new range? WWII? (2 Viewers)

Excellent and wise words Rob that we could all consider. I have many pieces that don't work together in a dio. I display them as they are and just appreciate them for what they are.

Thanks mate.:)

What date are we expecting the launch of these?

Hey - if you don't like "Intrigues", take it up with David Chandler as that is the heading of Chapter 7 (or 8?) in his authoritative work, "The Campaigns of Napoleon." Want to hear a VERY sad confession? I've read that literally 10 times and I've skipped that chapter 9 of them............that doesn't bode well for you. So we need to focus on the middle ground - figures that you can use on the penninsula and I can use elsewhere! Cuirassiers would probably be a good start I think.... :D

For what it's worth, yes you are sounding very reminscent of a certain collector. Of course, he didn't know we existed until about a day ago.

The greatest campaign of the Great War against the Corsican Ogre was the Spanish Ulcer.
If it was not for Wellington and his Red Coats the continental system would have worked and Tsar Nicholas would have simply played along. Only when the Tsar saw the effects of a little army of red coats did he decide to resist tyranny. General winter did the rest. In some ways it was very similar to the events of 1940, when a brave little Island nation resisted a continental tyrant who in frustration then made the fatal military error of marching on Moscow.
Matt I would recommend as light bed time reading Sir Charles Oman's nine volume History of the Peninsular War. You seem to have a penchant for English historians of this conflict so I am sure you would enjoy Sir Charles.
101 posts and 1,871 views in less then 2 days.

Now that's what I call a great little marketing plan “Kick-off”!

Maybe there really is some interest out there for these, now combine that with quality, limited production run and sustained communications from Matt (Owner) and you just might have a successful and profitable campaign here.

I love the view of a vision and the desire NOT to conform with peer competitors but instead take the risk to be a pathfinder and create your own market.


So are these going to be a limited run then?

I'm waiting to know what the 3ft. dio-building is.
Thanks for your well considered post. I do understand what you're saying, I really do, and it would seem like sound advice - but for better or worse, we're not really looking to fill "niches" so we'll continue to do what we're doing and let the chips fall where they may.

One last point - the bases on the WWII figures aren't square/rectangular. We do rectangular bases for our Napoleonics because they're meant to be setup in close order formation in base to base contact. This doesn't apply to WWII of course, so the bases aren't rectangular. The bases are, however, quite beautiful in their own right. ;)


First Legion Ltd

This is good news.
101 posts and 1,871 views in less then 2 days.

Now that's what I call a great little marketing plan “Kick-off”!

Maybe there really is some interest out there for these, now combine that with quality, limited production run and sustained communications from Matt (Owner) and you just might have a successful and profitable campaign here.

I love the view of a vision and the desire NOT to conform with peer competitors but instead take the risk to be a pathfinder and create your own market.



I'm with you. I applaud First Legion for running their own race and not becoming a victim of the "group think mentality' that is often potrayed on this forum.

I currently don't own any First Legion figures but I can tell you my interest is sparked in these new WWII figures even if they are a slightly different scale.
Semper Fi!
Well going by the amount of posts i think this series will be a very popular and its good to know there will be plenty more naps to look forward to.
What i think FL have done is fill a hole thats been in the market for years.
Its either been average-goodish figures at reasonably lowish prices or if you wanted high quality figures you've had to go for the imo overpriced Russian figures that only the rich can afford.
FL have produced the high quality at more affordable prices for all and i commend them and thank them for that.This is the gap in the market FL have now filled, something the hobby has been crying out for.
Well going by the amount of posts i think this series will be a very popular and its good to know there will be plenty more naps to look forward to.
What i think FL have done is fill a hole thats been in the market for years.
Its either been average-goodish figures at reasonably lowish prices or if you wanted high quality figures you've had to go for the imo overpriced Russian figures that only the rich can afford.
FL have produced the high quality at more affordable prices for all and i commend them and thank them for that.This is the gap in the market FL have now filled, something the hobby has been crying out for.

Just an observation, but I would not call 300 USD for an artillery piece and 100 USD for a single cavalry figure cheap. They are top notch figures sure enough. That much is obvious to a blind man but I am not sure I would use the term affordable that loosely.
Just an observation, but I would not call 300 USD for an artillery piece and 100 USD for a single cavalry figure cheap. They are top notch figures sure enough. That much is obvious to a blind man but I am not sure I would use the term affordable that loosely.

I said "more affordable" i didn't say "cheap" and lets be honest this not a cheap hobby no matter who's you collect.I certainly will have to pick and choose a bit and probably for the most part stick to foot figures and collect at a slower pace.
But for the quality and realism of these figures i dont mind paying a bit extra. Your not paying that much less for pretty poor figures in comparison and would rather pay £80 ($100) for one of FLs cavalry figures than £250 or $300 for an aeroart peice or £50 -70 for a K&c one with a awful painted horse (in many cases,quite good at best)
Well going by the amount of posts i think this series will be a very popular and its good to know there will be plenty more naps to look forward to.
What i think FL have done is fill a hole thats been in the market for years.
Its either been average-goodish figures at reasonably lowish prices or if you wanted high quality figures you've had to go for the imo overpriced Russian figures that only the rich can afford.
FL have produced the high quality at more affordable prices for all and i commend them and thank them for that.This is the gap in the market FL have now filled, something the hobby has been crying out for.

