NFL 2015 Season (3 Viewers)


I was able to watch the Brady and Belichick post game press conferences last night. Every great team should watch and learn from them. The were pure class. They congratulated the Broncos, they refused to use injuries as an excuse and they defended their kicker.

The Patriots do not lose very often so they don't have much practice when it comes to handling the aftermath of a loss. With that being said they seem to live by one of the greatest mantras in sports, win with class and lose with class.

They will be back in it next year, little consolation now, but it is something.


Thanks, I appreciate it.

They were a laughing stock for a long time, a complete joke actually for a number of years, been a fan since 1969, saw a lot of losing seasons, kept the faith the whole time.

Like Louis said with his Yankees, this Patriots run the past 15 years has been incredible; 13 AFC East titles, no losing seasons, worst record in that time was 9-7, 10 AFCCG's, 6 trips to the Super Bowl, 4 titles.

Not bad for a team with a coach that got run out of Cleveland on a rail and a 6th round draft pick for a QB.

People can take all the cheap shots they want about deflated footballs, spygate, Brady being a pretty boy, Belichick being a grouch, they play the game the right way, no showboating, no chorographed dances after scoring TD's, no cheap shot head hunters, humble in victory, gracious in defeat.

Pure class.

**** proud of this team.

Have fun everyone watching the Super Bowl, it's either going to be a 21-20 dogfight, or Denver is going to lose 103-0 and Manning will be buried at the 50 yard line at halftime.

"We're on to the off season."
Can't say I'm on pins and needles for this Superbowl, but I'm sure I'll watch it, and guess I'm pulling for the Broncos and Manning (hopefully a win and he retires) and if it's the Panthers well they certainly have been the best team in the NFL this season, and of course the commercials/good nibbles/eats are all a good part of the game, here is a little tid bit of info as far as the Superbowl, other then Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Superbowl week now grosses more sales (complete week) then any other calender holiday, including Easter, Labor, Memorial holidays, crazy huh??...Sammy
Harry Caray (and announcers like like him like Lindsay Nelson, with his bright sports coats) was of an age after the likes of Red Barber, who was not a homer but just a great announcer. Not sure how many of you got to listen to him but he was wonderful, rip.

The real homers like Mike Shannon or Hawk Harrelson I have little use for. I get the MLB TV package and listen to the different announcers. Quality is mixed. The Cardinals are not bad, especially when McCarver is doing the games and the Mets announcers are, in my opinion, the best although Keith Hernandez tends to be partial at times. Of course no one is like Vin Scully. He's one of a kind and will be missed.

Radio, when I listen to it, is slightly worse. I think Howie Rose of the Mets is great but his sidekick Josh Lewin (who does the Chargers game) not too good. As I root for the Angels, I listen to some of their radio games and the guy who does it is understated but good.
Can't say I'm on pins and needles for this Superbowl, but I'm sure I'll watch it, and guess I'm pulling for the Broncos and Manning (hopefully a win and he retires) and if it's the Panthers well they certainly have been the best team in the NFL this season, and of course the commercials/good nibbles/eats are all a good part of the game, here is a little tid bit of info as far as the Superbowl, other then Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Superbowl week now grosses more sales (complete week) then any other calender holiday, including Easter, Labor, Memorial holidays, crazy huh??...Sammy

I can say that I am not.

And I won't be watching.

Nantz and Sims are doing the game; the Manning ballwashing will be epic, no thanks.

Panthers are -4.5, the over is 44.5...........I'd be all over those numbers, should be more like -14.5, with the over being 101.
Just saw that the Patriots fires their offensive line coach. Not too surprising in light of Sunday's debacle. Maybe they should ask Von Miller how they can improve ^&grin
Just saw that the Patriots fires their offensive line coach. Not too surprising in light of Sunday's debacle. Maybe they should ask Von Miller how they can improve ^&grin

Read an article in The Boston Globe that due to the crowd noise, they went with a silent snap count and Denver had it timed perfectly, Miller and Ware were flying off the ball, the linemen were looking to their left and right and as the ball was snapped, they'd back up into pass protection, which was a recipe for disaster.

Again, just another example of how HFA comes into play....................they'd be looking to use their first round draft pick to draft an O lineman, but they don't have one this year due to Deflategate.
Saw a question asked in the local sports page; How can the NFL be trusted to research brain injuries when they are not even sure what a catch is? Hmmm.... -- Al
It seems that somebody always takes a hit in these games. I remember last year a Packer messing up an onside kick in the NFC Championship game and they cut him a few days afterwards.
The NFL has started an "investigation" into the Al Jazeera charges against Peyton Manning. If they have Ted Wells of Paul Weiss running it, you know it will be inadequate.

