New Warbirds (2 Viewers)

I'm assuming that NP is referring to a possible next set of Storches as I thought that they were all accounted for but perhaps I'm wrong.


Not really sure if it's the "expensivo" or the "cheapo" version. Just followed Louis advice to e-mail KCHK sales and pre-order one. Anyway, here's the reply:

Dear Arnold,
Thanks for your enquiry. Please note that the AK046(SL) is in Afrika Korp colors (Rommel’s). Since this item is not yet available, we could not calculate the shipping cost for you yet. Please note it is expected to be available in early Jun, would you like us to reserve for you at the moment? Thanks.
If there's any hint (AK 046?)whether it's the "expensivo" or "cheapo" I couldn't care less. I am desperate for one. If it is the latter that would be even better.


Not really sure if it's the "expensivo" or the "cheapo" version. Just followed Louis advice to e-mail KCHK sales and pre-order one. Anyway, here's the reply:

Dear Arnold,
Thanks for your enquiry. Please note that the AK046(SL) is in Afrika Korp colors (Rommel’s). Since this item is not yet available, we could not calculate the shipping cost for you yet. Please note it is expected to be available in early Jun, would you like us to reserve for you at the moment? Thanks.
If there's any hint (AK 046?)whether it's the "expensivo" or "cheapo" I couldn't care less. I am desperate for one. If it is the latter that would be even better.


Wow! It sounds like Andy was going to surprise us with the affordable version in a strictly limited format!! :cool: Looks like the cat may be out of the bag!!! ;) This should make everyone who has been waiting for the more affordable warbirds very happy!!:D
Hadn't heard about this but this must be the affordable version because it doesn't carry an AIR designation but an AK designation. Would love to see photos.
I think I have some bad news here but AK 46 (SL) is the Horch, not the Storch. Somewhere, there must have been a garbled transmission. Too bad, it would have been nice to have one.
Exactly, AK46 (SL) is the Rommel's Desert Horch.

Contact Fanny Luk ( and tell her that you want to pre-order a Fieseler Storch (specify that it is a warbird).

She should answer you that she is reserving one for you if K&C ever decide to produce that model.

I did that for the Heinkel He 111 and the Focke Wulf Fw 189.

Aw schucks! I think my e-mail was clear enough. Here's what I wrote:

From: Arnold Nicdao []
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:47 AM
Subject: Warbirds - Storch Fieseller
Please reserve one Storch in your planned production line. Please e-mail to me cost including shipping to U.S.
Will this be in an Afrika Korp colors (Rommel’s)?
Thank you

Anyway, I e-mailed Yan and cc'd Fanny just to be sure
Thanks guys for alerting me
Aw schucks! I think my e-mail was clear enough. Here's what I wrote:

From: Arnold Nicdao []
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:47 AM
Subject: Warbirds - Storch Fieseller
Please reserve one Storch in your planned production line. Please e-mail to me cost including shipping to U.S.
Will this be in an Afrika Korp colors (Rommel’s)?
Thank you

Anyway, I e-mailed Yan and cc'd Fanny just to be sure
Thanks guys for alerting me


I can assure you that Fanny is of great help.


I can assure you that Fanny is of great help.


Just got an e-mail from Yan apologizing for the mistake. Oh well, it's gone. Bummer. All have been pre-ordered. But from what I gleaned from Brad's earlier response is there's a polystone version coming out soon?


If I gave that impression, sorry, but that's not correct.
just got an e-mail from fanny that my avenger is in and will ship next week.
can't wait.......anyone else
just got an e-mail from fanny that my avenger is in and will ship next week.
can't wait.......anyone else

Congratulations. Is it your first Warbird?


P.S. I did not purchase that one. I am saving my money for the Heinkel He 111 and the Focke Wulf Fw 189 :)
Heard from Fanny that the Hurricane ships next week as well.
I Have posted 3 pictures on my website of the 3 just released planes. They are AIR036B, AIR037 and AIR040C. These are really nice as usual!

Bill Sager
Who else bought the BRITISH SPITFIRE ? I understand only 5 were made. :confused:
Just confirmed STORCH ( Winter version ) , preordered today.
Not sure of how long it'll take.
That makes THREE for me

Who else bought the BRITISH SPITFIRE ? I understand only 5 were made. :confused:

There's another Spitfire with Polish markings being made, also 5 I believe. I think I listed that in my thread earlier this year.
There's another Spitfire with Polish markings being made, also 5 I believe. I think I listed that in my thread earlier this year.

Actually Brad

Aren't there 3 versions ? Normandy, Battle of Britain, Polish

Each at 5 per version ?

So lets hear it - who has bought what from these 15 Planes ?
Here is the Avenger Bill mentioned which is just breathtaking.


  • AIR040C Avenger.jpg
    AIR040C Avenger.jpg
    55.1 KB · Views: 136
Just confirmed STORCH ( Winter version ) , preordered today.
Not sure of how long it'll take.
That makes THREE for me


Which camo of the Bf-110 do you have?

At the time, I cannot made my mind so I have the three :)


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