Panther G Arrived; My Initial Review (5 Viewers)

I meant I wish the Figarti tank commanders were done in FL size or sold separately in K&C size for those who want them. I didn't like the Tiger 100 commander either

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How'd you get the FL panzer commander to fit in the Figarti turret? Did he fit naturally or did you have to trim the base? I ask since my FL figure always seems to be just too big to sit in the turrets of my AFVs, and I've considered trimming him up.
Is the model that tired? I would think, from what they must sell that its not anywhere near tired. It may be tired to a few who want something different to what is on general offer but, with CS, TG following the larger figures I would imagine that of the forum and in the real world of the majority of paying customers that sales would not show its tired.

You also have to address new collectors entering hobby and beginning collecting will become accustomed to the larger figures. They will then not accept any future changes possibly that will alter the look of the collection they have and, may possibly not continue. Some people can't handle change!!

I said years ago I could never see the ''company'' change and they don't look like they ever will

Yep, I too wish the manufacturers would break away from the tired King and Country model of 1/30 vehicles w/ oversized 1/28 figures. I'm trying to help along the revolution by only posting pictures of vehicles with compatibly scaled figures.

Honestly, Figarti has come a long way with their figures. Recent figures like the Panzer IV Commander, Panther Commander, ETG-079 "Look Over Their" German set are sculpted and painted better than KC figures IMO and look very good.. They're more matte/subdued in color, especially skin tones whereas KC skin is still bright pink. If they were sized smaller like FL, I'd buy a lot more of them.

Also agree that you can never have too many tank crew figures. I often have bought armor for no other reason than to acquire the crew figures.
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It may be tired to a few who want something different to what is on general offer but, with CS, TG following the larger figures I would imagine that of the forum and in the real world of the majority of paying customers that sales would not show its tired.

You also have to address new collectors entering hobby and beginning collecting will become accustomed to the larger figures. They will then not accept any future changes possibly that will alter the look of the collection they have and, may possibly not continue. Some people can't handle change!!


These two statements are the crux of the matter.

In regards to the first, I readily admit that K&C dominates the hobby as far as market share/sales. That's why companies like TGM, Figarti, and TCS copy the 1/30 scale vehicle paired with1/28 scale figure formula, to ensure financial success. No argument there.

With the second point, I disagree. I don't think it is so much the new collectors. I think it applies more to older collectors who have, in your own words:

"become accustomed to the larger figures. They will then not accept any future changes possibly that will alter the look of the collection they have and, may possibly not continue. Some people can't handle change!!"

And I get that. People who have hundreds of 1/28 figures with tons of 1/30 scale vehicles don't feel like changing. People get emotionally invested in their collections.

It's a simple thing to measure these figures and vehicles, then multiply by 30 to see what the dimensions would be in real life (FL figures average about 5'10 to 6'1" in real world height; Figarti, KC, TGM, etc. figures would average between 6'9" to 7; in real world height. Even in this thread, though, we've had people ignore the math and defend Figarti, KC, and TGM miniatures as being true 1/30 scale and demand the manufacturers not change so as not to mess with their collections.

You yourself have been extremely resistant to change in the industry, decrying TCS in more than one post when they upscaled their vehicles to 1/28 to match the figures better and demanded truth in advertising when labeling something 1/30. At the same time, though, you seem not care that manufacturers don't scale figures appropriately at 1/30. You seem to have accepted the situation as is, and are against change as well. And that's fine too, if you're happy with your collection.

We've had plenty of discussions on scale, and honestly I've found the collectors most resistant to change are the older ones who have been doing this for years. The newer collectors seem much more responsive to correcting the industries scaling discrepancies in my experience.

Anyway, we'll all continue to vote with our pocketbooks, and nothing will change until the mainstream manufacturers start losing enough figure sales to their competitors who make "true" 1/30 scale figures. It may never happen, but 'll still express my views and try to get the manufacturers to go that way.

Yes gentlemen well noted: The REASON WHY the FL Stalingrad commander looks good with the Figarti Tiger is because they are both 1:30th scale....VERY SIMPLE.....Figarti should stop making 1:28th scale figures with their 1:30th AFV's.........HELLO OUT THERE!!!!!!! ....THEY DON"T MATCH IN SIZE...... (thus the Figarti figures look awkward (TOO LARGE) in their AFV's......Not a hard concept to grasp.
Just got mine IMO this tank rocks much more detail than King Country Panther which I also have

How'd you get the FL panzer commander to fit in the Figarti turret? Did he fit naturally or did you have to trim the base?

Surgery with Dremel. There's the way I did it (with uncontrollable excitement, haste, free handed & no safety glasses) and the way it should have been done: wrap with athletic tape around the waste until you can get him in a vise. Don't put any vise contact/pressure on the arms, only on the waste / legs. And use SAFETY GLASSES. My excitement almost made me a casualty.

Broken Foot.jpg

UKSubs, thanks for the encouragement. It's a learning process.
Yep, I too wish the manufacturers would break away from the tired King and Country model of 1/30 vehicles w/ oversized 1/28 figures. I'm trying to help along the revolution by only posting pictures of vehicles with compatibly scaled figures.

