Hope the 49er's can take them. Have always liked the 49er's since the days of John Brodie and Seattle has always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. -- AlBelieve it or not, I like my Niners chances against Seattle this week.
Hope the 49er's can take them. Have always liked the 49er's since the days of John Brodie and Seattle has always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. -- AlBelieve it or not, I like my Niners chances against Seattle this week.
I think it's possible because they're not as good away as at home; the margin of victory is much lower. On the road their average margin of victory is seven points. At home it's 14.
Agree, heard a quote, apparently he was watching the jumbo tron and then realized that he was in the play. Tomlin is a pretty good guy, I don't see him purposely doing that, but should have been a flag nonetheless.
And I also saw Flacco's quote on it. Sorry Bmore fans, I respect the Ravens, but still think Flacco is a dud, no personality and way overpaid for his value. I know he played flawless in the playoffs last year, but not sure that was worth 125M.
Kubiak just got fired. I suppose that was inevitable.
They have. I was thinking they might want to bring the replacements back.As I said before, should have been a flag on the play. IS the fine justified? I don't know but in the face of the media scrutiny, this is what the NFL does! Reactionary. I truly think they should start fining officials. Honestly, ridiculous that they didn't throw the flag for this in the game (and I am a Steelers fan). The officials have been overly awful this year.
wow...hahaha...I just saw that...
that's kind of harsh...but that's how business is done in pro sports...
the poor bastard had a stroke on the sideline 4-5 weeks ago...
maybe they should have fired him while he was in the hospital recovering...
pro sports...tough business...win or leave...
Maybe they will hire Saban.
I thought the rumor was...that if he left...U of T was his destination...
someone told me they heard the Texans were interested in Gruden...
The "Chucky" rumor is rampant in Austin.
Just saw the most incredible NFL game I have ever seen. Ravens vs Vikings. 5 Td's scored in the last 2:07 of the game. Never seen or even heard of anything like it. Ravens scored with 2:07 to take a 15-12 lead, and then things got crazy. Final score was 28-26, Baltimore, and the winning Td scored with 9 seconds left. Incredible. Ravens lead 7-6 after 3 quarters. 41 total points scored in the 4th. Jeesh. -- Al
It looks like Gronkowski may have suffered a torn ACL. That may spell doom for the Pats chances, not to mention that he could be gone for a very long time. A big blow to the Pats.
It looks like Gronkowski may have suffered a torn ACL. That may spell doom for the Pats chances, not to mention that he could be gone for a very long time. A big blow to the Pats.