Prices (1 Viewer)

These constant "threats" are getting extremely tiresone. If you find prices too high, dont buy anything. Give your collection a burial at sea, ala OBL. Burn the manufacturers in effigy. Do whatever. Just keep it to yourself and let the economic chips fall where they may.

Totally agree.....Well said
Much as I've disagreed with the aforementioned Mr Rutledge of late:wink2: I do agree with him here, sooner or later we have to say ' Right I'm either going to collect or not'. Do I like rising prices, of course not, will I continue to collect, of course I will. I have not heard anyone say they are going to stop altogether. Prices are going up everywhere across the board, for me it means being more choosy and picking what I buy very carefully, but this hobby is way to good to give up .

Well the AussieAustrian_money.gif is doing so well im not complaining im just going to make the most of it while i can.
Wow....whatta ya know....a thread about price increases for KC figures...... by my count, this is the sixth day of a seemingly never ending round of debates.....I can't believe how long it takes Congress to get things done but even most deliberations on Capital Hill don't run this long....................


Some pretty interesting nuggets of wisdom being offered here that I gotta admit, I haven't heard before- certainly has made me think:

1.) Prices are rising in China;
2.) US Dollar is devaluing
3.) Buy what you like
4.) cost of materials is increasing;


my friends and I have a game we play as we go to our "professional" conferences- it's called Bulls--t bingo. Before the conference someone whips up a set of cards that have various catchphrases written on them "Think outside the box"; "fraud"; "proffesional skepticism"; etc, etc. Anyway, the first guy/gal that catches 6 phrases across shouts out "BULLS--T" and gets the first drink after the conference.

I gotta think these price threads would have produced a "BULLS--T" winner by post 35............
Wow....whatta ya know....a thread about price increases for KC figures...... by my count, this is the sixth day of a seemingly never ending round of debates.....I can't believe how long it takes Congress to get things done but even most deliberations on Capital Hill don't run this long....................


Some pretty interesting nuggets of wisdom being offered here that I gotta admit, I haven't heard before- certainly has made me think:

1.) Prices are rising in China;
2.) US Dollar is devaluing
3.) Buy what you like
4.) cost of materials is increasing;


my friends and I have a game we play as we go to our "professional" conferences- it's called Bulls--t bingo. Before the conference someone whips up a set of cards that have various catchphrases written on them "Think outside the box"; "fraud"; "proffesional skepticism"; etc, etc. Anyway, the first guy/gal that catches 6 phrases across shouts out "BULLS--T" and gets the first drink after the conference.

I gotta think these price threads would have produced a "BULLS--T" winner by post 35............

rofl your is post 35 ^&grin
As the saying goes, it's you know what or get off the pot ^&grin
Wow....whatta ya know....a thread about price increases for KC figures......

Hear, hear. BTW, thanks for the support in the other (closed) thread. And no worries, big guy, Im quite sure I can handle whatever comes my way from the other side.

Totally agree.....Well said

Thank you sir. It just got to the point where something needed to be said.

Much as I've disagreed with the aforementioned Mr Rutledge of late:wink2: I do agree with him here, sooner or later we have to say ' Right I'm either going to collect or not'.

You know what they say: Even a 'broke clock" is right twice a day. ^&grin
Hear, hear. BTW, thanks for the support in the other (closed) thread. And no worries, big guy, Im quite sure I can handle whatever comes my way from the other side.

Thank you sir. It just got to the point where something needed to be said.

You know what they say: Even a 'broke clock" is right twice a day. ^&grin



"China's Rising Wages Propel U.S. Prices" from page 2 of today's Wall Street Journal


"What we will have for the next 30 years is inflation," Mr. Fung said. "A lot of Western managers have never coped with inflation."

But there are signs that the low labor costs—and cheap currency—that led to China's huge trade surplus with the U.S. could be reaching a tipping point. This comes amid pressure from rising wages as China's working-age population begins to decline."

Buy now while prices are CHEAP! :)
Have to say on an open forum and a thread like this its rather tiresome that the same old faces keep telling people what to post about. Threads closed because some do not agree with others and now, as Andy puts it the 'usual suspects' now tell others they cannot talk about this or that.