Al Jazeera also charged some baseball players. By contrast, MLB has asked the U.S. Anti Doping Agency for help on an investigation. With USADA involvement, you will have a greater chance of finding the truth.
The NFL has started an "investigation" into the Al Jazeera charges against Peyton Manning. If they have Ted Wells of Paul Weiss running it, you know it will be inadequate.

Gee, I hope this doesn't become a distraction for Denver leading up to the Super Bowl.

If they hire Ted Wells, the NFL will pay him 5 million dollars to come up with "Manning was generally aware that HGH was sent to his house".....................

what do you think about Glenn Gronkowski with the Pats?

I would like to see Nick Martin...
Zack Martin's brother get some serious consideration from the Cowboys...

maybe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree for either...
I listen to the Fan 660 AM New York
They can be very nasty
Shady Brady and Bellicheat their worst enemies
Now it's Peyton's turn
I admit it's a fact that HGH was delivered at Peyton's house
he did not denied neither did his wife
So somebody called and wanted to know how true it was
They confirm about the delivery and told the guy
The package was under Peyton's wife's name
Do u really believe that Peyton's wife is doing HG
The media stir the **** so much
now the NFL is looking into it
As far as i'm concern leave Peyton alone
I'm just curious how this bullshit will turn into
Gee, I hope this doesn't become a distraction for Denver leading up to the Super Bowl.

If they hire Ted Wells, the NFL will pay him 5 million dollars to come up with "Manning was generally aware that HGH was sent to his house".....................


It will be a main story. Look, I am a lay here, but if I'm Peyton Manning and stem cells were available to me to fix my neck...I would use them. So, did he use HGH then to heal his neck? Probably so, they were not illegal to use in 2011, but they had just been arbitrated in the the new contract negotiations that year and they did not start testing until 2014. So, plenty of time for him to recover, use them and not get "popped".

Honestly, I think a good majority of NFL players use HGH to stay in shape, perform and keep their longevity. Plus, they have the ways and means to hire guys how to beat those tests. In addition, it is getting to point that these players are sooooo strong and big that if you are not up to par (HGH par), you will get hurt or worse. The running stats on some of the big guys are astounding and their strength and size is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. When does it stop? It won't, until someone gets caught or killed.

So, back to my point. Did Manning use HGH? And if so, why did he not admit it? First, I don't know if used HGH as I am not one of his doctors or was in there monitoring the machines man. But, I don't see why he would not have if it was not against the rules and it would have expedited his healing process. If he did do it, he should have just said so and explain the latter and he would be scott free for telling the truff! I pray that he does not go down the path of Lance Armstrong, Marion Jones, Roger Clemons, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGuire and others because...

DA' NILE ain't just a river in Egypt.


John from Texas

what do you think about Glenn Gronkowski with the Pats?

I would like to see Nick Martin...
Zack Martin's brother get some serious consideration from the Cowboys...

maybe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree for either...

I think he had a cup of coffee with them last year, then he washed out.

So far, they've canned the offensive line coach as the line was awful this year, then the strength coach as too many guys got banged up this year.

Belichick doesn't play around.

They are going to extend some younger players, cut some older ones who count big against the cap.

Brady makes 9 million a year, he's the 63rd highest paid player in the league.

They'll have some room against the cap, we'll see what they do.

Vegas has New England, Seattle and Pittsburg all at 8 to 1 odds to make it to the Super Bowl next year...............
These guys all play sports for a living, the better they do, the more they get paid. As far as Manning; I could care less what he took, it's his body, not mine. Good luck to him when he gets older. It's the price you pay for playing sports.

Like you said; if you took it, tell the truth, the truth will set you free. Lying makes it worse, just tell the truth and deal with the consequences.

The fact is the vast majority of fans out there hate Brady with a passion; they were all over him over the Deflategate thing, he is and always will be a cheater in their eyes, fans everywhere hate him.

Manning is some beloved simpleton that fans think is a swell fella, maybe it's those craptackular Papa Johns Pizza's he peddles, or the Nationwide insurance jingle is stuck in their heads, maybe they feel sorry for him for all the times he's crapped himself in the playoffs, the lovable loser, who knows.

