Plastic Spartan pics (2 Viewers)

Them Flockin guys.
I don't paint the bases like the metal figs either. I use my own secret formula.
Gravel dust.
Have you tried removing the LAMBDA from the shield and painting a different design?
I did a couple as Greek Mercs and tossed them in with my Atlantic figs.

Keep 'em coming.

KV, These are very nice figures, I've never painted plastics before but I wouldn't mind picking up a set of these sometime and having a go.

Have you tried removing the LAMBDA from the shield and painting a different design?
I did a couple as Greek Mercs and tossed them in with my Atlantic figs.

Keep 'em coming.


I ended up filling mine in with some green putty. I tried sanding them down, but it was taking forever, so I chucked some gunk on ithem, let it harden, and then sanded that down flush to the surface. Got some plain black shields at the mo. Need to get artistic on dem shields. :)

KV, These are very nice figures, I've never painted plastics before but I wouldn't mind picking up a set of these sometime and having a go.


Next week mate. You'll be able to pick them up as sets or singles, I'm sure. No excuse now. ;)
So who will be selling these then?


There were several at the December show.
If Len Cooksey has a stand, he'll have them, both sets and singles. I don't know if 'Big Bad German Pete' will be there, (usually has a massive load of tables in the same hall as K&C / Figarti etc. He wasn't there in December, but if he's there, all he does is plastic, by the bucketful. There were a couple of others there as well in December.
I flocked them and painted the sandals. Still some touch up and inking to do but mostly complete. Never filled in the shields. I love the Lambda when they are all together. Jeff they are great figures to paint. I got these done in about 4 days. Black primer just works for me . The kid will be surprised:)
I saw them at the WC for sale seperately about $3.00 each I may paint the other set soon.
I flocked them and painted the sandals. Still some touch up and inking to do but mostly complete. Never filled in the shields. I love the Lambda when they are all together. Jeff they are great figures to paint. I got these done in about 4 days. Black primer just works for me . The kid will be surprised:)
I saw them at the WC for sale seperately about $3.00 each I may paint the other set soon.

I'm sold then! I will see what is on offer on Saturday (with Simon's guidance of course!).


I'm sold then! I will see what is on offer on Saturday (with Simon's guidance of course!).



I'd suggest:

SPARTAN----tunicless with SPEAR, ----Athenian with SKIRT[ANd sandals]---8 figure ATTACKING set --with SWORDSand spEar ---shirtless Thespian WITH MG34 on SandbAG----mounted PERSIAN Horseman on ElEphant---- Spartan Marder III, with Italian / Spartan Crew - shirtless - in 1/25 scale, 6 man Hoplite pogo StICK Team ----Spartan women - shirtless! HOT gates---cold GaTES, Luke warm Gates---- 10,000 Spartan WARRIORS---300 IMMortaL PerSians ---THE same, bUT the OTHER WAY round!

Chow Mein! :)
You're too funny, Simon :)

These Spartans come in different colors, like red, silver or bronze. Does it make any difference for painting?
If you apply a primer, does one take it better then another?
Not sure if that is a smart question but I'm curious.

I'd suggest:

SPARTAN----tunicless with SPEAR, ----Athenian with SKIRT[ANd sandals]---8 figure ATTACKING set --with SWORDSand spEar ---shirtless Thespian WITH MG34 on SandbAG----mounted PERSIAN Horseman on ElEphant---- Spartan Marder III, with Italian / Spartan Crew - shirtless - in 1/25 scale, 6 man Hoplite pogo StICK Team ----Spartan women - shirtless! HOT gates---cold GaTES, Luke warm Gates---- 10,000 Spartan WARRIORS---300 IMMortaL PerSians ---THE same, bUT the OTHER WAY round!

Chow Mein! :)
You're too funny, Simon :)

These Spartans come in different colors, like red, silver or bronze. Does it make any difference for painting?
If you apply a primer, does one take it better then another?
Not sure if that is a smart question but I'm curious.

I have only painted the red plastic ones. I saw some of the silver ones at the show. The plastic felt different as in composition. So far no one has sent me any of the other colors to paint.
I'd suggest:

SPARTAN----tunicless with SPEAR, ----Athenian with SKIRT[ANd sandals]---8 figure ATTACKING set --with SWORDSand spEar ---shirtless Thespian WITH MG34 on SandbAG----mounted PERSIAN Horseman on ElEphant---- Spartan Marder III, with Italian / Spartan Crew - shirtless - in 1/25 scale, 6 man Hoplite pogo StICK Team ----Spartan women - shirtless! HOT gates---cold GaTES, Luke warm Gates---- 10,000 Spartan WARRIORS---300 IMMortaL PerSians ---THE same, bUT the OTHER WAY round!

Chow Mein! :)

...........I'm in trouble by the look of it! :D:D

I have only painted the red plastic ones. I saw some of the silver ones at the show. The plastic felt different as in composition. So far no one has sent me any of the other colors to paint.
Yeah I think the silver ones are a harder plastic. I don't know why he didn't stay with the plastic he used for his mold shots, you could pull the hand sout of those puppies without the fear of breaking them. I also liked the red color better.

The pictures look clear enough to see that you did a great job painting them, nice work, very cool, Michael
Nice paint job there Michael-can we expect a gory dio story to go with those super looking figures:D:D


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