If posters are tired of the same posts coming up why do they not refrain from posting and reading them. Remember a lot of new guys have began posting on here and, as it was for me last may these threads are brand new to them. I think one should tolerate the fact that its nobody's forum to decide what is posted and what is not so long and I think I have been told this enough that its not offensive to another person.

We seem willing to scream democracy and freedom and bemoan anyone who dares mention another argument but, in the same breath try to censor others.

This thread is for hobbyists who want to get things off their chest not just positive but, sometimes negative and, no matter how repetitive it is to the so called established members.
But sometimes it works exactly the opposite way Mitch, sometimes some of us are told we shouldn't post ra ra posts here either, so it seems some want to only post negative posts and shout down those who want to enjoy the hobby and celebration of it. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander so to speak.


Have to say on an open forum and a thread like this its rather tiresome that the same old faces keep telling people what to post about. Threads closed because some do not agree with others and now, as Andy puts it the 'usual suspects' now tell others they cannot talk about this or that.

If posters are tired of the same posts coming up why do they not refrain from posting and reading them. Remember a lot of new guys have began posting on here and, as it was for me last may these threads are brand new to them. I think one should tolerate the fact that its nobody's forum to decide what is posted and what is not so long and I think I have been told this enough that its not offensive to another person.

We seem willing to scream democracy and freedom and bemoan anyone who dares mention another argument but, in the same breath try to censor others.

This thread is for hobbyists who want to get things off their chest not just positive but, sometimes negative and, no matter how repetitive it is to the so called established members.
All I can say is it would be nice for a change if this "price" thread showed up on different Mfg. threads? Some of the other makers prices rise with EVERY new release and not a peep?^&confuse

Thats my point. I see no reason why one should not be able, as you say, to ra ra on this thread and, I am not sure who has said that but, should not have as, clearly thats stupid. On the whole most threads are positive with some great sets and great pics but, as with anything there are faults issues etc that posters wich to get off their chest. Lets take prices as its the thread we are on this thread does not really derail any of the ra ra but, allows posters who may have no other outlet to vent their concerns and worries etc over their hobby.

The two can really co-exist and does not need anyone to come on and say either how boring it is or, this or that about what people are saying undermine their intelligence as they post what they believe just, as it would be wrong to deliberately do that on the ra ra.

I see far more posts either spoilt or closed in relation to price quality etc than I do being spoilt by the negative comments or restriction of the ra ra threads. I think we have discussed this before that one can immediately tell who wants to stir or be naughty on a thread and those who wish to post their concerns and ra ra's on a thread.

I remember a similar discussion when Vezzolf was berated for comments after I had just joined and, asked why he should not be allowed his opinion on an open forum. I was told that I would get bored of the comments after a while and the way these threads repeated themselves. Well, I am never bored about whats posted good or bad is interesting IMO.

Every opinion is important and whilst I may not agree its part of the rich tapestry that makes the forum so good and, people again, IMO should not be quietened, censored or haranged so they feel they should not post what they feel as it may bore members.

But sometimes it works exactly the opposite way Mitch, sometimes some of us are told we shouldn't post ra ra posts here either, so it seems some want to only post negative posts and shout down those who want to enjoy the hobby and celebration of it. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander so to speak.

Eventhough I have not been in the hobby for too long ( almost two years), I'm also cutting back and have not bought any AFV over $200 since the snow tiger. It was the most expensive piece I got from K&C. I find that I spend more money on CS AFVs now as they are still reasonbly priced with good quality. I have a friend who showed some interest in TS but when he found out how much it cost for the new JagTiger, he was quickly abandone the idea and sticking with his 1/72 model planes ^&grin .

Same thing happened to me. A friend saw my Leningrad tiger and wanted one, but decided no when he heard the price. And he is in a position to easily afford it. Instead, he has been busy pilfering my 1:35 Minichamps tanks and 1/72 Corgi aircraft. :rolleyes2: Cherrypicking as he tells me I had a nice collection. {sm4}

I agree Mitch, all viewpoints are equally valid here. Now on a forum like this perception is everything, if for instance you have someone who comes on here and who is perceived as being almost relentless in his negativity or criticism and rarely has anything positive to say, it is only human nature that people will consider this person has their own agenda, its quite natural to think that . You would to be fair have to ask why come on a thread like this if you do not enjoy the product at all and seem to want to stir some folk up. We have one frequent flyer on these threads that gets upset about this and goes over to another producers thread to react to these posts and gets himself in trouble for it. I've said it for quite a while now, its about respect for others and their enjoyment of the forum, sometimes that is more important than ' I can so I will' . I'm afraid SOME posts are clearly designed to wind folk up Mitch.

