Prices (2 Viewers)

Same thing happened to me. A friend saw my Leningrad tiger and wanted one, but decided no when he heard the price.

People are shocked when I tell them how much my 1/30 collection cost:redface2:but for me less is more !

Just seen this post as I replied to Rutledge. I agree with you and, have said, if thats the case then its upto the mods etc to stop this behaviour. its not the posts from the few who may get a kick out of that I am addressing its the few who seem to think certain topics are unworthy of discussion. they IMO should themselves refrain from commenting and that is not a circular argument its just common sense and a bit or respect back at posters who post whats important to them or contribute to started threads. As you say its all about respect and, those who find such threads irritating etc should offer the same respect for those who wish to talk about what they want.

I agree Mitch, all viewpoints are equally valid here. Now on a forum like this perception is everything, if for instance you have someone who comes on here and who is perceived as being almost relentless in his negativity or criticism and rarely has anything positive to say, it is only human nature that people will consider this person has their own agenda, its quite natural to think that . You would to be fair have to ask why come on a thread like this if you do not enjoy the product at all and seem to want to stir some folk up. We have one frequent flyer on these threads that gets upset about this and goes over to another producers thread to react to these posts and gets himself in trouble for it. I've said it for quite a while now, its about respect for others and their enjoyment of the forum, sometimes that is more important than ' I can so I will' . I'm afraid SOME posts are clearly designed to wind folk up Mitch.

People are shocked when I tell them how much my 1/30 cost:redface2:
An excellent point. I am embarrassed when I total up what I spend on this TS addiction.:redface2: I do not have to answer to or tell the cost to another person but the wife and she hasn't inquired (bless her). I have reached the point where I no longer get the thrill from a purchase, because of the cost. I doubt that I will quit collecting, but there are just two series done that I will further pursue and these are done by the same maker. This is a drastic cut-back for me, but has to be done. I simply can't maintain or justify the expense involved. Further price increases will force a reexamination of even the two series I now collect. I foresee the day when I will be out altogether. Too bad, so sad. -- Al

Just seen this post as I replied to Rutledge. I agree with you and, have said, if thats the case then its upto the mods etc to stop this behaviour. its not the posts from the few who may get a kick out of that I am addressing its the few who seem to think certain topics are unworthy of discussion. they IMO should themselves refrain from commenting and that is not a circular argument its just common sense and a bit or respect back at posters who post whats important to them or contribute to started threads. As you say its all about respect and, those who find such threads irritating etc should offer the same respect for those who wish to talk about what they want.

Good post Mitch :wink2:
An excellent point. I am embarrassed when I total up what I spend on this TS addiction.:redface2: I do not have to answer to or tell the cost to another person but the wife and she hasn't inquired (bless her). I have reached the point where I no longer get the thrill from a purchase, because of the cost. I doubt that I will quit collecting, but there are just two series done that I will further pursue and these are done by the same maker. This is a drastic cut-back for me, but has to be done. I simply can't maintain or justify the expense involved. Further price increases will force a reexamination of even the two series I now collect. I foresee the day when I will be out altogether. Too bad, so sad. -- Al

Hey Al-

admittedly, I do not really get a thrill out of a purchase but I am finding more and more each day that whenever I go downstairs to my basement. I used to be embarrassed but then I look at ebay and the prices that some pieces are fetching in my collection and that frown turns upside down. I am really happy with what I have. Truthfully bud, based on your statements there, perhaps it's time to take a timeout for awhile. I have only bought toy soldiers 3 times since November of last year myself and two of those times were Figarti Abrams. :eek:

If you have things cut down to 2 lines, I think you are already ahead of the game. The next step is being able to look at the new stuff and say, yeah, I can live without that. I've found once I did that, the hobby has gone from a chore to fun again.
Hey Al-

admittedly, I do not really get a thrill out of a purchase but I am finding more and more each day that whenever I go downstairs to my basement. I used to be embarrassed but then I look at ebay and the prices that some pieces are fetching in my collection and that frown turns upside down. I am really happy with what I have. Truthfully bud, based on your statements there, perhaps it's time to take a timeout for awhile. I have only bought toy soldiers 3 times since November of last year myself and two of those times were Figarti Abrams. :eek:

If you have things cut down to 2 lines, I think you are already ahead of the game. The next step is being able to look at the new stuff and say, yeah, I can live without that. I've found once I did that, the hobby has gone from a chore to fun again.
Hi Chris. Good points, all. I still love what I got but purchasing is becoming less and less a thrill. I am thinking of returning to gloss again, where prices are still affordable and a wide choice is available. I quite like SoW out of NZ and Britains gloss. Will see what happens. I just love TS too much to quit altogether. -- Al
I just love TS too much to quit altogether. -- Al

