Prices (1 Viewer)

Mitch, you are just as capable of doing the member and post searches and you will find a pattern. Maybe this will ring a bell from a member "Absolutely Correct and well said Terry...;We're not talking price increases over 20 years; we're talking almost double in 3-4 years...Inflation has not been been 50% in 3 years...with Tanks and Crew sets pushing $300 most of us will not be purchasing too often....Simply a reality He leads this thread alone with 14 responses, mostly critical of K/C pricing. Yet, he is always over at the F/L altar, knowing full well that they offer only $300.00 vehicles and the highest prices for any figure, just loving everything they offer. Never a negative comment about their price structure. He is constantly beating down K/C over resell value, profiteering, etc. On most anti-K/C threads ( I know that this was not the original intent of the first posting ) any K/C collector can reasonably guess ahead of time, who will chime in against Andy and K/C..This has become noticable, if not laughable..Michael

This last sentence is absolutely spot on, very true. It is laughable and obvious that some people have their own agenda against K&C, not only posting 99% negative posts but also ra ra ing the other company on this thread. Its as plain as a pikestaff and as Michael has said the same people do not raise a word about the price of the other company on its own thread. Well said Michael you are the first to really nail this issue here.

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Chris mate, we are most certainly not talking about you here my friend.


There are only a few like that. There used to be several more but they gradually disappeared over the last 2 years. But the team is back from Pakistan and we have finished the "O"s so are free to continue towards the end of the alphabet. {sm3}

The trouble with being constantly and only negative, or constantly and only Rah Rah is that after a while the poster's opinions or arguments get discounted to no value or even tuned out entirely.

I don't know if there is a hidden agenda to theses postings or ADD with the posters not realizing they are being so repetitive.

Chris mate, we are most certainly not talking about you here my friend.


no no, I didn't take it that way at all. I know exactly where Michael is coming from. His observation has merit though not sure I buy into all the back door allegations. {sm4}

Some people just have their sticking points and this(ese) guys have theirs. Me personally, I think everyone of us are way off our rockers throwing the money around for this stuff but hey, so be it.

I have set price ceilings for what I am willing to pay for an AFV anyway. That magical number is $239. Why you might ask, well, there is nothing more impressive to me than a company/battalion etc of Abrams rolling out to go do what they do best. My figarti Abrams tanks are among my most prized possessions in my collection. It is the only tank that I ever have felt like I MUST HAVE THIS!! Therefore, since I MUST, then the ceiling has gotta be $239- which is why I know FL will always be outta reach for me. I don't bash them, I think Frank does a wonderful job showing off the realism of their selection, but a.) they are too rich for my blood and b.) I am simply not that much of a WW2 armor fan to buy their afvs (or HB's gold edition from years ago). My thing is modern- everyone knows that.

That being said, FL collectors do have an advantage in that their tanks are only released so often so it is quite feasible, in my opinion that a normal DISCIPLINED {sm4} collector wanting to get into FL's game, could set aside some coin and save up and get their products.
I would add at this point that speaking for myself I have no idea if anyone is being paid to post posts by one producer or another, that would be a whole new level of ra ra ing and I do not know if that exisists or not, thats different from constant negative posting.

no no, I didn't take it that way at all. I know exactly where Michael is coming from. His observation has merit though not sure I buy into all the back door allegations. {sm4}

Some people just have their sticking points and this(ese) guys have theirs. Me personally, I think everyone of us are way off our rockers throwing the money around for this stuff but hey, so be it.

I have set price ceilings for what I am willing to pay for an AFV anyway. That magical number is $239. Why you might ask, well, there is nothing more impressive to me than a company/battalion etc of Abrams rolling out to go do what they do best. My figarti Abrams tanks are among my most prized possessions in my collection. It is the only tank that I ever have felt like I MUST HAVE THIS!! Therefore, since I MUST, then the ceiling has gotta be $239- which is why I know FL will always be outta reach for me. I don't bash them, I think Frank does a wonderful job showing off the realism of their selection, but a.) they are too rich for my blood and b.) I am simply not that much of a WW2 armor fan to buy their afvs (or HB's gold edition from years ago). My thing is modern- everyone knows that.

That being said, FL collectors do have an advantage in that their tanks are only released so often so it is quite feasible, in my opinion that a normal DISCIPLINED {sm4} collector wanting to get into FL's game, could set aside some coin and save up and get their products.

And there speaks a voice of reason ' I don't bash them' . I don't collect Collectors showcase products, but I have more respect for the owner and collectors than go on their thread and constantly bash them. Its about respect and as they say in all the Cockney films...' Me dear old mum taught me that'!^&grin:wink2:

If someone wants to pay me to post favorable posts, payment to be made in product, you know where to contact me! ^&grin^&cool
If someone wants to pay me to post favorable posts, payment to be made in product, you know where to contact me! ^&grin^&cool


Back of the queue my friend!^&grin:wink2:

Regarding your post 176 please note that I accept your right to believe your opinion to be correct but at the same time believe my opinion in my previous post to be correct !

