Nhl 2013 (1 Viewer)

I really dislike the term miracle, no offense to anyone. A miracle is a surprising inexplicable event. However, the young men who won in Lake Placid had enormous talent and worked hard. Their win was not to some act of the deity. Many of their players were highly successful professionals.

Similarly, the 69 Mets were not the Miracle Mets. They were the better team. It's not as if Mr. Met became God. Tom Seaver intensely dislikes that term. They won because they had great talent and that year it came together for them. A team with the likes of Seaver, Koosman, Ryan, Grote and Cleon Jones is one hardly in need of godly assistance.
I really dislike the term miracle, no offense to anyone. A miracle is a surprising inexplicable event. However, the young men who won in Lake Placid had enormous talent and worked hard. Their win was not to some act of the deity. Many of their players were highly successful professionals.

Seriously? That win was in every way, shape and form a miracle, that 1980 Soviet team was a machine, for a group of college kids no matter how talented to beat them was a miracle.

That Soviet team smoked an NHL all star team 6-0 and would have won the Stanley Cup if they were in the NHL in 1980. They played hockey year round, were a machine in every sense of the word.

They played each other in a tune up game prior to the Olympics and the US got demolished 10-3. Those US kids were indeed very talented, AT BEST they hoped for a Bronze medal.

Them beating the Russians would be equal to a group of college all stars beating a team of the top 20 NHL players.

It is bar none the biggest upset in sports history, a spectacular, mind boggling, awesome achievement, the greatest upset I've ever seen and my all time #1 sports moment.
Back in business. A ton of goals were scored last night. Two players had hat tricks. Several games in which a team scored 5 or more goals. Pittsburgh and Chicago both lose! Kane is really on some streak. His team was shutout in the last two games of the Olympics. No goals last night until there was only 10 seconds left in the game. Lose 2-1.
Hard to believe, but tonight is the first primetime NHL broadcast on an American TV network since the 1970's! Hate to admit it, but the Blackhawks look very snazzy in those black jerseys. I pity the fans, though, sitting outside in Chicago tonight.
The Ducks deal Dustin Penner for a fourth round pick and then pick up a 37 year old defenseman who recently broke his leg? Management is not exactly showing confidence in the playoff chances of one of the top teams in the league. Hard to understand. Penner is a free agent at the end of this season, but why not stick with him through the playoffs?
The Ducks deal Dustin Penner for a fourth round pick and then pick up a 37 year old defenseman who recently broke his leg? Management is not exactly showing confidence in the playoff chances of one of the top teams in the league. Hard to understand. Penner is a free agent at the end of this season, but why not stick with him through the playoffs?

I was wondering the same thing? Shouldn't a team like the Ducks be looking to upgrade?
The Islanders traded Thomas Vanek to Montreal for a second round draft pick and some tomato can I've never heard of.

Great; so a Bruins killer goes to a team that gives the Bruins fits to begin with.

This is not going to end well for Boston...................so the Islanders trade for him last year, can't sign him to a new contract and then dump him.

Their GM Garth Snow is a moron, end of story....................
The hockey playoffs are going to be a war this year. There are probably ten teams that have a real shot. In the East it's between Pittsburgh and Boston. In the West, it's wide open. St. Louis is on fire. Anaheim and San Jose can play with anyone. Chicago is the defending champ. LA plays great defense and playoff style hockey.
The power is in the West but come playoff time, sure there are favorites, but it,s a crap shoot.
Everything must fall into place. Other than those years a long time ago with the Canadiens, Islanders, Oilers, there hasn't been a sure thing. I will say last year I had no doubt the Blackhawks would win it. The Blues are currently #1 overall but their playoff history is dismall.
Here is my perfect scenerio. Blues win first round meet Hawks in second round. I sell my Blues-Blackhawk tickets to Chicago fans for 3 times what I paid, Blues beat Hawks and move on I now have made enough money to pay for the rest of the playoffs!
Oh and at last nights game as I told my wife we had a hat trick, got a puck in the pregame warm up, our section won the free buffet voucher at a local casino and the Blues scored 4 goals which mean we get free Big Macs!
The power is in the West but come playoff time, sure there are favorites, but it,s a crap shoot.
Everything must fall into place. Other than those years a long time ago with the Canadiens, Islanders, Oilers, there hasn't been a sure thing. I will say last year I had no doubt the Blackhawks would win it. The Blues are currently #1 overall but their playoff history is dismall.
Here is my perfect scenerio. Blues win first round meet Hawks in second round. I sell my Blues-Blackhawk tickets to Chicago fans for 3 times what I paid, Blues beat Hawks and move on I now have made enough money to pay for the rest of the playoffs!
Oh and at last nights game as I told my wife we had a hat trick, got a puck in the pregame warm up, our section won the free buffet voucher at a local casino and the Blues scored 4 goals which mean we get free Big Macs!


The Blues played Nashville last night in Nashville. While watching it on TV what was fun was that there were so many St Louis fans at the game it sounded like a home game.
In St Louis we have "towel man". After the Blues score a goal he gets up, waves a towel, then pumps his fist for each goal the Blues score, so if it is their 3rd goal of the night he pumps and the crowd responds 1, 2, 3! We,ll they did this last night in Nashville, great!
Bruins are on a roll at the perfect time with 15 games to go, outscoring their opponents 32-13 while winning 8 in a row.

Get Chara a ton of rest and go into the playoffs on a roll.
The Kings and Ducks had quite a game last night. The LA fans littered the ice with garbage and bottles after the Kings were robbed again by the refs. You wouldn't know it, though, if you watch the NHL Network. They spent about 25 minutes on the Montreal-Ottawa game. And 30 seconds on every other game. An amazing bias for the Canadian teams and a few of the northeast teams. I was in Toronto recently and stopped in at the NHL hall of fame. Asked if they had any Kings shirts and they looked at me like I add arrived from Mars.
Nice to see Dustin Penner and the Washington Caps take it to Anaheim last night. The Ducks dealt Penner to Washington to make "cap" room despite being in the mix for the Stanley Cup. They got a fourth round pick in return. Maybe they meant making "cap" room in the playoffs for Washington.
Bruins win again tonight, they beat the Cardinals in front of a ton of Bruins fans in Phoenix for their 12th win in a row.

The Diamondbacks are now in danger of missing the playoffs in the vaunted Western Division; you know, the division where the men are men and the Eastern teams don't stand a chance.

The Bruins beat the Rockies last night in Colorado, so that's two in a row over the powerhouse Western Conference, the Broncos last night, the Suns tonight.

Luckily the game did not go to OT so all of those diehard Coyote fans can get to Denny's in time for dinner; all five of them.

At least I think that's a Coyote on their uniform; good God are those things ugly, they should were clown shoes instead of skates with a uniform like that.


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