Well i can't see me changing scale as a whole,but i could certainly see me buying FL figures for a stand alone set or diorama.Someone mentioned earlier about 'Ra ra Boys'.Well to be honest i don't think its a bad thing.I would expect to see FL fans here because its the FL thread,in the same way i'd expect to find K&C fans on the K&C thread.There is nothing wrong with being a vocal enthusiast of any company,its the way we express our love for this hobby.The only time being a 'Ra ra boy' is a problem is if the person in question goes overboard and puts down other collectors for the choices they make.
As you know i'm a K&C 'Ra ra' type of guy,but i also love stuff from HB/Figarti/Trophy/Britains and now by the look of it FL.However just because K&C are my favourite producer i would never dream of insulting someone because they either don't like or collect their stuff.Flag waver i may be,but rabid i ain't!.Also we should celebrate the quality and range of figures we now have to choose from,we should all be able to travel across the forum enjoying all the conversations without worrying about 'factions' for one producer or another.After all guys we are talking toy soldiers here,not politics.
I am already (based on my guess of Stalingrad

)thinking about dio situations for these new figures and am crossing every finger for a British release.In fact knowing that Matt is a true gent i think he may reply to this post with a general timescale for British releases!
