NFL 2015 Season (2 Viewers)

Reports are team officials have all but convinced Snyder to trade or cut RG III. A trade seems highly unlikely as they have tried shopping him for a while and have had no interest from anyone. Cousins and McCoy look to be the Qb's that the Skins will go forward with. -- Al

What a mess. Everything Danny Boy touches turns to shinola. He's a complete disaster. I think the turning point for RGIII was when the redskins left him in that playoff game a couple years ago after he was clearly injured instead of yanking him. He was never the same. A great talent wasted.
What a mess. Everything Danny Boy touches turns to shinola. He's a complete disaster. I think the turning point for RGIII was when the redskins left him in that playoff game a couple years ago after he was clearly injured instead of yanking him. He was never the same. A great talent wasted.

It's crazy trying to wrap my head around the fact that three years ago, this kid was the toast of the league; commercials, endorsements, he had it made, was a rising star, now there is a possibility he'll get cut outright and there are no takers for him.

And you are spot on; he never should have been out there, he tore his knee up and that was that, what a that stadium built on an indian burial ground or something or what?
What a mess. Everything Danny Boy touches turns to shinola. He's a complete disaster. I think the turning point for RGIII was when the redskins left him in that playoff game a couple years ago after he was clearly injured instead of yanking him. He was never the same. A great talent wasted.
Bingo! Nail on the head! Every point on target. Snyder claims he loves the Redskins, and maybe he does, but the Redskins can't function with so much love.:rolleyes2: -- Al
It's crazy trying to wrap my head around the fact that three years ago, this kid was the toast of the league; commercials, endorsements, he had it made, was a rising star, now there is a possibility he'll get cut outright and there are no takers for him.

And you are spot on; he never should have been out there, he tore his knee up and that was that, what a that stadium built on an indian burial ground or something or what?
It sure went south in a hurry. RGIII has never been the same since that injury. There are also reports of work ethic problems, attitude, etc. Who knows, but it is a fact that the romance is over. This team is a circus, and not the good kind. Snyder sucks. -- Al
And they gave up a bunch of draft picks to get him.

Blame the coach for leaving him in after he was hurt. Never a big fan of Shanahan.
And they gave up a bunch of draft picks to get him.

Blame the coach for leaving him in after he was hurt. Never a big fan of Shanahan.

I remember several articles that Snyder forced...
or insisted...
that Shanahan stick with RGIII...
even after his injury...

in fact...
I think this was one of the reasons he didn't stay there...
that he had no faith in RGIII in leading this program...
I remember several articles that Snyder forced...
or insisted...
that Shanahan stick with RGIII...
even after his injury...

in fact...
I think this was one of the reasons he didn't stay there...
that he had no faith in RGIII in leading this program...
Many reasons, but the main one is NO ONE gets along with Snyder for very long. He just can't help but interfere with the running of the club. -- Al
Many reasons, but the main one is NO ONE gets along with Snyder for very long. He just can't help but interfere with the running of the club. -- Al


I liked him...
I thought he was a great coach...
he won 2 Super Bowls...
seems like Washington should have welcomed his input to me...
Worst possible outcome for Brady today although he is too dumb and arrogant to realize it. If he had served the meaningless four game suspension, he could maintain the facade of being the victim or paying the price. Now he will forever be deemed the guy who cheated and got away with it. A tainted legacy. Everyone involved in this mess walks away a loser. btw: Where are those equipment guys in all this? I keep reading there is "no evidence" after Brady destroyed his phone as though Brady gave those guys the Whitey Bulger treatment and had them whacked. Why aren't they forced to testify?

I'm kind of glad this is over...

at least I think it is...

it's been a black eye on the NFL since it started...

can't imagine Goodell appealing this...
Honestly, this is not surprising. The scope of the review was limited to whether Goodell exceeded his authority under the collective bargaining agreement and not whether or not the balls were properly inflated. It was a rather narrow question and this is not the first time Goodell has had his hands slapped. I don't recall these kinds of things happening under Tagliabue and, in fact, Tagliabue ruled during the New Orleans case that he had exceeded his authority.
Just heard that the Judge was quite harsh on Goodell: "dispensed his own form of industrial justice."
Good effort, good job NFL; 15 million dollar flushed down the toilet.

Way to go Rog, you are my hero; he could have avoided this circus by giving Brady a fine and/or reducing the suspension down to two games when he heard the appeal, but nope, his blood was up and he was bound and determined to stick it to Brady and the Patriots.

Whoops, looks like you over reached on this based on that rag known as the Wells report and had you played it down the middle and reduced the suspension, you would have won.

Wow did the NFL get their rear ends handed to them on this one.

I'm sure the NFL will appeal; best of luck with that one.

This is going to cost people their jobs and I hope the Ginger haired stooge is the first one on the chopping block.

The other 31 owner are pissed now I am sure; sorry billionaire boys club, looks like you'll have to go back to trying to beat the Patriots on the field now.

Good luck with that; think 2007/hide your women and children/the Patriots are out for blood........................

I'm kind of glad this is over...

at least I think it is...

it's been a black eye on the NFL since it started...

can't imagine Goodell appealing this...

Not close to being over. The appeal has already been filed.
Honestly, this is not surprising. The scope of the review was limited to whether Goodell exceeded his authority under the collective bargaining agreement and not whether or not the balls were properly inflated. It was a rather narrow question and this is not the first time Goodell has had his hands slapped. I don't recall these kinds of things happening under Tagliabue and, in fact, Tagliabue ruled during the New Orleans case that he had exceeded his authority.

That seems like a distinction without a difference. Does this mean Goodell is not allowed to suspend anyone? It seems like the first question is whether Brady was involved in deflating the footballs. The second question is what is the appropriate penalty for cheating, lying, and then destroying evidence. If the NFL commissioner is not the person who can make that determination under the CBA, then who is?
Not close to being over. The appeal has already been filed.

Jason Cole reported that the majority of the owners did not want the league to appeal this.

In any case, ten months minimum, so Brady plays this year regardless.
That seems like a distinction without a difference. Does this mean Goodell is not allowed to suspend anyone? It seems like the first question is whether Brady was involved in deflating the footballs. The second question is what is the appropriate penalty for cheating, lying, and then destroying evidence. If the NFL commissioner is not the person who can make that determination under the CBA, then who is?

It's not at all a distinction without a difference. Whether or not Brady was involved with deflating footballs is besides the question. After reading further, the question is whether Goodell exceeded his authority under the CBA and the Court found that he did. Moreover, the Court found that the NFL didn't make him aware that he could be suspended for four games; it's a question of due process under the law.

Goodell is allowed to suspend players, but within the bounds of the CBA and pursuant to due process. He is not free to act at will or autocratically.
Hey if it makes the haters feel better, the NFL still wins here, they screwed the Patriots out of a first round draft pick, just like they did back in 2008, so that's two blue chip players they are short of thanks to Roger and how he throws darts at the wall and determines penalties.

Kraft should have pulled an Al Davis and sued the league, it's not like he'd lose any friends among the other 31 owners as if this witch hunt proves one thing, it's that he's got none.......................

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