Honestly, Figarti has come a long way with their figures. Recent figures like the Panzer IV Commander, Panther Commander, ETG-079 "Look Over Their" German set are sculpted and painted better than KC figures IMO and look very good.. They're more matte/subdued in color, especially skin tones whereas KC skin is still bright pink. If they were sized smaller like FL, I'd buy a lot more of them.

Also agree that you can never have too many tank crew figures. I often have bought armor for no other reason than to acquire the crew figures.

So you want manufactures to make what YOU collect because it suits you and FL and the rest of us who like things the way they are just have to adapt..............^&confuse^&confuse^&confuse
So you want manufactures to make what YOU collect because it suits you and FL and the rest of us who like things the way they are just have to adapt..............^&confuse^&confuse^&confuse


My answer to you would be: "So you want manufactures to make what YOU collect because it suits you and KC and the rest of us who want figures and vehicles in the same scale just have to adapt and live with it?..............^&confuse^&confuse^&confuse

Works both ways, see.

I'm hardly alone in wanting figures/vehicles in the same scale, as plenty of others have expressed the same sentiment. You'll ask for what you want, I'll ask for what I want. Then we'll vote with our pocketbooks and the manufacturers will make their decisions based on where they think the profit is.

Ultimately, it's just personal preference on what we individually prefer.
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My answer to you would be: "So you want manufactures to make what YOU collect because it suits you and KC and the rest of us who want figures and vehicles in the same scale just have to adapt..............^&confuse^&confuse^&confuse

They have been for years mate im not asking for change and im happy with what i collect or i wouldn't be.
I have just accepted things the way the companies want to run there business.
They have been for years mate im not asking for change and im happy with what i collect or i wouldn't be.
I have just accepted things the way the companies want to run there business.

No worries.

I just haven't accepted the status quo. I'll continue to voice my opinion on what manufacturers can do to earn more of my money.

I have just accepted things the way the companies want to run there business.

Lol, my god do people read to much into things. Thank you for being so gracious as to step forward and educate us on how everyone else thinks:rolleyes2: Unfortunately Hunter Rose has his opinion which I happen to agree with and you have yours. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you just seem to be under the impression that yours is the only correct one. As Hunter Rose stated it works both ways. In the end the manufacturer will decide what direction they will go. Oh yeah by the way never just accept things the way they are. It doesn't pay to be a sheep bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Lol, my god do people read to much into things. Thank you for being so gracious as to step forward and educate us on how everyone else thinks:rolleyes2: Unfortunately Hunter Rose has his opinion which I happen to agree with and you have yours. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you just seem to be under the impression that yours is the only correct one. As Hunter Rose stated it works both ways. In the end the manufacturer will decide what direction they will go. Oh yeah by the way never just accept things the way they are. It doesn't pay to be a sheep bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Your welcome............................^&grin
It certainly doesn't pay to be a sheep where i work cobber.
Your welcome............................^&grin
It certainly doesn't pay to be a sheep where i work cobber.

Australia seems like a tough place. What I want to know is what happens when an Australian meets a New Yorker? Is it like the dreaded Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Paradox? ^&grin
I just haven't accepted the status quo.

I'm still trying to understand the status quo. Correct me where I'm wrong:

a) K&C makes 1/28 figs & sliding scale vehicles & everyone calls them 1/30

b) CS makes 1/28 figs & vehicles & they themselves advertise them as 1/30

c) TG makes 1/28 figs & 1/30 vehicles

d) Figarti makes 1/30 vehicles & small 1/28 figs for WW2 & calls them 1/30, & (tell me if I got this right) makes 1/30 figs for Vietnam but advertises them as 1/32. Does the Iraq War match the Vietnam size Figs? If so, what scale is the Abrams? And the Huey?

e) FL makes 1/30 figs & vehicles & I'm guessing Vietnam but I don't know because I don't have any
The Status Quo?????????? You mean if it's done wrong......"KEEP DOING IT"??????....ACCEPT IT.....WHY?????????.Some of you guys have got to be kidding^&confuse...When you men do your own jobs or professions do you "AT LEAST TRY" to do it correctly and consistently??? I would think so.......Gentlemen Please....It's a NO BRAINER GUYS....1:30th scale AFV's should have 1:30th scale figures....End of Story....and yes gentlemen we all are entitilted to our opinions and yes we will vote with our wallets.....To each their own "No Matter How Wrong".
Ultimatly the scale issue will be resolved by the market. IMHO Figarti Armor and First Legion figures are the best in scale, quality and detail. The prices reflect this level of quality. The combination of Figarti and First legion meet the criteria of Military Miniatures and the other manufacturers whose figures and vehicles are not the same scale meet the criteria of Toy Soldiers. So technically their are two markets being served by the same group of manufacturers; Military Miniatures i.e. Models and Toy Soldiers. The collector will determine which combination of manufacturers will meet his/her

Interestingly I have a collection of 1/24 scale armor models from Academy, VS Tank and Unimax. I find that the 68 MM figures display very well with these vehicles; representing and average scale height of 5' 9" which is the average height of a man in the period of 1939 to 1945. Era photographs support this contention. I find 1/24 scale makes a very impressive size for display. The VS Tank Tiger I, Tiger II, Sherman and KV I are all of model quality and reasonably priced compared to polystone products. Regards.

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