I am glad I started this thread and I hope it proves to you that Nick and I (BSP) participate here and elsware, including our own website, to try to help expand the hobby, to show different aspects of the hobby, but mostly to have fun.
Let me explain a specific objective of ours, which you may not be aware of. Everyone here is well informed about this hobby, and a few new members trickle in here and there. BSP has targeted the 1/35th scale modelers as our audience and have tackled the most difficult job of converting them. I can tell you after many years of hard work it is VERY slowly working.
How can I tell you this...I can tell you this through correspondence we receive through our websie. This is a distinct advantage for us, which we don't speak about much due to the sometimes hostile temperment here and for the fear of sounding like know it alls.
Why this approach.... The 1/35th crowd is huge compared to us and there are obvious similarities ( And Differences) . We are not huge and need to pull more people into this hobby to make it thrive. Also Nick and I are former modelers so we can relate to them, and we know where this hobby has to go to capture them
I have to bite my toung when I hear opinions that I know are off base, but I know the ropes around here now and I may hint about something I know about but I can say anything.
We have developed many other ties that we have to keep silent, but what counts is that we want this hobby to grow, we want all manufacturers and dealers to succede and whe have gotten feedback here and there our efforts have actually helped.
In closing what hurts is when we are attacked by those we are trying to help. I have an ultra calm temperment, but sometimes here it is pushed to the limit. I dont have the luxury of walking away from some important conversations, because if I can get my point accross it would be most helpful to our efforts, which are nothing but well intentioned for our hobby.
There is much much more, but without being to long winded I hope this gives you a general idea of what we are all about.
I know of no one else who is doing what we are doing and we do it for all of you. So for God Sake give us some credit. We spend a lot of money, time and effort, and all we want back is a strong hobby with a constant flow of products that please all of us and to keep the manufacturers and dealers strong through these tough times and beyond..
Sometimes it is NOT fun it is hard work