OFFICIAL Firefly Photos (3 Viewers)


Sep 25, 2005
Dear Collectors,

I appreciate all the great comments regarding our new products. Here are some photos and more information.

They Got Wittmann (British Firefly VC) (ETA-007)

Whilst disputed, most historians now agree that the MK VC Firefly from A squadron, 1st Northampton Yeomanry, 33rd Armoured Brigade with Gunner Joe Ekins can be credited with the destruction of German Panzer Ace Michael Wittmann's Tiger tank on the 8th of August 1944 as part of "Operation Totalise." The Firefly named "Velikye Luki" was commanded by Sergeant Gordon, who was injured and bailed out, leaving Gunner Ekins to achieve fame in what was his first real action. Armed with the potent 17 pounder gun, the Firefly was the only Allied tank that could destroy the heavily armored German Tiger and Panther tanks at range. Figarti Miniatures proudly introduces the mighty "British Firefly VC" (ETA-007) as part of its FM30 or 1/30 scale line. Done the Figarti Way, the Firefly includes two figurines and the fine detail that collectors have come to expect from Figarti.

Price: US$189.00

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Highlanders Ready (ETA-008)

During "Operation Totalise," the British 51st Highland Division supported the 33rd Armoured Brigade as they pierced the tough German defenses east of Caen. helping to tighten the noose around the Falaise Pocket. To accompany its new British Firefly tank, Figarti Miniatures proudly introduces "Highlanders Ready" (ETA-008) as part of its FM30 or 1/30 scale line. As a corporal scans the horizon for the air bombardment that will signal the start of the operation, two Highlanders ready themselves with one checking his rifle.

Price: US$79

eta-008 (1).jpg

Rick what is the planned production number? Are you still only making 100 of each of your releases?
Congratulations Rick,a really nice Tank.

Did I read this right .... $189?!?

This baby isn't going to last on the market much longer. BTW, why hasn't anyone produced a Firefly until now?

The wait was worth it, this is a REAL beauty. Congratulations to Figarti for stepping it up.

Competitions produces so much pressure on "supply" side but the "demand" side sure loves it when it produces gems like these.

Incredible and what a great tank...Figarti can make the Tanks for sure.

I pre-ordered one from Treefrog yesterday. Thanks Greg Kempton
Very well done and a very fair price. I have watched Figarti grow through the trials of our gripes and groans, and all you do ,is respond by getting better with each release. I appreciate that in a new mfg. Rick, have you thought about any stowage add on for this and future tanks? Michael
I pre-ordered one as well. It has always been my opinion that Figarti makes the best armored vehicles, and the Firefly may be the best so far. And at $189, it is an excellent value as well.

And the Highland Division Infantry look very good as well. Having already seen both the Firefly and Infantry in a diorama set up courtesy of Kevin (Panda1gen) Elliott's excellent photographs, I can only say I can't wait to place the Firefly on one of my own dioramas.
This isn't just a tank; it's a work of art, right down to the dimples in the metal and the welding seams on the hull and turret.

Incredible and congrats to Rick and his team at Figarti on this one.

The end result is VERY nice. Several improvements over the development model. This model offers multiple options for repaints and markings. Further, now you have built a Sherman V, the door is open for multiple other variants!
I think you have made the collectors of Britsh armor very happy. Keep up the good work.

Gary B.
Exemplary tank and figures Rick, just amazing! I have pre-ordered 1 each, and cannot wait to have them in my hands. Just incredible work and quite fairly priced too, I might add. Thanks for continuing to keep me young!! ;)
Ahhh, finally someone who got it right. Most versions we have seen by other companies have shown a bow machine gun whereas the real one had the port plated over and used that space for extra ammunition. Thanks Rick

I want to thank Clive and all of our Figarti UK collectors for the tremendous support and encouragement you have given us, really appreciate it!!!

You never lost me Rick...

I just today purchased your Stock...what a plane...

And I continue to collect FIGARTI...

Sorry for my rant about bogies & treads...

The Firefly speaks...

Loud and clear...

:cool: NICE Rick! Possible More Infantry, Added-On and hopefully a PRIEST or a SEXTON, and a 6/17 Pounder anti-Tank Gun and Crew!:);)
I never pre-order anything...never say never. Just did the deed, this is fantastic. It is one of the finest sculpts I have seen short of an IPMS model contest.
Well done!
Just to let you know that the air freight has arrived and alongwith the 88mm and Prime Mover, I now have my supply of Joe Ekins Firefly VC.
I'll be contacting all those with pre-orders to relieve your wallets and arrange delivery but happy if you want to pester me directly 'cause I've got a lot of phoning around to do.:D

Just received my Firefly!!! What a beauty!!! Thanks to the advice of TREEFROGGERS I decided to go outside of my normal practice of purchasing only from one specific manufacturer and dip my toe into the Figarti pool.
I must say this piece is simply outstanding. I really like the tracks and wheels how they are not "molded into the vehicle", they are individually sculpted. The colour is great, I especially like the rough pock marks, welding connections, and dirt/rust streaks yet NOT overdone. Good job Figarti. Now if we could just change the name from "We've Got Wittman" it would be perfect ( because everyone knows a regular Canadian Sherman knocked his Tiger out from an ambush at close range.) :D:eek:;):p
I scored, mine is number 11 out of 100 and it isn't travelling anytime soon. It is my new favourite piece.

CFM :)

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