In the more recent posts I happen to have the opinion that Michael and Rob are correct in their opinion about the example mentioned. I guess that makes us "everyone" or "the usual suspects". Our usual suspects might not be yours !! However my criteria for a "usual suspect" is fairly narrow and your opinions are very broad and across more than one brand and don't fit my profile (you were not one of those I was thinking of when I made my post). A usual suspect to me is one that can be relied upon to be negative towards K&C on pretty much any thread they enter or in some particular cases repeat the same old complaints endlessly.

And there speaks a voice of reason ' I don't bash them' . I don't collect Collectors showcase products, but I have more respect for the owner and collectors than go on their thread and constantly bash them.

Thanks for the kind words mate, though in person or on a global forum I will readily admit, anyone who ever believes I am a voice of reason is off their nut- voice of wild guess fantasy, crass candor and/or complete crockery/bollocks - is more like it. {sm4}

BTW "MATE" I noticed that you fully support KC (A British company mind you) yet seemed so quick and willing to point out disinterest of CS- AN AMERICAN company- you Brits trying to enslave us again?? I'll see you with dueling pistols at Lexington MATE!! {sm3}{sm4}{sm3}{sm4}
Thanks for the kind words mate, though in person or on a global forum I will readily admit, anyone who ever believes I am a voice of reason is off their nut- voice of wild guess fantasy, crass candor and/or complete crockery/bollocks - is more like it. {sm4}

BTW "MATE" I noticed that you fully support KC (A British company mind you) yet seemed so quick and willing to point out disinterest of CS- AN AMERICAN company- you Brits trying to enslave us again?? I'll see you with dueling pistols at Lexington MATE!! {sm3}{sm4}{sm3}{sm4}


Ok mate, I accept the Duel, but with one adjustment. Not duelling pistols but Cheescake factory cheesecake, if I'm to die in America I want to be killed by my fave American product:wink2: ......Actually Ms Aniston is my fave American product...death by J.Aniston....NOW THATS THE WAY TO GO!!!^&grin:wink2:


This thread, as always, seems to flow all over. I think I have been quite consistant from day one on here that everyone who has a legitimate issue or concern should be allowed to say it. I think a lot of what has been said which, is looked upon as K&C bashing, negativity and all the other comments have probably helped make K&C better. Historical innacuracies etc highlighted IMO are a good thing as sets are high in price and collectors deserve to have the best delivered for their hard earned money.

My comments about the usual suspects derive only from the last sentences of the dispatches which, were unnecessary IMO. I do think in many of the threads, in fact none, have I ever stated my opinion is either right or, better than anyone elses. I look at both sides thats all.

I have always thought that on a discussion forum everyones opinion is as valid as anyone elses. I have also said that it should be down to the mods to stop posts where its a dig for digs sake and, thats rather obvious and, allow others to debate other issues.

Regarding your post 176 please note that I accept your right to believe your opinion to be correct but at the same time believe my opinion in my previous post to be correct !

In the more recent posts I happen to have the opinion that Michael and Rob are correct in their opinion about the example mentioned. I guess that makes us "everyone" or "the usual suspects". Our usual suspects might not be yours !! However my criteria for a "usual suspect" is fairly narrow and your opinions are very broad and across more than one brand and don't fit my profile (you were not one of those I was thinking of when I made my post). A usual suspect to me is one that can be relied upon to be negative towards K&C on pretty much any thread they enter or in some particular cases repeat the same old complaints endlessly.

All this in response to one young man's question^&grin{sm4}
All this in response to one young man's question^&grin{sm4}

I wonder if he's sorry he asked (might be repeating myself here).

I can now officially declare that this thread has jumped the shark ^&cool
I wonder if he's sorry he asked (might be repeating myself here).

I can now officially declare that this thread has jumped the shark ^&cool


Something fishy for sure!

If someone wants to pay me to post favorable posts, payment to be made in product, you know where to contact me! ^&grin^&cool

Why would you want to get paid in product for a product you have to be bribed to say nice things about. Even Woody Allen couldn't believe it until I explained that you were a New Jersey lawyer {sm4}{sm4}

i would like to throw my 2 cents here.

for me best AFVs for the money are the ones made by Figarti. Fl ones look awesome but you'll have to pay a little bit more. Anyway 90% of my AFVs were made by K&C and I like them a lot. However my brain has decided to shut off when it saw that prices were increasing with a quality that was pretty much the same. I have not bought any AFVs in the last 2 years.

now figures... the most important part of my collection. The best in my collection are the ones I have commissioned I like also the Kolobob figures but don't own any. I have some Aeroart figures but FL is now offering figures at half the price of these with only a slight drop in quality.

Even though I'm an avid FL collector, I enjoy my KC collection and I'm sensible to Fl price increase. Everybody has a maximum price point for a regular standing figure and for me it's around 60$ for a regular figure made by a company like FL. I would however pay top dollars for museum quality figures.



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