tracks had a ground pressure of 20 lbs per sq. in. vs. 14 lbs per sq. in. for the wide tracks.

The first photo is of the wide tracks with 3 rows of road wheels. Note the track overhang at the front sprocket. The second photo is of the narrower track on 2 rows of wheels. No overhang on the front drive sprocket. The 3rd photo shows how the wheels were arranged with 2 rows and 3 rows.


The Grey Figarti Tiger appears to have 3 rows of rubber rimmed wheels and the wider combat tracks and show track overhang on the front drive sprcoket.
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Frank & Terry, thanks for the good info. Never knew about the missing wheels on late Tigers. Also, you cleared up another source of confusion between Mitch & I. Now I see what he meant by 'overhang'. What I thought he meant was when they literally didn't put the track over the front sprocket & 1st set of wheels, and started with the second set of wheels-they obviously would have had to shorten the track to do so. Don't know the reason for that
I just sent Brad and Terry a couple of photos of the prototype Figarti T-34 with the "bedsprings" with a polite request that they post them on this thread.:smile2:
Nice dio Louis and i reckon that Tiger is toast from a shot at that point blank range...^&grin

Nice dio Louis and i reckon that Tiger is toast from a shot at that point blank range...^&grin


Thanks Tom. And the Tiger (or other Nazi or Jap vehicle or aircraft) being toast is a recurring theme in all my dioramas . . . :wink2:
I just received my Figarti winter T34, and it is an excellent model, but I was hoping the finish on the tank would look more like it does in the stock photos. The stock pics show a very whitewashed version of the tank, while the tank I received has A LOT more green showing.^&confuse I have to admit I was kinda surprised and disappointed by this when I removed it from the box. Has anyone else had this experience w/ their winter T34? In terms of "winterization", the Figarti promo pics are not representative of the tank I received. It still is a very nice tank and figure set though.

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