new range? WWII? (4 Viewers)

Outside the US, sure. Within the US, though, not so much. FL does not have any dealers in the US. They sell directly to end customers through their website. I personally have purchased less than 5% of my collection from a dealer with a storefront.

No offense, but you need to get your facts straight before you post.

Matt does sell directly via his website, but I also sell at the shows; you know, me, Minutemen Toy Soldiers, so he indeed does have a US dealer, just ask any of the 30 or so customers who bought Napoleonics and Samurai's from me this past weekend at Delaware and Gettysburg. This has been pointed out several times, not sure why folks keep missing this point. So you will be able to see the figures soon Rutledge if you attend Atlanta in 2010 or any of the other shows I attend between now and then.

Between Wargaming, Model kit, model figure and toy soldier shows, I attend close to 30 shows per year traveling as far south as Virginia and as far West as Chicago. That works out to roughly one every other weekend.

For 2010, look for me at the Atlanta show, the San Antonio Show and the West Coaster as well. Hobby shops/toy soldier stores aside, this will give many of you the opportunity to see the figures up close and personal.

Sorry for being a bit heavy handed, but it annoys me when people say there are no US dealers for First Legion especially after I drove 7 hours from MA to DE Thursday, was up at 5:30am on Friday, set up my wares and sold until 5:00PM, worked 9:00AM til 4:00PM on Saturday, packed up my displays till 7:00PM, drove 3 hours to Gettysburg, was up at 4:00AM on Sunday, set up again and worked 9:00am till 3:00PM, broke it all down again till 6:00PM and stayed over til this morning, driving the 8 hours home today and arriving to read this.

Thanks; that said, I do find it amusing that 17 pages and 162 posts on the announcement of A WWII line, no mention yet of what THE WWII line will be.

Outstanding IMO, keep the conversation going gentlemen.
"Outside the US, sure. Within the US, though, not so much. FL does not have any dealers in the US. They sell directly to end customers through their website. I personally have purchased less than 5% of my collection from a dealer with a storefront."

No offense, but you need to get your facts strait before you post.

Matt does sell directly via his website, but I also sell at the shows; you know, me, Minutemen Toy Soldiers, so he indeed does have a US dealer, just ask any of the 30 or so customers who bought Napoleonics and Samurai's from me this past weekend at Delaware and Gettysburg. This has been pointed out several times, not sure why folks keep missing this point. So you will be able to see the figures soon Rutledge if you attend Atlanta in 2010 or any of the other shows I attend between now and then.

Between Wargaming, Model kit, model figure and toy soldier shows, I attend close to 30 shows per year traveling as far south as Virginia and as far West as Chicago. That works out to roughly one every other weekend.

For 2010, look for me at the Atlanta show, the San Antonio Show and the West Coaster as well. Hobby shops/toy soldier stores aside, this will give many of you the opportunity to see the figures up close and personal.

Sorry for being a bit heavy handed, but it annoys me when people say there are no US dealers for First Legion especially after I drove 7 hours from MA to DE Thursday, was up at 5:30am on Friday, set up my wares and sold until 5:00PM, worked 9:00AM til 4:00PM on Saturday, packed up my displays till 7:00PM, drove 3 hours to Gettysburg, was up at 4:00AM on Sunday, set up again and worked 9:00am till 3:00PM, broke it all down again till 6:00PM and stayed over til this morning, driving the 8 hours home today and arriving to read this.

Thanks; that said, I do find it amusing that 17 pages and 162 posts on the announcement of A WWII line, no mention yet of what THE WWII line will be.

Outstanding IMO, keep the conversation going gentlemen.

Hi George,

Okay I'll apply for the job of Minutemen assistant.
We can discuss the pension terms, hours of work and medicare benefits via PM's or email. Can I wear a kilt that resembles a ra-ra skirt? Go on, let me, let me.......
:D:D:D ;)
Good one. Could be that they are after that bridge on the Kwai. Would Wingate and his Chindits be done next? -- lancer

Being serious, I think a good "Burma-India-China Theatre of Operations" series of figures would be guaranteed to draw me back into WWII in a big way. I can't see it happening in the short to medium term, but maybe 2 or 3 years down the road? Who knows?

You can join the MMTS team anytime Harry, I'd be more than happy to make room for you on my staff; I'm a one man band now, so there's plenty of room to jump aboard...............
Not big in to toy soldier collecting since dumping my old K&C collection and don't visit this forum that often. But these figures have really sparked my interest. Just need more information.
You can join the MMTS team anytime Harry, I'd be more than happy to make room for you on my staff; I'm a one man band now, so there's plenty of room to jump aboard...............

Whoop-de-doo...!!! I knew I'd get that Green Card by hook or by crook.
Thanks; that said, I do find it amusing that 17 pages and 162 posts on the announcement of A WWII line, no mention yet of what THE WWII line will be.............

....................Monte Cassino!

Being serious, I think a good "Burma-India-China Theatre of Operations" series of figures would be guaranteed to draw me back into WWII in a big way. I can't see it happening in the short to medium term, but maybe 2 or 3 years down the road? Who knows?

I agree. Wouldn't mind seeing Wingate or Merrill and the boys or early Malaya-Singapore related figures but I do not think it will happen. -- lancer
Burma,Singapore,Monte Cassino,Kursk all very good ideas in my view.

Excuse my ignorance here guys,but as Matt as said that his figures will not really go with K&C size wise,does this mean that any vehicles FL may make will also not fit with other producers figures?

