I find it amusing how fans around here were/are ready to jump off of a bridge after the game 2 and 4 losses.
They forget this team was down 1-0, 2-1 and 3-2 to Toronto and down 2-1 to Columbus.
Sports is sometimes so predictable, people say what the love about sports is there no script, but sometimes there is.
Case in point, the St Louis coach whines to the media about all the penalties being called on the Blues after the Bruins and their lethal power play demolished them in game 3 7-2, so what happens; last night, at home, the referees put their whistles in their pockets, St Louis did not get called for a single penalty in the first period and they went up 2-1 on their way to a 4-2 win.
Gee, never saw that coming.
Game 5 is in Boston; does anyone who follows hockey think the refs will once again put their whistles in their pockets and let the Blues fly all over the ice looking to kill Bruins players?
No, they won't.
For the billionth time, GET PUCKS TO THE NET, skate, skate, skate, take the body, keep the puck in front of you on defense and go from there.
It's down to a best two out of three, we'll see who sacks up and wants it more.