Ostfront 1944 (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Feb 18, 2008
As the arrival of my first FL Waffen SS figures is imminent I've decided to start a new thread that will deal with the east front in 1944. The new figures are extremely versatile and will work equally well in the east and the west.

Tiger 312 from 3./s.H.Pz.Abt.505 in the Byelorussian SSR.

Killer pics as always Frank,...I'm in hopes of seeing a First legion Tiger at some point but as in the here and now this Honour Bound Tiger is the best out there, I just wish I could have got one before they stopped the production, I look forward to your SS sets and some great photos coming our way...Sammy
Awesome pictures, I look forward to what you'll be turning out with the new SS figures.
Great job with the photos Frank. The tiger looks great with those FL figures. I can only imagine what a FL Tiger would look like.
As the arrival of my first FL Waffen SS figures is imminent I've decided to start a new thread that will deal with the east front in 1944. The new figures are extremely versatile and will work equally well in the east and the west.

Tiger 312 from 3./s.H.Pz.Abt.505 in the Byelorussian SSR.


They deserve a second showing Frank:salute:::salute:::salute:::salute::........The Lt.

It does make me feel a little sad as I missed out on the Hounor Bound Tiger. It remains one of my biggest toy soldier regrets. My only hope is that FL makes a Tiger.............
In August 1944, IV. SS-Panzerkorps consisted of the divisions 3. SS Panzer-Division "Totenkopf" (SS-T) and 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking" (SS-W) and was located in the vicinity of Warsaw.

The following shots depict Panzergrenadiers of SS Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 5 "Totenkopf" clearing the way for a Panther as it navigates past a destroyed factory complex.

You've done it yet again! These are some of my favorite shots that you have shared with us. Thank you for sharing.
Amazing!!! Your diorama's are the reason I got into FL. You make me want to buy their SS line. But I want to Finish the artillery piece first.

In August 1944, IV. SS-Panzerkorps consisted of the divisions 3. SS Panzer-Division "Totenkopf" (SS-T) and 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking" (SS-W) and was located in the vicinity of Warsaw.

The following shots depict Panzergrenadiers of SS Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 5 "Totenkopf" clearing the way for a Panther as it navigates past a destroyed factory complex.

Simply awe-inspiring work !
Frank, did you build the base yourself to get all the undulations/uneven landscape ? It's incredible looking.
And that H&A factory has gone to my 'must have' list.
I agree. These photos are tremendous. You would have to be very picky to find fault in them.

Although there have been many many photos of a Panther tank and support infantry on this forum, these pictures for me reflect a realistic size ratio for the first time As a matter of fact, I find the photo of the soldier directly crouching behind the tank fear instilling. And I am not a fearful person.
Hello Franck,
Just back from holidays, and found your last staging. Good scenario and incredible pics as usual{bravo}}{bravo}}
Waffen SS match very well with your base ground!
Best regards.
Once again Frank, more wonderful work of your settings, background, photos and of course those killer new SS troops, never gets old of seeing what you have come up with next, as you keep it fresh and new, and the quality of your work is some of the best in this hobby...Sammy
great photographs for sure excellent way. Excellent way to incorporate them into your scene

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