Burma,Singapore,Monte Cassino,Kursk all very good ideas in my view.

Excuse my ignorance here guys,but as Matt as said that his figures will not really go with K&C size wise,does this mean that any vehicles FL may make will also not fit with other producers figures?


That's a good question Rob. My guess is the vehicles would be designed to match the figures - so they would be somewhat smaller than KC. However, there has been a lot of discussion that KC WWII tanks are undersized - so who knows?
That's a good question Rob. My guess is the vehicles would be designed to match the figures - so they would be somewhat smaller than KC. However, there has been a lot of discussion that KC WWII tanks are undersized - so who knows?

Thanks Doug,i know they havn't even mentioned vehicles yet but they are sure to follow,it will be interesting to see how they fit.

....................Monte Cassino!


Great idea! It is about time someone did the Italian front. hmm.. Could the two figures on the FL site be from the Italian campaign? The uniforms look slightly earlier though. Maybe from Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily?

No offense, but you need to get your facts straight before you post.

Matt does sell directly via his website, but I also sell at the shows; you know, me, Minutemen Toy Soldiers, so he indeed does have a US dealer, just ask any of the 30 or so customers who bought Napoleonics and Samurai's from me this past weekend at Delaware and Gettysburg. This has been pointed out several times, not sure why folks keep missing this point. So you will be able to see the figures soon Rutledge if you attend Atlanta in 2010 or any of the other shows I attend between now and then.

Between Wargaming, Model kit, model figure and toy soldier shows, I attend close to 30 shows per year traveling as far south as Virginia and as far West as Chicago. That works out to roughly one every other weekend.

For 2010, look for me at the Atlanta show, the San Antonio Show and the West Coaster as well. Hobby shops/toy soldier stores aside, this will give many of you the opportunity to see the figures up close and personal.

Sorry for being a bit heavy handed, but it annoys me when people say there are no US dealers for First Legion especially after I drove 7 hours from MA to DE Thursday, was up at 5:30am on Friday, set up my wares and sold until 5:00PM, worked 9:00AM til 4:00PM on Saturday, packed up my displays till 7:00PM, drove 3 hours to Gettysburg, was up at 4:00AM on Sunday, set up again and worked 9:00am till 3:00PM, broke it all down again till 6:00PM and stayed over til this morning, driving the 8 hours home today and arriving to read this.

Thanks; that said, I do find it amusing that 17 pages and 162 posts on the announcement of A WWII line, no mention yet of what THE WWII line will be.

Outstanding IMO, keep the conversation going gentlemen.

Easy there, hoss. You are FL's "Show Dealer" . The only one in the US. At shows you are basically acting as their "sales agent" and presumably are compensated accordingly.

My facts are absolutely correct: There is no FL "Dealer Network" in the USA. Their primary point of distribution is direct through their website. There is no profit margin available for dealers wanting to sell the FL product online or via "brick and mortar". Even though you list FL on your website, its clear you dont actively inventory it and the only sales avenue through you is in person at whatever shows you attend.

While I appreciate your alerting us to your visit in 2010, surely you arent suggesting those of us in GA should wait until then to make any FL purchases.
Easy there, hoss. You are FL's "Show Dealer" . The only one in the US. At shows you are basically acting as their "sales agent" and presumably are compensated accordingly.

My facts are absolutely correct: There is no FL "Dealer Network" in the USA. Their primary point of distribution is direct through their website. There is no profit margin available for dealers wanting to sell the FL product online or via "brick and mortar". Even though you list FL on your website, its clear you dont actively inventory it and the only sales avenue through you is in person at whatever shows you attend.

While I appreciate your alerting us to your visit in 2010, surely you arent suggesting those of us in GA should wait until then to make any FL purchases.

Actually, that's not the case. He does buy the product from us and sell it at the shows and in that sense he's like any other dealer with product at a show (we don't pay him an agent fee or anything, he buys the products and sells them like he does with any other product). Of course he has to carry stock, he goes to about a show every 2 or 3 weeks on average and orders stock before each show to fill up what he sold at the last show. I don't think he was suggesting that you should wait to make FL purchases at all from what I read, but a lot of our direct customers will buy from him at a show often times instead of ordering from us if there is going to be a show in their area near the time they are going to order. It's actually a pretty powerful thing to be at a show and to be the only dealer with a product there rather than competing with 10 other dealers all with the same exact product.

You are correct though, there is no brick and mortar store in the USA where you can buy our figures and mail order is done through us, so there is no dealer network other than George at the shows. Though I would view George at the shows as something of a travelling store and when he is at the shows with the figures, he is like any other toy soldier dealer in regards to our products, except that he has the exclusive on them.

I guess this is more confusing than I thought it was...


Matt,any thoughts on the vehicle size question?.

Burma,Singapore,Monte Cassino,Kursk all very good ideas in my view.

Excuse my ignorance here guys,but as Matt as said that his figures will not really go with K&C size wise,does this mean that any vehicles FL may make will also not fit with other producers figures?


This is actually interesting. In order to answer this someone would have to tell me what scale other producer's figures are. Everyeone says "1/30th" or "60mm" but I know for a fact that the figures are quite a bit bigger than this. I also agree that the vehicles are a bit underscaled by some producers. As our figure height and vehicle scale, assuming we do them, would be to the same scale, there is a good liklihood that while our figures might not be compatible, that our vehicles would be compatible with figures and vehicles of another company. The exception being that stylistically they'll be quite different.

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