He can do no wrong, Brady can do no right.

If Manning came out tomorrow and said he did take HGH, fans will forgive him.

If Brady came out tomorrow and said yes, he told those ballbag ballboys to take .2 PSI of pressure out of all the balls, fans would storm Gillette Stadium with pitchforks and torches and demand the Ginger haired stooge who runs the NFL strip the Patriots of their four Super Bowl titles.

I travel a lot with my business and all I ever hear is Belicheat, Cheatriots, cheaters, etc, etc, etc.

It gets real old real fast.

In a lot of ways, I'll be glad when Brady and Belichick retire and they go back to 2-14 so people will shut up already.

I'm sure in the meantime they'll find someone else to rag on................
I listen to the Fan 660 AM New York
They can be very nasty
Shady Brady and Bellicheat their worst enemies
Now it's Peyton's turn
I admit it's a fact that HGH was delivered at Peyton's house
he did not denied neither did his wife
So somebody called and wanted to know how true it was
They confirm about the delivery and told the guy
The package was under Peyton's wife's name
Do u really believe that Peyton's wife is doing HG
The media stir the **** so much
now the NFL is looking into it
As far as i'm concern leave Peyton alone
I'm just curious how this bullshit will turn into

I listen to the Fan too. The hosts are generally fair. The only one I can recall using that term is Steve Somers. However, half of Steve's commentary is an act, for entertainment. Moreover, he is twice as hard on the local teams as teams like the Patriots.

As far as the fans go, well, they're fans.
I think he had a cup of coffee with them last year, then he washed out.

So far, they've canned the offensive line coach as the line was awful this year, then the strength coach as too many guys got banged up this year.

Belichick doesn't play around.

They are going to extend some younger players, cut some older ones who count big against the cap.

Brady makes 9 million a year, he's the 63rd highest paid player in the league.

They'll have some room against the cap, we'll see what they do.

Vegas has New England, Seattle and Pittsburg all at 8 to 1 odds to make it to the Super Bowl next year...............

he had a cup of coffee with them last year?

are we talking about the same brother?

this kid is in the Senior Bowl...

is that who you're talking about?

this kid was supposed to meet with the Patriots today...

People hate a winner. What is the old saying, the insults of your enemies are the greatest compliment? When the Yankees went to 14 playoffs in 15 years, won 7 pennants and 5 World Series, people hated them, and loved to jump all over the Yankees who got caught in the PED mess. I'm sure in the 70's there were plenty of Steelers haters, and in the 80's people around the country loved to hate the 49ers. Take the Patriot bashing as the compliment it is.

When Brady and Belichick are done, they will be spoken of in the same rarified air as Bart Starr and Vince Lombardi, or Bill Walsh and Joe Montana, and probably compared favorably to those other all time great QB and coach tandems. And you've still got 3-5 years left in you run. Sit back and enjoy it, and stop letting the nay-sayers piss you off.

People hate a winner. What is the old saying, the insults of your enemies are the greatest compliment? When the Yankees went to 14 playoffs in 15 years, won 7 pennants and 5 World Series, people hated them, and loved to jump all over the Yankees who got caught in the PED mess. I'm sure in the 70's there were plenty of Steelers haters, and in the 80's people around the country loved to hate the 49ers. Take the Patriot bashing as the compliment it is.

When Brady and Belichick are done, they will be spoken of in the same rarified air as Bart Starr and Vince Lombardi, or Bill Walsh and Joe Montana, and probably compared favorably to those other all time great QB and coach tandems. And you've still got 3-5 years left in you run. Sit back and enjoy it, and stop letting the nay-sayers piss you off.

Thanks Louis.

I get it if the team is a rival of yours; I hated those Yankees teams because the Red Sox are their rival, just like I hate the Lakers as they are the Celtics rivals and the Canadiens because they are the Bruins rivals and I hate the Broncos because they are the Patriots rivals.

That said, the Packers of the 60's, Steelers of the 70's, 49ers of the 80's, Cowboys of the 90's, Penguins and Red Wings, Cardinals, Bulls, Spurs and any other teams who've been successful don't bother me in the least, good for them good for their fans.

I get the rival haters, but the haters in general, casual fans, those types who hate on a team, I just don't get.

To hate on a team and a fan base that wins is moronic to me.

These must be real losers in life; in a way, I feel sorry for them.

Get a life.

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