I completely agree w/ this observation. I have yet to embark upon collecting FL, but have had the pleasure of seeing some of their earliest creations in another's collection. I have said here before that they are truly stunning, and I would have already fortified my collection with their products had I been a NAP era collector. Their figures are precisely what you have decribed; something much closer to elite-type Russian figure quality but with per-figure pricing much closer to what we are already used to paying. [I don't colect Saurai either, but have you guys seen the pics of their first three Samurai releases? Amazing sculpting and painting strike again!] I'm really excited to see the first 17 WW2 figures FL is set to unveil for pre-ordering. The small, lo-res teaser of the the two Germans on their homepage has me awaiting in anxious anticipation, I tell ya! This is great fun, to say the least. I foresee FL's exceptional quality, low production nos., and reliable business operation in general garnering much of my soldier collecting budget in the future (especially if 54mm Crusaders & Greeks ever appear), while at the same time ensuring that other manufacturers stay at the top of their game too! Keep up the great work appears that the chips are beginning to fall my way! :) I'll be watching my email closely for the big WW2 introduction!!
Well going by the amount of posts i think this series will be a very popular and its good to know there will be plenty more naps to look forward to.
What i think FL have done is fill a hole thats been in the market for years.
Its either been average-goodish figures at reasonably lowish prices or if you wanted high quality figures you've had to go for the imo overpriced Russian figures that only the rich can afford.
FL have produced the high quality at more affordable prices for all and i commend them and thank them for that.This is the gap in the market FL have now filled, something the hobby has been crying out for.

I agree with you and would add that competition is always a good thing. It drives all to a higher level of performance. It seems to me whenever the bar is raised, such as in the case of Honour Bounds introduction of armor that ALL the armor producing companies quality increased as witnessed by the superior track designs of all the vehicles being done today. Moves and Counter moves, it just keeps out stagnation and makes it all very exciting!
I said "more affordable" i didn't say "cheap" and lets be honest this not a cheap hobby no matter who's you collect.I certainly will have to pick and choose a bit and probably for the most part stick to foot figures and collect at a slower pace.
But for the quality and realism of these figures i dont mind paying a bit extra. Your not paying that much less for pretty poor figures in comparison and would rather pay £80 ($100) for one of FLs cavalry figures than £250 or $300 for an aeroart peice or £50 -70 for a K&c one with a awful painted horse (in many cases,quite good at best)

Good luck with your plan then.
I agree with you and would add that competition is always a good thing. It drives all to a higher level of performance. It seems to me whenever the bar is raised, such as in the case of Honour Bounds introduction of armor that ALL the armor producing companies quality increased as witnessed by the superior track designs of all the vehicles being done today. Moves and Counter moves, it just keeps out stagnation and makes it all very exciting!

True enough. But just keep in mind that First Legion, by forgoing a dealer network, can well afford to invest more in quality while keeping their retail prices very competitive. Collectors may well love this - who doesnt love lower prices?! But it could put pressure on other manufacturers, as well as the dealers themselves. Given that most collectors buy their soldiers on-line anyway, the industry may trend in this direction.
I agree with you and would add that competition is always a good thing. It drives all to a higher level of performance. It seems to me whenever the bar is raised, such as in the case of Honour Bounds introduction of armor that ALL the armor producing companies quality increased as witnessed by the superior track designs of all the vehicles being done today. Moves and Counter moves, it just keeps out stagnation and makes it all very exciting!

Agree totally FL imo have moved the hobby up a level and that can only be good for the hobby as a whole,other manufacturers i'm sure will be aware and will need to up their game,all great for the collector.I think we all or most of us want the best available providing its at sensible prices and FL are doing that.Ive sold and am selling my K&c collections to fund Fls and am not the only one.Theres only one reason for that,and its called quality.
True enough. But just keep in mind that First Legion, by forgoing a dealer network, can well afford to invest more in quality while keeping their retail prices very competitive. Collectors may well love this - who doesnt love lower prices?! But it could put pressure on other manufacturers, as well as the dealers themselves. Given that most collectors buy their soldiers on-line anyway, the industry may trend in this direction.

Yes know what your saying it does limit where to buy, through FL is really your only option ive found.The very few dealers that sell FL make it difficult or reluctant to sell unless you want to pick from a show which wont suit most.
Agree totally FL imo have moved the hobby up a level and that can only be good for the hobby as a whole,other manufacturers i'm sure will be aware and will need to up their game,all great for the collector.I think we all or most of us want the best available providing its at sensible prices and FL are doing that.Ive sold and am selling my K&c collections to fund Fls and am not the only one.Theres only one reason for that,and its called quality.

I agree with this,

I to am selling the K&C I own. But you better get ready for some surprises as I have found out there not getting the price I paid. Infact, get ready for your NEW KC to sell for 20-30% less in this new economy. Only the rare K&C are getting any return value in resale.
K and C and WB have really well developed dealer networks all over the world. That makes it easier to get hold of their products and can be a major advantage.

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