Next Release - Tiger and SU-100 (1 Viewer)

IMHO......I personally have very little interest in purchasing "battle damaged Figarti AFV's":rolleyes2:....Also, I do not think this would be good for Figarti's sales, especially if the battle damage is OVER-DONE.....Just buy some Figarti Tiger Tanks and damage them as much as you see fit..........enjoy:wink2:.........I think that Figarti is currently on the right track:salute:::salute:::salute::....Excellent products at "FAIR PRICES":salute:::salute:::salute::....That's something very rare these days in this hobby.
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Brad, I agree with you: they did not make a mistake through oversight. They got a great mold of a command Tiger and they will use it now for various versions. That is definitely a good thing.

It is a fantasy Tiger as there were very few command Tigers built and their tactical numbers are well known. In short: they are selling a command Tiger as a regular Tiger which is roughly like trying to sell the Bergepanzer IV as a regular Panzer IV and I wish they had not done that.

But I hope that collectors will still buy it and that soon we will see a regular Tiger possibly with tactical numbers "222" and "200" as these were historical vehicles with a well documented history.
To call the tank a "fantasy" is, in my mind, pejorative. Did Figarti make a mistake? Possibly but if they have done so that is not their practice as their research is usually impeccable and their tanks the best in the industry, bar none.

All manufacturers make mistakes. No one is perfect. For example, FL's Buford's Dismounted Cavalry has a significant error (stripes down the leg, although that hasn't stopped me from purchasing all of them), just to mention one, there being no intention to single out First Legion as King & Country has made some too.

Excellent post Brad. If I had the spare cash Id buy the Tiger in a heartbeat , Sublime looking release.

Mind you that Panther runs it close!!^&cool

Excellent post Brad. If I had the spare cash Id buy the Tiger in a heartbeat , Sublime looking release.

Mind you that Panther runs it close!!^&cool


Just sell some of your Kc collection mate and get the Tiger you won't regret it:wink2:^&grin
Just sell some of your Kc collection mate and get the Tiger you won't regret it:wink2:^&grin


I like it Neil, but not quite that much:wink2:

Tempted to buy it though, I was advised to pay full price for it???^&confuse Is there somewhere I can get it half price mate?^&grin

Brad, I agree with you: they did not make a mistake through oversight. They got a great mold of a command Tiger and they will use it now for various versions. That is definitely a good thing.

It is a fantasy Tiger as there were very few command Tigers built and their tactical numbers are well known. In short: they are selling a command Tiger as a regular Tiger which is roughly like trying to sell the Bergepanzer IV as a regular Panzer IV and I wish they had not done that.

But I hope that collectors will still buy it and that soon we will see a regular Tiger possibly with tactical numbers "222" and "200" as these were historical vehicles with a well documented history.


I essentially agree with you and defer to you on your knowledge of the tanks but I slightly disagree that it's a fantasy. It seems to be more of an error as a fantasy is something completely made up that never existed and I can assure there have been some actual fantasies made: vehicles that never existed :wink2:


QUOTE=uksubs;626412]Just sell some of your Kc collection mate and get the Tiger you won't regret it:wink2:^&grin[/QUOTE]


Tea all over the lap top screen!!!! LOL

For me, I dislike a lot of the errors that are made by the manufacturers through sloppy research or, when they run down the road of Fantasy. The Tiger I in the three versions Figarti have made are so good in terms of style, looks and detail that the tactical numbering is minute in comparison.

I think, well, for me anyway that a late war steel wheeled Tiger has been so overlooked in the hobby (I had to pass on CS's No disrespect) and have three HB's that this is a vital addition. I said earlier that Figarti are maximising the usage of the mould as expected but, I will get them anyway as I don't expect they will release a standard unit version any time soon
We had a lot of back and forth on the Winter and 222 Tigers being incorrect because of of a historically incorrect turret number. While this is a mistake/innaccuracy, after receiving my Figarti Winter Tiger, I'm ranking this numbering issue as inconsequential minutiae, because I've yet to have a tank from any of the manufacturers that did not have some sort of minor error. We should continue to point out these errors in the hope that the companies bring us even better, more products in the future.

