New Figarti grey Tiger & winter T34 (3 Viewers)


I have the JJ panzers and they are very nice. The track detail is very well done and, I would think they are made from similar materials to FL etc. Lighter in weight than other manufacturers (but, I don't equate weight to quality) they are well worth getting. I bought them as they are based on the civil war period and have kept them as such.


They seem to work well with each other.
When I first got the StuG, it seemed something was wrong. Either it was too big, or the Tiger was too small. I had a CS reaction. But I got out my Bradford drawings & they scale in proportion to each other well. The Tiger is deceptive because it is bare side fenders, rear turret bin, and small front & rear mud guards. Plus it is dark. Makes it look small.

Were you able to fit the FL commander figure into the Figarti Tiger?....How much adgustment is required?.
Were you able to fit the FL commander figure into the Figarti Tiger?....How much adgustment is required?.

He'll need to lose a foot and the portion of the base that the foot is standing on. That will enable him to go down the chute & stand on the tanker's chair with his other foot/base. That's the minimum to get him in. After that, it depends how much you want him sticking out of the cupopla. If you want him lower in the cupola like he's designed in the FL PzIII, then he'll need to lose both legs, probably below the knee.
I took a look at the Google Map satellite image of Schlisselburg yesterday & what a dreary place that seems. Probably hasn't changed much since the war. You just know there has to be tons of unexploded ordnance all over that place
I want to leave it as........... . Will it rain in the beautiful Cities of Newark ( Where I was Born ) or Paterson ( Where I worked as a Firefighter )

Jenkins Panzers are made just like any other and IMO are FL quality and relative size.

You got me wrong on the compatibility, what I meant was FL is perfect with FL, but not with much else, although I am finding a match up here and there, and yes especially with Figarti as of late.

Some TGM stuff looks like it will work also. Now I am looking around for smaller tank commanders.

All fo this mixing and matching......................... I wish there was an easier way.
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He'll need to lose a foot and the portion of the base that the foot is standing on.

This is the result of the above operation


Good conversion of the tank commander. I am not keen on tank crew who hang several feet out of the turrets and other hatches. Can't see any issue of compatability here that would cause any headaches. Nice pictures
Well that just ruined a great Tank,they look like midgets on it.


Sorry IMO they are way out of scale and way to shiny.

The Tiger was huge don't you know!!! and dwarfed every troop that came into contact with it. It made every soldier look like a midget (though, I am sure thats a word that one now cannot use so, guress we will be pulled on its use) Thats why I said no headaches in compatability

I think 1/72nd would work best with 1/30th compatability with any of the released tigers then, nobody next to it would ever again come close to the deck top of the big tiger!!!LOL

Seriously though its down to each collector what they feel works I think people are doing in a similar way to what used to go on with K&C years back. FOV with K&C figures as the figures were good but, the AFV's were too expensive so, people compromised with the cheaper FOV. Today people are now doing this with FL figures and the FOV (many many pics on here showing that), as their (FL's) AFV's are too expensive for many. Figarti are a bit cheaper so, the test for compatability is encompassing their releases. Others are trying TG blitz trucks in the same manner in the quest for the best of both worlds
Agreed mate but that is way out of scale i reckon.

Tiger Tank On Transport German Ww2-ww2shots-army.jpg
They look more like the bloke on the ground not on the rail carriage.

Thats why I don't sweat about the size of figures as much as some do. some were tall some small and as such you can have a great latitude when using them. People bang on about exact size of figures and, its a complete misnomer IMO. It is because even if the scale is compatable i.e. 1/30th figure V 1/30th AFV which, everyone bangs on about they miss the main point that even then every single figure released is exactly the same height!! so, it blows the realism apart completely as that is so far away from reality we may as well stick with what we have and make the best.

This will probably have a fair few heads explode but, to be accurate to the extent some seem to want in their figures means that manufacturers will have to make each of their figures slightly taller, or smaller fatter or thinner than each other.

Its just never going to happen and why I am happy well, not happy but, satisfied if the AFV's are made at 1/30th and the figures remain as they are

Agreed mate but that is way out of scale i reckon.

View attachment 108110
They look more like the bloke on the ground not on the rail carriage.
Well that just ruined a great Tank,they look like midgets on it.

View attachment 108109

Sorry IMO they are way out of scale and way to shiny.

Assuming the reaching figure to the right is rooted to the ground, his standing height would seem fine compared to the deck of the Tiger. Not sure if you were posting in jest, when you made the comment..Michael
This is the result of the above operation



FL figures look fine to me (scale wise) next to Figarti Tiger. I like the FL tank commander a lot. Might have to get one for my Figarti tiger as well.
First Legion figures seem to go quite well with the Figarti Grey Tiger both in scale and in painting style{bravo}}......Again it appears that this is not a coincidence....FL matches Figarti better then anything else available at this time unless Figarti does their own tank riders..... or FL does their own Tiger:wink2:
First Legion figures seem to go quite well with the Figarti Grey Tiger both in scale and in painting style{bravo}}......Again it appears that this is not a coincidence....FL matches Figarti better then anything else available at this time unless Figarti does their own tank riders..... or FL does their own Tiger:wink2:

I agree FL fig's work fine or even better with Figarti. I just recieved the new Figarti winter T-34
and display it with my FL russian Fig's and they work and look perfect. They also work well with
the new KC T-34.
I agree FL fig's work fine or even better with Figarti. I just recieved the new Figarti winter T-34
and display it with my FL russian Fig's and they work and look perfect. They also work well with
the new KC T-34.

I have been very much involved with this topic and have been doing much research and testing, as of yet I still dont have any absolute answers. So what I am doing is not an exact science, if it looks right to me and feels good I just go with it.

I am finding many combinations that are working, but within any given manufacturer there are size variations so the matchups are not always where it can be said that X always works with Y, in another senario you might find X does not work with Y but it now works with Z.

Then when you get something to work you have to usually change the tank commander also.
Assuming the reaching figure to the right is rooted to the ground, his standing height would seem fine compared to the deck of the Tiger. Not sure if you were posting in jest, when you made the comment..Michael

Agree look fine to me
Well that just ruined a great Tank,they look like midgets on it.

Wayne, I agree they look odd. They looked odd from the moment I put them on the Tiger, but only because there's not enough of them. All the pics I've seen show TIger's with a near platoon on board. Just four guys does seem odd. I really wish there were more, but will have to wait for that.

Notascoldasbastogne, the booze was consumed long ago. It now holds odds & ends. I'll need to look when I go home to see the brand
Wayne, I agree they look odd. They looked odd from the moment I put them on the Tiger, but only because there's not enough of them. All the pics I've seen show TIger's with a near platoon on board. Just four guys does seem odd. I really wish there were more, but will have to wait for that.


FL and Figarti IMO work well

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