Nous sommes touts Sauvages-1759 (3 Viewers)

Another great episode. Reminds me of the thriller short movies I used to watch as a kid every Saturday morning -- just as the good guy was going over the cliff, the episode ended until next Saturday morn.

Excellent I really like how you mixed in different maunfacturers and they all fit well together. Really nice job beautiful clear pictures you really make the figures stand out!

I know the Rangers are Conte, but what about the "Young Lady in Distress"?

Great stuff as usual......:)


She's one of Hamish's ex-girlfriends and may also be Conte:- Catalog No ROG-013 "Spoils of War".
Brilliant use of figures again Reb.


She's one of Hamish's ex-girlfriends and may also be Conte:- Catalog No ROG-013 "Spoils of War".
Brilliant use of figures again Reb.




Hamish is correct she is a Conte figure used with a little improvisation of course as she fitted the story line better standing on her own two feet being hysterical. Seemed more apt as well:D
standing on her own two feet being hysterical. Seemed more apt as well

:confused: Are we saying she's hysterical cos someone told her that Hamish is lurking around in the forest..??

Sorry Reb, okay let's get back to the story - when you're good and ready Sir.
Have assumed that at least a couple of you have been following this thread so especially for you guys here's the final chapter of The Lone Rangers and the Tonto's

As the "unknown threat" to the Rangers left flank moved out from the shadows, Moses Jones and his rangers identified them as Mountain Men-Fur Trappers.But were they French Canadians or Colonists?


The trappers immediate salvo into the Indian answered the Rangers question


The Rangers now also poured a volley of musket fire into the enemy front rank


The withering fire from both salvos took a dreadful toll on the Abenaki and those that could started to break and run


Without waiting to thank the trappers Jones and his Rangers rushed through the fleeing Indian to add their muskets to their beleagured Lieutenant's group fighting for their lives North of the clearing


Making a flanking manouvre Jones and his men appeared over the ridge and were faced with one hell of a fight going on below them in the forest clearing


The Rangers had been split by the Abenaki into two groups with both low on ammunition it was now desperate hand to hand survival.



Jones and his boys pitched themselves into the fight


And that boys and girls is where I leave these valiant Rangers and Abenakis with their shouts, war-cries and gunfire echoing through the forest.

And as this appears to be yet another era that has not generated a whole lotta interest apart from the usual suspects and lurkers, even though the figures depicted are K&C/John Jenkins/Conte and Britains (thought a couple of those manufacturers were popular on the forum) but ho-hum so ends my foray into the French Indian War.

The last picture is a homage to Randy (polarbear) for the sterling work he has undertaken on the forum using his small collection to depict this interesting era.
Absolutely loved it Reb. But then again, I'm a pure sucker for those old Saturday Afternoon Matinées.
"Look out behind you"
Villain, holding on to the Leading Lady on the edge of the precipice snarls;
"I wouldn't fall for that old tri - aaaaaiiiiieeeeeee........."
Hero, having saved the Leading Lady, and how he didn't dislocate her shoulder as he hauled her back from the bottomless drop by one arm, I'll never know. Pops a chaste kiss (no tongues in those days by Jove).
Music fades...........Glorious sunset........

So, when are you gonna give us Zorro then..?? Huh..??

Cheers :D:D

Well, you got a whole lotta interest from this suspect and lurker :). This was a most entertaining thread and thanks for taking the time to do it.

Now back to the other's showing something to do with the ACW ;)

Thank you Reb. Suspect, lurker or whatever, I have thoroughly enjoyed this excellent work and like a good movie, I am a little sad to see it end. Over to the ACW channel indeed. Will there be a sequel?:D
Really a wonderful presentation --I can't wait for the next episode. Thanks for this one. It was truly great.

It should be very pleasant create this diorama, you have so many figurines with different poses to be added….great job Reb.


The last picture is a homage to Randy (polarbear) for the sterling work he has undertaken on the forum using his small collection to depict this interesting era.

Thanks Reb and here is my homage to your exciting addition to the subject of the French & Indian War:


  • NAmericanSalutecard.jpg
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I also would like to say how much I enjoy seeing the various figures set into dioramas and hope that we can see you revisit this again up the road! Like the's off to the Civil War Channel...
Great job Reb.You and Polar Bear are the best we have.That woodland scenery is great could you show it in its entirety.
Wow, great story, Reb!

We should put this into a Power Point doc, or some other filmstrip format, so people can play the whole thing in one pass.

Everything is really well done, your story, your staging, your scenery (I like the use of juniper, particularly).

Very entertaining, prosit!

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