Well keep in mind that with a strict policy of no dealer discounts....It's likely a limited number will be produced...since a typical production run would likely sit on the shelves....At $300.... Tank crews being "add-ons" now seem to be the 'new policy'.... and to me seems like an obvious attempt to mask or soften increased prices....either way not good for collectors who will likely purchase less.

It not only seems like an attempt to soften price increases - it is one. K&C has said as much straight out.

What I really believe, is that you are being unrelentingly negative to drive down K&C resale prices, and buy up the figures cheap for speculative resale next year. {sm3}^&grin

We seem willing to scream democracy and freedom and bemoan anyone who dares mention another argument but, in the same breath try to censor others.

This thread is for hobbyists who want to get things off their chest not just positive but, sometimes negative and, no matter how repetitive it is to the so called established members.

Even in a free society there are limits on free speech. Yelling fire in a crowded theatre is the classic example.

No one is demanding the moderaters engage in censorship (any more than they already do). Rather the wish is that some censor themselves, as their repetitive comments are to the point of annoying and pointless to others. But of course they CAN continue posting.

However, if we are talking about free speech, all and any views that are negative in tone toward other comments, and do not violate forum rules, MUST BE as legitimate and allowable as any other, as otherwise that would be censorship, would it not...?

A rather circuitous argument, admittedly perhaps a trained lawyer should weigh in. :smile2:

"China's Rising Wages Propel U.S. Prices" from page 2 of today's Wall Street Journal


"What we will have for the next 30 years is inflation," Mr. Fung said. "A lot of Western managers have never coped with inflation."

But there are signs that the low labor costs—and cheap currency—that led to China's huge trade surplus with the U.S. could be reaching a tipping point. This comes amid pressure from rising wages as China's working-age population begins to decline."

Buy now while prices are CHEAP! :)

Right on. 30 years ago, Japan was the cheap producer. Now it is China, but not for much longer. The real message is that wealthy countries will be forced to buy more expensive items and reduce consumption. Remember when people traded in their car every 2 years for a new one? Those days are long gone and the same thing is being felt for other products now.

One is. I was not asking for moderator censorship nor, was I bringing in the classic legal case of the crowded cinema. I don't see any of the posts as illegitimate about price. I do agree that some should censor themselves and, IMO which, is all I can offer, it is those who bemoan threads as boring or unecessary or, talked about enough. They have no more right on here to say what is boring etc than to say what is legitimate. I have no problem with anyone bringing up any issue

It is a matter for those who find the so called repetitive threads to mature their approach to the forum and, accept that people wish to discuss these issues and, if its every month then so be it. If its pointless to some then why participate in a forum like this?? its rather outrageous that someone and there are a few who believe it seems, they should police what is allowed to be posted and to give some suedo moral/intelligent comment upon its validity.

The fact of the matter is its a regular thread and has a good few responses which, shows its probably a number one topic for many who participate but, a small handfull wish to detract from the way the thread goes to the point in the past where its derailed or, closed and, thats a disgrace IMO

There are hundereds of threads on here and if one is a pain or seen as below ones intelligence or patience, its not censorship to think, well, I will not even bother reading it as I have seen it all before. but, it seems for some, its like a fly to a light

Even in a free society there are limits on free speech. Yelling fire in a crowded theatre is the classic example.

No one is demanding the moderaters engage in censorship (any more than they already do). Rather the wish is that some censor themselves, as their repetitive comments are to the point of annoying and pointless to others. But of course they CAN continue posting.

However, if we are talking about free speech, all and any views that are negative in tone toward other comments, and do not violate forum rules, MUST BE as legitimate and allowable as any other, as otherwise that would be censorship, would it not...?

A rather circuitous argument, admittedly perhaps a trained lawyer should weigh in. :smile2:

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