new movie DUNKIRK (4 Viewers)

Saw it in IMAX on Tuesday. I was not a fan but i think I may have been expecting too much. To me it did not tell the "story" of what was going on in a good fashion. Take yourself out of the view of us watching it, people who know the story. Look around the audience and see the teens ect watching it. If you didnt know what really was happening and the scope how would you walk away from this picture? All the jumping around, seeing the mine sweeper getting bombed from 3 different perspectives. What looked like 20+ boats coming to the rescue of what looked like maybe 5000 men. The Germans that are shooting at the boat that we never see.......and finally........the RAF pilot, out of gas, who doesn't land close to British troops but instead lands way far away so he can be captured? Sorry the movie didn't work for me on any level.
Saw it in IMAX on Tuesday. I was not a fan but i think I may have been expecting too much. To me it did not tell the "story" of what was going on in a good fashion. Take yourself out of the view of us watching it, people who know the story. Look around the audience and see the teens ect watching it. If you didnt know what really was happening and the scope how would you walk away from this picture? All the jumping around, seeing the mine sweeper getting bombed from 3 different perspectives. What looked like 20+ boats coming to the rescue of what looked like maybe 5000 men. The Germans that are shooting at the boat that we never see.......and finally........the RAF pilot, out of gas, who doesn't land close to British troops but instead lands way far away so he can be captured? Sorry the movie didn't work for me on any level.


Had it not been for my buddy who forewarned me about the "jumping around" style of the movie I would have been lost until the middle of the movie. I dig any true story flicks, especially one about brethren in arms. But I guess my expectation far exceeded what the trailers and hype showed me prior. Good movie though, but would liked to have seen the Luftwaffe and submarine perspective too.

Ugh, what terrible situation to be in.

John from Texas
Interesting comments about the lack of women or people of color in the movie but, if they were not
there in the first place in 1940 why would they be depicted in the film ??? Historical accuracy maybe !


Hah.....It would be the same thing if they made a film about the "Buffalo Soldiers" only using "white" actors for a more balanced approach!! What nonsense.
Hah.....It would be the same thing if they made a film about the "Buffalo Soldiers" only using "white" actors for a more balanced approach!! What nonsense.


Why did this come up? The lack of color and women in the film? Certainly did not expect Idris Elba or Charlize Theron in the flick...Charlize...aye dios!

John from Texas
Brett, I think it was the way it was directed because the RAF action all takes place in one hour.

Hopefully you are not suggesting a RAF pilot would not be able to make Ace in an hour ! ^&grin

Ok perhaps he got 4. Three different types.
I am seeing it again tomorrow, on a bigger screen and with less confusion on events knowing already what to look for. Would have liked to see a few more Germans on the ground. Robin.

I agree. It would have been great to see some kind of depiction of the rapid German ground advance "Blitzkrieg" on
the ground which caused the Dunkirk evacuation in the first place ! Most likely there was a big problem acquiring German
armor / vehicles for the film so they took another angle depicting this film. Still good to see another WWII film done !

Just read the small boat skipper, Mr Dawson, is portrayed by Mark Rylance. He was the Russian spy in the Tom Hanks movie Bridge of Spies. Didn't recognize him and also a very good movie. Also, Michael Caine had an uncredited role as the voice of an RAF controller. Chris
Todd and anybodyelse yet to see it or those going again,

Does Tom Hardy become an Ace in a day and shoot down five German planes or was I just confused by the way the movie was directed ?

Saw it today and thought it was excellent.

Brett, I think your count was on the money my friend, but I won't say anymore as it may spoil it for those yet to see it.

I didn't find it too loud and had no difficulty following the story and would recommend seeing it on the big screen if you can.

It's definitely a story of survival, but then every war movie is in my opinion.

"Saw Dunkirk in 70MM yesterday. My only statement is: It's like the energizer bunny, "The spitfire is still gliding", night or day, regardless of how many film "jump cuts" from one scene to another.

Saw it yesterday and I found it very good, but also a one of a kind (or first of a kind) war movie. I won't comment any further because I hate it when spoilers show up, but to me it's a frontrunner for Oscars in both editing and sound!
Saw it yesterday and I found it very good, but also a one of a kind (or first of a kind) war movie. I won't comment any further because I hate it when spoilers show up, but to me it's a frontrunner for Oscars in both editing and sound!

You just took the words right out of my mouth, Sentaapua. It's definitely a contender in the Oscars.
Glad I went on seniors day, reduced price. I hated this movie. I was bored a half hour in and could not wait until it was over. Heaven help anyone who has no historical back ground on Dunkirk. That constant buzzing noise or whatever you want to call it drove me crazy. Other than a few aireal combat scenes what a waist of time and money. Would rather have watched the Food Channel.
Loved it. It really has a certain something.

In a carpark discussion after the movie I asked a question - how many soldiers who escaped captivity by getting off the beach at Dunkirk were subsequently killed during the war? Though a work of fiction I think in King Rat (the book) one of the POWs was a Dunkirk veteran.
Glad I went on seniors day, reduced price. I hated this movie. I was bored a half hour in and could not wait until it was over. Heaven help anyone who has no historical back ground on Dunkirk. That constant buzzing noise or whatever you want to call it drove me crazy. Other than a few aireal combat scenes what a waist of time and money. Would rather have watched the Food Channel.

I'm pretty sure it's not meant to be a historical representation of Dunkirk, more a depiction of the feelings, emotions and attitudes - hence the missing 298,000 people and a few hundred boats.
Loved it. It really has a certain something.

In a carpark discussion after the movie I asked a question - how many soldiers who escaped captivity by getting off the beach at Dunkirk were subsequently killed during the war? Though a work of fiction I think in King Rat (the book) one of the POWs was a Dunkirk veteran.

Great novel and movie. Chris
Wonder if the designers of the Spitfire had any idea it would be more effective without a motor, a least as far as knocking down German planes in a dog fight.^&grin, Robin.

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