Prices (3 Viewers)

I don't buy it either...Prices have risen too rapidly to make the arguement for increased production costs in China (or wherever)....Yes overhead costs are a factor...but..... it's partly the philosophy of: "prices are set at what the market will bear"....That may work for gasoline,food and other essential items......If some people are still happy with these price points fine..."exspect more"...and get a second job to PAY MORE????...LOL you're kidding.... many of us really enjoy this hobby but we are not enslaved to it....Ultimately as in all markets the buyers decide weather a product is "worth it".

K+C is "worth"it.
It doesn't hurt to accentuate the positive on occasion. Sometimes I deliberate about the price when buying something, not just a TS, but when I've spent the money I don't worry about what I've spent but enjoy it.

I rarely hear this amount of teeth gnashing in other areas. Life is too short I think.
Frank is perfectly correct when he says we have to ask is the cost worth it? For me it absolutely is, I may buy less from other producers these days but it's K&C that got me collecting WW2 and no one else has been able to tempt me away. Keep up the good work K&C^&cool

usually, someone mentions buy what you like and buy what you can afford and, the conversation dies a death. any Takers!!!! lol
I'm new to the forum, I just want to ask a question that's been really bothering me. I've been collecting for about 3 years, which I've spent a good part of my money. When I first started to collect minatures the prices for two people would be $50 only to be increased to $74 in 3 short, but wonderful years. My question is why did the price increase in 3 years? I'm just a freshman at high school, my wallet is having a diffcult time keeping up against these ever so increasing prices.:(

It's a shame that the hobby is pricing out the regular collector and seems that it will only cater to people with deep pockets. Regardless if you collect one or two lines within one company, prices are becoming way too much. The above collector should be able to enjoy this hobby without going bankrupt in the process.

One can purchase a highly detailed HO scale motorized train engine that runs and lights up for alot less than we pay for some of the AFV.

Funny thing. I believe the collecting of Toy Soldiers started with children and now it seems to be limited to adults.
usually, someone mentions buy what you like and buy what you can afford and, the conversation dies a death. any Takers!!!! lol

Buy what you like and buy what you can afford{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Buy what you like and buy what you can afford? What is this statement but water torture. If I buy what I like, I am in the poorhouse in 5-10 minutes. If I buy what I can afford (or common sense dictates) I may as well end it now! {sm2}{sm3}{sm4}{sm2}{sm3}{sm4} Gotta love this hobby.^&grin -- Al
usually, someone mentions buy what you like and buy what you can afford and, the conversation dies a death. any Takers!!!! lol

Mitch, how about a spin on your words: like what you buy and afford what you buy!:wink2:

Mitch, how about a spin on your words: like what you buy and afford what you buy!:wink2:

A much better mantra.{sm4} Now I can step down off the ledge.{sm3} -- Al
A much better mantra.{sm4} Now I can step down off the ledge.{sm3} -- Al

Al, my good lady instilled the ' afford what you buy' on me!:wink2::rolleyes2:

Al, my good lady instilled the ' afford what you buy' on me!:wink2::rolleyes2:

Rob, if my better half ever audits the books, I'll be right back up on the ledge.{eek3}:rolleyes2:{sm2}{sm4} -- Al
Rob, if my better half ever audits the books, I'll be right back up on the ledge.{eek3}:rolleyes2:{sm2}{sm4} -- Al


Don't do it Al!! I still have ACW questions for you!!^&grin


Don't do it Al!! I still have ACW questions for you!!^&grin

LOL. No worries. That drastic climax will only occur in the event of an audit or probing questions or if she actually realizes how many TS there actually are...^&grin -- Al
LOL. No worries. That drastic climax will only occur in the event of an audit or probing questions or if she actually realizes how many TS there actually are...^&grin -- Al


I use a little ruse in which my office is so untidy my wife would not want to go in there and count my soldiers and tanks....well thats my excuse Al!:wink2:

Man O Man
I wish i could afford what i like
or what i like i could afford
It don't work for me
I'm a bit dismayed at the drastic increases in prices for King and Country and other manufactures as well. When I look at all my old vehicles, and see tanks that came with as many as 3 to 4 crew members, with a price tag of $89.00 to $125.00, which was not that long ago. I can see how people will leave this hobby or seriously cut back on purchases. I have decided to only buy one tank or vehicle per year. I truly like this new priest, but at 300.00 for the set, it will be my only purchase, regardless whatever comes out this year. Let's face it, to make this tank complete, you really need the shell loading crew, which brings the cost to $300.00. I'm sure a lot of collectors have kids getting ready for college, and I can't justify spending thousands on models. My real concern, is that these continued price increases in this weak economy, will eventually, put King and Country and others into bankruptcy. It can easily happen if customer finally says enough!

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