There you go bud- I always tell people to look at the hobby as a marathon, not a sprint- Like Damian told me a few years ago- the stuff always boomerangs and returns. Miss it the first time, catch it on the rebound.
I've got to say I find it very odd when people keep saying that there happy to pay $300.00 for a tank & must be a Toy shop seller dream , I wonder if there the same when they do there day to day shopping ^&confuse .
Hi Chris. Good points, all. I still love what I got but purchasing is becoming less and less a thrill. I am thinking of returning to gloss again, where prices are still affordable and a wide choice is available. I quite like SoW out of NZ and Britains gloss. Will see what happens. I just love TS too much to quit altogether. -- Al

Well said Al, this hobby is just too enjoyable to give up.

I'm a bit dismayed at the drastic increases in prices for King and Country and other manufactures as well... My real concern, is that these continued price increases in this weak economy, will eventually, put King and Country and others into bankruptcy. It can easily happen if customer finally says enough!

Im certainly no Bill Gates. But it would seem to me that if input prices are rising for manufacturers then the effect of them lowering THEIR prices would more likely be bankruptcy, not less. I base this analysis on simple math.

Unless, as apparently some believe, its purely caused by manufacturers raising prices "because they can", i.,e greed. In that case there must be hard number data available on INPUT costs to back up such a belief.

Frankly, Im ok either way. The market will price itself at what the market will bear, and no more. Any good business person will always get more profit if he/she can. After all, lean times are always lurking.
I do not think for a minute that the TS companies are trying to gouge us, that in fact the rise in prices are due to labor cost etc. My problem is it is just getting too expensive, PERIOD. I cannot justify under any manner of thinking that I can pay $300 for one vehickle and three figures, especially it not being some sort of special issue.
Another factor comes into play, as I have been a long time collector. How many more tanks, half tracks, etc do I need? Especially at those high prices. My conclusion, none.
Some people comment that those that post on TF,s are only a small minority of collectors world wide, but when various polls are taken they also poll just a small minority of people. So if 50% of TF,s are concerned about rising cost and saying they are cutting back on purchases, I would tend to think that would probablly be true for all collectors.
Again this is not a shot at TS companies, but my overall view where this hobby is today.
Some people comment that those that post on TF,s are only a small minority of collectors world wide, but when various polls are taken they also poll just a small minority of people. So if 50% of TF,s are concerned about rising cost and saying they are cutting back on purchases, I would tend to think that would probablly be true for all collectors.

This is where a knowledge of statistics is helpful. Self selecting polls are not reliable indicators for several reasons. Unless you want to go deep into random sampling for normal distribution curves and such, you will just have to trust me on that. :smile2:
Hey Al-

admittedly, I do not really get a thrill out of a purchase but I am finding more and more each day that whenever I go downstairs to my basement. I used to be embarrassed but then I look at ebay and the prices that some pieces are fetching in my collection and that frown turns upside down. I am really happy with what I have. Truthfully bud, based on your statements there, perhaps it's time to take a timeout for awhile. I have only bought toy soldiers 3 times since November of last year myself and two of those times were Figarti Abrams. :eek:

If you have things cut down to 2 lines, I think you are already ahead of the game. The next step is being able to look at the new stuff and say, yeah, I can live without that. I've found once I did that, the hobby has gone from a chore to fun again.

I'm with Chris on this topic, once I decided to go with one line (Romans maybe in my future:)) and only one company my hobby became fun again instead of a challenge to get the old/new/ collection isn't table sizes full anymore, but very enjoyable, and that my friends is a good thing...Sammy
never trust anyone who says trust me!!!!! A rule that has served me well

This is where a knowledge of statistics is helpful. Self selecting polls are not reliable indicators for several reasons. Unless you want to go deep into random sampling for normal distribution curves and such, you will just have to trust me on that. :smile2:
I was quoting the trust issue not the stats issue. done enough of that when I was doing the MA and PhD
Easy to confirm. Just purchase an entry level college statistics book. And...Enjoy!{sm4}
This is where a knowledge of statistics is helpful. Self selecting polls are not reliable indicators for several reasons. Unless you want to go deep into random sampling for normal distribution curves and such, you will just have to trust me on that. :smile2:

I'm more of a Poisson process kind of guy...:wink2:
I'm more of a Poisson process kind of guy...:wink2:

Wow, Rev Pete with a stats smack down, out of nowhere! :tongue: Who knew?

Guess there is more to running a church than delivering Fire and Brimstones every Sunday - MATH?!?! {eek3}:wink2:
..Guess there is more to running a church than delivering Fire and Brimstones every Sunday - MATH?!?! {eek3}:wink2:

There is more.... and it has eternal value:wink2:...not measureable by Math or Stats{sm4}
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