That being said, don't let "perfect" be the enemy of "pretty **** close to perfect. The Figarti Winter Tiger is absolutely beautiful. We are talking Honour Bound Tiger territory here. The "200" turret number is very subdued, so if the misnumbering bugs you, it is extremely easy to ignore.

At $189, this tank is an absolute steal.

Some quick pics, sorry for the crappy lighted pics, they came out a little bright, I'll take some better more true ones tomorrow:



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We had a lot of back and forth on the Winter and 222 Tigers being incorrect because of of a historically incorrect turret number. While this is a mistake/innaccuracy, after receiving my Figarti Winter Tiger, I'm ranking this numbering issue as inconsequential minutiae, because I've yet to have a tank from any of the manufacturers that did not have some sort of minor error. We should continue to point out these errors in the hope that the companies bring us even better, more products in the future.

That being said, don't let "perfect" be the enemy of "pretty **** close to perfect. The Figarti Winter Tiger is absolutely beautiful. We are talking Honour Bound Tiger territory here. The "200" turret number is very subdued, so if the misnumbering bugs you, it is extremely easy to ignore.

At $189, this tank is an absolute steal.

Some quick pics, sorry for the crappy lighted pics, they came out a little bright, I'll take some better more true ones tomorrow:




You are absolutely right! Couldn't agree more with your opinion!
Absolutely agree with Wayne I don't think the tank riders go well with the Tiger I.
Absolutely agree with Wayne I don't think the tank riders go well with the Tiger I.

You raved about the FL Winter Tank Riders in a previous post with a 1/30 FL Winter Panzer III (an accurate 1/30 scale vehicle). The Figarti Tiger is spot on for 1/30 dimensions. Why do 1/30 figures not work with a 1/30 vehicle here?
I thought the winter tank riders were very well posed and painted as did the Panzer III I don't recall saying anything about the match of 1/30th. The picture you posted to me makes them look very small. I am going by and basing that on pictures of real Tigers and real soldiers and, they just seem small. Hence why I said it

You raved about the FL Winter Tank Riders in a previous post with a 1/30 FL Winter Panzer III (an accurate 1/30 scale vehicle). The Figarti Tiger is spot on for 1/30 dimensions. Why do 1/30 figures not work with a 1/30 vehicle here?
Great photos. I think the tank riders work well. All manufacturers make errors. The more prolific the products the more errors.I was in product design and development for many years. The products were medical life support and industrial safety products; where if an error occurred someone could die! Needless to say we took the design process very seriously.
One process that served us well in correcting errors was the design review. All new designs required 10 pre production prototypes be built and tested. A design review was than conducted by all technical personnel. Each individual evaluated the product and reported their findings. Many eyes catch many problems. Rushing a product to market ensures the possibility of error. Errors are very expensive in terms of lost sales and the cost to correct the problem. The worst recent error I recall was the TCS early Tiger I road wheel error. Better to take your time and get it right before production. Build prototypes and hold design reviews. These processes take time and time is money; but errors are far more costly. Had I, as a design engineer made some of the errors I see in Toy Soldier products, I would have been fired. I hope manufacturers reading this forum take these recommendations into consideration.

It was probably the placement of the figures and angle I took the picture at that made the First Legion figures look small.

There's no mistake/manufacturer error here. The First Legion figures and Figarti Winter Tiger are perfect matches size wise. Just excellent 1/30 to 1/30 scale relationships.


Outstanding! Makes me want to pick up a tiger to go with my fl guys!


It was probably the placement of the figures and angle I took the picture at that made the First Legion figures look small.

There's no mistake/manufacturer error here. The First Legion figures and Figarti Winter Tiger are perfect matches size wise. Just excellent 1/30 to 1/30 scale relationships.



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